
10-letter words containing s, i, t, a

  • side plate — a small plate used for bread or other accompaniments to a meal
  • side table — a table intended to be placed against a wall.
  • side-table — a table intended to be placed against a wall.
  • sideration — sudden paralysis of a part of the body
  • siderostat — a telescopic device for reflecting the light of a star in a constant direction, the chief component of which is a plane mirror turned by a clock mechanism to correct for the rotation of the earth.
  • sidestream — (of cigarette smoke) inhaled by passive smokers
  • siegecraft — the science or skill of conducting a siege
  • sight-read — Someone who can sight-read can play or sing music from a printed sheet the first time they see it, without practising it beforehand.
  • signalment — a detailed description, especially of distinctive features, of a person for identification, usually for police purposes.
  • signifiant — signifier (def 2).
  • silentiary — someone who keeps silence in court
  • silvertail — a person of affluence or influence.
  • similarity — the state of being similar; likeness; resemblance.
  • similative — implying likeness
  • simulation — imitation or enactment, as of something anticipated or in testing.
  • simulative — to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions.
  • simulatory — to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions.
  • sinarquist — a member or advocate of an ultrareactionary, semifascist movement organized in Mexico about 1937.
  • single tax — a tax, as on land, that constitutes the sole source of public revenue.
  • sinoatrial — relating to specific tissue in the wall of the right atrium of the heart that acts as a pacemaker
  • sit around — be idle, lounge about
  • sit shivah — to mourn
  • sitophobia — abnormal aversion to food.
  • six-seater — a vehicle vehicle providing seats for six people
  • sixth year — (in Scotland) the most senior class in a secondary school to which pupils, usually above the legal leaving age, may proceed to take sixth-year studies, retake or take additional Highers, etc
  • skaithless — without injury or damage
  • skin graft — skin used for transplanting in skin grafting.
  • skin patch — an adhesive patch stuck to the skin to slowly and steadily release medicine into the bloodstream
  • slack suit — a man's suit for casual wear consisting of slacks and a matching shirt or loose-fitting jacket.
  • slactivism — the public proclaiming of one's political beliefs through activities that require little effort or commitment
  • slathering — to spread or apply thickly: to slather butter on toast.
  • slipstream — Aeronautics. the airstream pushed back by a revolving aircraft propeller. Compare backwash (def 2), wash (def 31).
  • sluicegate — an artificial channel for conducting water, often fitted with a gate (sluice gate) at the upper end for regulating the flow.
  • small-time — of modest or insignificant size, importance, or influence: a small-time politician.
  • smaragdite — a green, foliated member of the amphibole group.
  • smartdrive — (storage, product)   A Microsoft MS DOS disk cache program to speed up disk access. For most users, a 1MB cache is sufficient. Devoting more memory to the cache offers diminishing returns, since the additional cache hits become fewer (and the extra memory could be better used to reduce swapping). Typing SMARTDRV /S at a DOS prompt shows the cache size, a hit-and-miss report, and information about which drives are being cached. The hit-and-miss statistics are crucial for gauging the effectiveness of SmartDrive settings. A score in the high 80s shows that SmartDrive is well configured. Run SMARTDRV /S several times during a Windows session and note the-hit-and-miss figures each time. If your percentage usually falls below 80 percent, you should consider increasing the cache size. You can edit the SMARTDRV line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to increase both the InitCacheSize and the WinCacheSize parameters. SmartDrive Monitor is an undocumented Windows program that comes with DOS 6.0 for logging and controling the cache.
  • smattering — slight or superficial knowledge; smattering.
  • smithcraft — the work or craft of a smith
  • snail kite — a bird of prey, Rostrhamus sociabilis, that travels in flocks in the American tropics and feeds on snails.
  • snow train — a train that takes passengers to and from a winter resort area.
  • societally — noting or pertaining to large social groups, or to their activities, customs, etc.
  • sociopathy — a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
  • soda niter — a white or transparent mineral, sodium nitrate, NaNO 3 , used chiefly as a fertilizer and in the manufacture of sulfuric and nitric acids and potassium nitrate.
  • sodcasting — the practice of playing music through the speakers of a mobile phone in a public space
  • soi-disant — calling oneself thus; self-styled.
  • soil stack — a vertical soil pipe.
  • solicitant — a solicitor
  • solidarist — a person who adheres to solidarism
  • solidarity — union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
  • solitarian — a hermit
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