
10-letter words containing s, i, t, a

  • ultrabasic — (of rocks) containing iron and magnesium, with little or no silica.
  • ultraistic — extremism.
  • ultraslick — extremely smooth or slippery
  • ultrasonic — of, relating to, or utilizing ultrasound.
  • ultravirus — filterable virus.
  • unactorish — not resembling or characteristic of actors or acting
  • unartistic — not conforming to the standards of art; not aesthetically appealing: The architecture was crude and unartistic.
  • unassisted — to give support or aid to; help: Please assist him in moving the furniture.
  • uncautious — showing, using, or characterized by caution: a cautious man; To be cautious is often to show wisdom.
  • unchastity — not chaste; not virtuous; not pure: an unchaste woman.
  • underwaist — a blouse worn under another.
  • unicostate — having only one costa, rib, or ridge.
  • uniseptate — Biology. having only one septum or partition, as a silicle.
  • uniseriate — arranged in a single row or line.
  • unisolated — to set or place apart; detach or separate so as to be alone.
  • unit sales — Unit sales refers to the number of individual items that a company sells.
  • unmanifest — Psychoanalysis. of or relating to conscious feelings, ideas, and impulses that contain repressed psychic material: the manifest content of a dream as opposed to the latent content that it conceals.
  • unsanctify — to unhallow
  • unsanitary — not sanitary; unhealthy or unhealthful; tending to harbor or spread disease: unsanitary living conditions.
  • unsatiable — capable of being satiated.
  • unsatiated — satisfied, as one's appetite or desire, to the point of boredom.
  • unsituated — located; placed.
  • unstacking — a more or less orderly pile or heap: a precariously balanced stack of books; a neat stack of papers.
  • unsteadily — not steady or firm; unstable; shaky: an unsteady hand.
  • unstrained — not under strain or tension: an easy, unstrained manner.
  • unstriated — marked with striae; furrowed; striped; streaked.
  • unsuitable — not suitable; inappropriate; unfitting; unbecoming.
  • unsuitably — in an inappropriate or unfit manner
  • unusuality — unusualness; the state or condition of being unusual.
  • up against — to, toward, or in a more elevated position: to climb up to the top of a ladder.
  • upstanding — upright; honorable; straightforward.
  • urbanistic — of or relating to urbanism.
  • useability — available or convenient for use: 2000 square feet of usable office space.
  • ustulation — the act of scorching or burning.
  • usucapient — (of property) in possession of: occupying
  • usumacinta — a river in Central America, flowing NW along the W Guatemala-SE Mexico border, through Mexico, to the Gulf of Campeche. About 600 miles (965 km) long.
  • usurpation — an act of usurping; wrongful or illegal encroachment, infringement, or seizure.
  • utopianism — the views or habit of mind of a utopian; impracticable schemes of political or social reform.
  • utopianist — the views or habit of mind of a utopian; impracticable schemes of political or social reform.
  • utsunomiya — a city on central Honshu, in central Japan.
  • uzbekistan — a republic in S central Asia. 172,741 sq. mi. (447,400 sq. km). Capital: Tashkent.
  • valentinus — Valentine (def 2).
  • valvulitis — inflammation of a valve, especially a heart valve, often caused by rheumatic fever.
  • vanishment — to disappear from sight, especially quickly; become invisible: The frost vanished when the sun came out.
  • vansittartSir Robert Gilbert, 1st Baron Vansittart of Denham, 1881–1957, British statesman and diplomat.
  • varicosity — the state or condition of being varicose.
  • vasculitis — inflammation of veins, arteries, capillaries, or lymph vessels.
  • vasoactive — of or relating to a substance, drug, or event that changes the diameter of a blood vessel.
  • vasomotion — the change in diameter of a blood vessel.
  • vaticanism — the doctrine of the absolute supremacy of the pope.
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