
10-letter words containing s, i, t, a

  • striptease — a burlesque act in which a dancer removes garments one at a time to the accompaniment of music.
  • strobilate — to undergo strobilation
  • stromateid — any of numerous small marine fishes of the family Stromateidae, having a laterally compressed body and an expanded muscular esophagus, often lined with teeth.
  • stupration — an act of ravishing or a violation
  • subaquatic — living or growing partly on land, partly in water.
  • subarticle — an article that forms part of a larger or main article
  • subatomics — the study of subatomic particles
  • subcabinet — a group of advisers ranking below the cabinet level, chosen by a chief executive usually from members of the various executive departments.
  • subdialect — a division of a larger dialect
  • subhepatic — of or relating to the liver.
  • subintimal — the innermost membrane or lining of some organ or part, especially that of an artery, vein, or lymphatic.
  • subintrant — having attacks or fits one after the other
  • sublattice — a set of elements of a lattice, in which each subset of two elements has a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound contained in the given set.
  • submediant — the sixth tone of a diatonic scale, being midway between the subdominant and the upper tonic.
  • subnitrate — a basic salt of nitric acid.
  • suboptimal — being below an optimal level or standard.
  • suborbital — (of a spacecraft) not in orbit; not achieving an altitude and velocity resulting in a ballistic trajectory circling the earth at least once.
  • subprimate — a primitive variety of primate
  • substation — a branch of a main post office.
  • subterrain — a cave or subterranean room.
  • subvariety — a minor or subordinate variety
  • sudatorium — a hot-air bath for inducing sweating.
  • sufflation — to inflate.
  • suffragist — an advocate of the grant or extension of political suffrage, especially to women.
  • sulphatise — to convert into a sulfate, as by the roasting of ores.
  • sunbathing — to take a sunbath.
  • suntan oil — an oil that you rub into your skin to protect it from the sun's harmful UV rays
  • suntanning — the action or process of acquiring a suntan
  • superation — the action or process of superating, overcoming or surpassing
  • supergiant — Astronomy. supergiant star.
  • superpaint — (graphics)   A pioneering graphics program and framebuffer computer system developed by Richard Shoup at Xerox PARC. Design started in 1972 and the system produced its first stable image in April 1973. SuperPaint was one of the first computers used for creative work, video editing and animation, all which would become major sections within the entertainment industry and major components of industrial design. SuperPaint had a graphical user interface and could capture images from video input or combine them with digital data. SuperPaint was the first program with features such as changing hue, saturation and value, a colour palette, custom polygons and lines, virtual paintbrushes and pencils, auto-filling of images and anti-aliasing.
  • supination — rotation of the hand or forearm so that the palmar surface is facing upward (opposed to pronation).
  • suppliants — a tragedy (c463 b.c.) by Aeschylus.
  • supplicant — supplicating.
  • supplicate — to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition.
  • supraoptic — above the optic chiasm
  • supravital — pertaining to or involving a staining method for a preparation of living cells.
  • surrealist — a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or nonrational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc.
  • surreality — of, relating to, or characteristic of surrealism, an artistic and literary style; surrealistic.
  • sustaining — to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure.
  • suturation — the act of suturing
  • suzerainty — the position or authority of a suzerain.
  • sweat suit — a set of garments consisting of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
  • sweatshirt — a loose, long-sleeved, collarless pullover of soft, absorbent fabric, as cotton jersey, with close-fitting or elastic cuffs and sometimes a drawstring at the waist, commonly worn during athletic activity for warmth or to induce sweating.
  • switchable — a slender, flexible shoot, rod, etc., used especially in whipping or disciplining.
  • switchback — a highway, as in a mountainous area, having many hairpin curves.
  • switchgear — switching equipment used in an electric power station.
  • switchyard — a railroad yard in which rolling stock is distributed or made up into trains.
  • sybaritism — (usually lowercase) a person devoted to luxury and pleasure.
  • symmetrian — an advocate of symmetry
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