
16-letter words containing s, h

  • hacienda heights — a city in SW California, near Los Angeles.
  • haemochromatosis — (British spelling) alternative spelling of hemochromatosis.
  • haile selassie i — (Ras Tafari) 1891–1975, emperor of Ethiopia 1930–74: in exile 1936–41.
  • hailing distance — the distance within which the human voice can be heard: They sailed within hailing distance of the island.
  • hairbrush cactus — a stout, spiny cactus, Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum, of Mexico, having white flowers and bristly fruits sometimes used locally as combs.
  • hamadryas baboon — a baboon, Papio (Comopithecus) hamadryas, of Ethiopia, the male of which has a mantle of long, dark hair about the head and shoulders: held sacred by the ancient Egyptians.
  • hammer and tongs — with great vigor, determination, or vehemence: When he starts a job he goes at it hammer and tongs.
  • hammerstein (ii) — Oscar1895-1960; U.S. librettist & lyricist of musical comedies
  • hamming distance — (data)   The minimum number of bits that must be changed in order to convert one bit string into another. Named after the mathematician Richard Hamming.
  • hamstring injury — an instance of physical damage to a person's hamstring
  • hand screw clamp — a screw that can be tightened by the fingers, without the aid of a tool.
  • handling charges — a fee paid to cover the packaging, transport, etc, of a commodity
  • hanseatic league — a medieval league of towns of northern Germany and adjacent countries for the promotion and protection of commerce.
  • hansen's disease — leprosy.
  • happenstantially — (rare) By happenstance; occurring due to random chance.
  • hard times token — any of a series of U.S. copper tokens, issued 1834–41, bearing a political inscription or advertising message and serving as currency during coin shortages.
  • hard-packed snow — snow which becomes very firmly packed as it becomes refrozen due to cold weather conditions rather than melting
  • hare's-foot fern — a fern, Polypodium aureum, of tropical America, having a brown, scaly rootstock and green or deep bluish-green fronds.
  • harvard graphics — (graphics, tool)   A presentation graphics product by Software Publishing Corporation (SPC) for creating presentations, speeches, slides, etc..
  • harvest festival — religious celebration of crops gathered
  • harvey firestoneHarvey Samuel, 1868–1938, U.S. industrialist and rubber manufacturer.
  • has the x nature — (From Zen Buddhist koans of the form "Does an X have the Buddha-nature?") Common hacker construction for "is an X", used for humorous emphasis. "Anyone who can't even use a program with on-screen help embedded in it truly has the loser nature!" See also the X that can be Y is not the true X.
  • haussmannization — Georges Eugène [zhawrzh œ-zhen] /ʒɔrʒ œˈʒɛn/ (Show IPA), Baron, 1809–91, French administrator who improved the landscaping, street designs, and utilities systems of Paris.
  • have issues with — If someone has issues with a particular aspect of their life, they have problems connected with it.
  • have no business — an occupation, profession, or trade: His business is poultry farming.
  • have sb to thank — If you say that you have someone to thank for something, you mean that you are grateful to them because they caused it to happen.
  • haversian system — a Haversian canal and the series of concentric bony plates surrounding it.
  • hawaiian gardens — a town in SW California.
  • hawksbill turtle — a sea turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, the shell of which is the source of tortoise shell: an endangered species.
  • hay-scented fern — a fern, Dennstaedtia punctilobula, of eastern North America, having brittle, yellow-green fronds.
  • hayes-compatible — (communications)   A description of a modem which understands the same set of commands as one made by Hayes.
  • haymarket square — a square in Chicago: scene of a riot (Haymarket Riot) in 1886 between police and labor unionists.
  • head post office — the main post office in a town
  • headmistressship — (rare) Alternative form of headmistress-ship.
  • heads-up display — an electronic display of data from instruments or other sources projected at eye level so that a driver or pilot sees it without looking away from the road or course. Abbreviation: HUD.
  • health food shop — a shop which sells health foods
  • health inspector — a public employee who inspects places such as restaurants, shops, factories etc to make sure they are hygienic and do not pose any dangers to health
  • health insurance — insurance that compensates the insured for expenses or loss incurred for medical reasons, as through illness or hospitalization.
  • health-conscious — having an active interest in one's health
  • hearsay evidence — testimony based on what a witness has heard from another person rather than on direct personal knowledge or experience.
  • heart transplant — surgery to replace a patient's heart
  • heat of solution — the heat evolved or absorbed when one mole of a substance dissolves completely in a large volume of solvent
  • heat prostration — heat exhaustion.
  • hedge one's bets — If you hedge your bets, you reduce the risk of losing a lot by supporting more than one person or thing in a situation where they are opposed to each other.
  • heir presumptive — a person who is expected to be the heir but whose expectations may be canceled by the birth of a nearer heir.
  • hemangioblastoma — (medicine) Any of several benign neoplasm tumours of the brain.
  • hematocrystallin — (biology, archaic) hemoglobin.
  • hemotherapeutics — hemotherapy.
  • hen of the woods — a large, grayish-brown, edible fungus, Polyporus frondosus, forming a mass of overlapping caps at the base of trees and somewhat resembling a hen.
  • hen-and-chickens — any of several succulent plants that grow in clusters or colonies formed by runners or offshoots, as those of the genera Echeveria and Sempervivum.
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