
10-letter words containing s, i, t, a

  • secretaire — any writing desk resembling a secretary.
  • secularist — secular spirit or tendency, especially a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship.
  • secularity — secular views or beliefs; secularism.
  • sedimental — of, relating to, or of the nature of sediment.
  • see action — to participate in military combat
  • semantical — of, relating to, or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols: semantic change; semantic confusion.
  • semblative — resembling
  • semestrial — (in many educational institutions) a division constituting half of the regular academic year, lasting typically from 15 to 18 weeks.
  • semi-bantu — a group of languages of W Africa, mainly SE Nigeria and Cameroon, that were not traditionally classed as Bantu but that show certain essential Bantu characteristics. They are now classed with Bantu in the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo family
  • semilethal — a semilethal gene
  • semination — a sowing or impregnating; dissemination.
  • semiotical — of or relating to signs.
  • semipostal — a postage stamp sold by a government at a premium above its face value, the excess being used for a nonpostal purpose, as a charity.
  • senatorial — of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or befitting a senator or senate: senatorial oratory.
  • sensualist — a person given to the indulgence of the senses or appetites.
  • sensuality — sensual nature: the sensuality of Keats's poetry.
  • sentential — pertaining to or of the nature of a sentence.
  • separation — an act or instance of separating or the state of being separated.
  • separatism — a person who separates, withdraws, or secedes, as from an established church.
  • separatist — a person who separates, withdraws, or secedes, as from an established church.
  • separative — tending to separate.
  • separatrix — something that divides or separates, as the line between light and dark areas on a partially illuminated surface.
  • septennial — occurring every seven years.
  • septicemia — the invasion and persistence of pathogenic bacteria in the blood-stream.
  • septicidal — (of a capsule) dehiscing lengthwise along a septum.
  • septuagint — the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament, traditionally said to have been translated by 70 or 72 Jewish scholars at the request of Ptolemy II: most scholars believe that only the Pentateuch was completed in the early part of the 3rd century b.c. and that the remaining books were translated in the next two centuries.
  • sequential — characterized by regular sequence of parts.
  • serial ata — Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
  • sertraline — a drug, C 17 H 17 NCl 2 ·HCl, of the SSRI class, used in the treatment of depression.
  • sewability — the ability to be sewn or stitched
  • sex addict — a person who is addicted to engaging in sexual activity
  • sexivalent — hexavalent.
  • sexpartite — divided into or consisting of six parts.
  • shacharith — the religious service celebrated by Jews every morning.
  • shagtastic — sexually attractive; sexy
  • shahaptian — Sahaptian
  • sharenting — the habitual use of social media to share news, images, etc of one’s children
  • shattering — to break (something) into pieces, as by a blow.
  • sheathbill — either of two white sea birds, Chionis alba or C. minor, of the colder parts of the Southern Hemisphere: so called from the horny sheath covering the base of the upper bill.
  • shipmaster — a person who commands a ship; master; captain.
  • shirt-tail — the part of a shirt below the waistline.
  • shirtmaker — a person who makes shirts.
  • shirtwaist — a tailored blouse or shirt worn by women.
  • shit-faced — very drunk.
  • short-laid — hard-laid.
  • shotmaking — the playing of good shots (by a sports player)
  • show trial — (especially in a totalitarian state) the public trial of a political offender conducted chiefly for propagandistic purposes, as to suppress further dissent against the government by making an example of the accused.
  • shrievalty — the office, term, or jurisdiction of a sheriff.
  • sibilatory — characterized by hissing or whistling
  • siddhartha — an epithet of Buddha meaning “he who has attained his goal.”.
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