
18-letter words containing t, a, c, i, e

  • hypernationalistic — a person devoted to nationalism.
  • hypogastric artery — iliac artery (def 3).
  • hysterical reasons — (Or "hysterical raisins") A variant on the stock phrase "for historical reasons", indicating specifically that something must be done in some stupid way for backward compatibility, and moreover that the feature it must be compatible with was the result of a bad design in the first place. "All IBM PC video adaptors have to support MDA text mode for hysterical reasons." Compare bug-for-bug compatible.
  • identification tag — either of two oblong metal tags, issued to armed forces personnel, on which are impressed the serial number, name, etc., of the person to whom it is issued, and carried on or about the person at all times.
  • impedance matching — the technique of choosing or adjusting electric circuits and components so that the impedance of the load is equal to the internal impedance of the power source, thereby optimizing the power transfer from source to load.
  • impingement attack — a form of corrosion of metals caused by erosion of the oxide layer by a moving fluid in which there are suspended particles or air bubbles
  • imploded consonant — a consonant which is pronounced with or by implosion
  • in accordance with — conforming to
  • in black and white — without colour
  • in compliance with — in accordance with
  • in inverted commas — If you say in inverted commas after a word or phrase, you are indicating that it is inaccurate or unacceptable in some way, or that you are quoting someone else.
  • in terrorem clause — a clause in a will stating that a beneficiary who contests the will shall lose his or her legacy.
  • in that/which case — You say in that case or in which case to indicate that what you are going to say is true if the possible situation that has just been mentioned actually exists.
  • in the face of sth — If you take a particular action or attitude in the face of a problem or difficulty, you respond to that problem or difficulty in that way.
  • in the first place — firstly
  • incapacity benefit — (in Britain) a regular government payment made to people who are unable to work for an extended period through disability
  • incidental charges — Incidental charges are costs of items and services that are not part of the main bill.
  • incidental damages — law: incurred by contract breach
  • income maintenance — a government program that provides financial assistance to needy people so that they can maintain a certain income level.
  • incommensurability — not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
  • inconsequentiality — of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial.
  • incremental backup — (operating system)   A kind of backup that copies all files which have changed since the date of the previous backup. The first backup of a file system should include all files - a "full backup". Call this level 0. The next backup could also be a full level 0 backup but it is usually much quicker to do a level 1 backup which will include only those files which have changed since the level 0 backup. Together the level 0 and level 1 backups will include the latest version of every file. Level 1 backups can be made until, say, the backup tape is nearly full, after which we can switch to level 2. Each level includes those files which have changed since the last backup at a lower level. The more levels you use, the longer it will take to restore the latest version of a file (or all files) if you don't know when it was last modified. Compare differential backup.
  • indecent behaviour — the offence of committing indecent acts
  • indefinite article — an article, as English a, an, that denotes class membership of the noun it modifies without particularizing it.
  • independent clause — a clause that can stand alone as a sentence, containing a subject and a predicate with a finite verb, as I was there in the sentence I was there when he arrived.
  • indiscriminateness — The state of being indiscriminate.
  • indolebutyric acid — a white or yellowish, crystalline, water-insoluble powder, C 12 H 13 O 2 N, a plant hormone similar to indoleacetic acid and used for the same purposes.
  • inductive relation — A relation R between domains D and E is inductive if for all chains d1 .. dn in D and e1 .. en in E,
  • industrial vehicle — a vehicle designed for use in industry
  • infectious disease — illness spread by person to person
  • information centre — help desk, office
  • information office — an office where you can go to get information
  • inspector of taxes — an official of HMRC whose work is to assess individuals' income tax liability
  • insurance adjuster — An insurance adjuster is the same as a claims adjuster.
  • integrated circuit — a circuit of transistors, resistors, and capacitors constructed on a single semiconductor wafer or chip, in which the components are interconnected to perform a given function. Abbreviation: IC.
  • integrating factor — a factor that upon multiplying a differential equation with the right-hand side equal to zero makes the equation integrable, usually by making the resulting expression an exact differential of some function.
  • intelligence agent — a person who works for an intelligence agency; a spy
  • intensional object — the object of a propositional attitude that may or may not exist, as in Robert is dreaming of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This must be an intensional (or opaque) context, for otherwise, since there is no pot of gold, Robert would be dreaming of nothing
  • intercartilaginous — (anatomy) Within cartilage.
  • interchangeability — (of two things) capable of being put or used in the place of each other: interchangeable symbols.
  • intercommunication — to communicate mutually, as people.
  • interface analysis — (testing)   A software test which checks the interfaces between program elements for consistency and adherence to predefined rules or axioms.
  • interior decorator — a person whose profession is the execution of interior design.
  • interlacing arcade — an arcade, especially a blind one, composed of arches (interlacing arches) so arranged and cut that each arch seems to intersect and be intersected by one or more other arches.
  • internal secretion — a secretion, esp a hormone, that is absorbed directly into the blood
  • international code — a code used at sea by the navies of certain nations, using a series of flags representing digits from zero through nine.
  • interstellar space — astronomy: space between the stars
  • investment account — a bank account in which money is saved long-term to accrue interest
  • investment casting — a casting process in which an expendable pattern is surrounded by an investment compound and then baked so that the investment is hardened to form a mold and the pattern material may be melted and run off.
  • investment company — a company that invests its funds in other companies and issues its own securities against these investments.
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