
16-letter words containing s, h

  • freshwater pearl — any of the small pearls produced especially by freshwater mussels.
  • friedrich engels — Friedrich [free-drikh] /ˈfri drɪx/ (Show IPA), 1820–95, German socialist in England: collaborated with Karl Marx in systematizing Marxism.
  • from one's heart — very sincerely or deeply
  • ft share indexes — any of a number of share indexes published by the Financial Times to reflect various aspects of stock exchange prices
  • full speed ahead — train: at top speed
  • full steam ahead — If something such as a plan or a project goes full steam ahead, it progresses quickly.
  • functional shift — a change in the grammatical function of a word, as in the use of the noun input as a verb or the noun fun as an adjective.
  • furniture polish — product: shines wood
  • gadsden purchase — a tract of 45,535 sq. mi. (117,935 sq. km), now contained in New Mexico and Arizona, purchased for $10,000,000 from Mexico in 1853, the treaty being negotiated by James Gadsden.
  • garfield heights — a city in NE Ohio, near Cleveland.
  • garlic mushrooms — mushrooms, often pan-fried, cooked with garlic
  • gastroesophageal — Of or relating to the stomach and to the esophagus.
  • gender dysphoria — a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by a lack of congruence between gender identity and biological sex assigned at birth.
  • general hospital — A general hospital is a hospital that does not specialize in the treatment of particular illnesses or patients.
  • geochronologists — Plural form of geochronologist.
  • geostrophic wind — a wind whose velocity and direction are mathematically defined by the balanced relationship of the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force: conceived as blowing parallel to isobars.
  • gerontomorphosis — Biology. evolutionary specialization of a species to a degree that decreases its capability for further adaptation and eventually leads to its extinction.
  • get sth straight — If you get something straight, you make sure that you understand it properly or that someone else does.
  • girls' night out — an evening spent outside of the home by a group of women
  • give sb the slip — If you give someone the slip, you escape from them when they are following you or watching you.
  • glendale heights — a city in NE Illinois.
  • glory-of-the-sun — a bulbous, Chilean plant, Leucocoryne ixioides, of the amaryllis family, having fragrant, white or blue flowers.
  • glossopharyngeal — of or relating to the tongue and pharynx.
  • glove anesthesia — loss of sensation in the hand
  • gnu archive site — (body)   The main GNU FTP archive is on gnu.org but copies ("mirrors") of some or all of the files there are also held on many other computers around the world. To avoid overloading gnu.org and the Internet you should FTP files from the machine closest to yours. Look for a directory like /pub/gnu, /mirrors/gnu, /systems/gnu or /archives/gnu.
  • go off the rails — If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example they start taking drugs or breaking the law.
  • go to one's head — If alcoholic drink goes to your head, it makes you feel drunk.
  • gold star mother — an American woman whose son or daughter has died while serving in the United States Armed Forces
  • golden handcuffs — payments deferred over a number of years that induce a person to stay with a particular company or in a particular job
  • golden handshake — a special incentive, as generous severance pay, given to an older employee as an inducement to elect early retirement.
  • golden horseshoe — the urban and agricultural area surrounding Toronto.
  • goldsmith beetle — a brilliant golden scarabaeid beetle, Cetonia aurata, of Europe.
  • good housekeeper — a person who is an efficient and thrifty domestic manager
  • good-heartedness — the quality of being good-hearted
  • government house — the official residence of a colonial governor, as in a British Commonwealth country.
  • graphic designer — person: commercial artist
  • graphics adapter — graphics adaptor
  • graphics adaptor — (hardware, graphics)   (Or "graphics adapter", "graphics card", "video adaptor", etc.) A circuit board fitted to a computer, especially an IBM PC, containing the necessary video memory and other electronics to provide a bitmap display. Adaptors vary in the resolution (number of pixels) and number of colours they can display, and in the refresh rate they support. These parameters are also limited by the monitor to which the adaptor is connected. A number of such display standards, e.g. SVGA, have become common and different software requires or supports different sets.
  • grasp the nettle — If you grasp the nettle, you deal with a problem, or do something that is unpleasant, quickly and in a determined way.
  • gray nurse shark — a sand shark, Odontaspis arenarius, abundant in S African and Australian coastal waters and estuaries.
  • grey nurse shark — a common greyish Australian shark, Odontaspis arenarius
  • grit one's teeth — abrasive particles or granules, as of sand or other small, coarse impurities found in the air, food, water, etc.
  • growth substance — any substance, produced naturally by a plant or manufactured commercially, that, in very low concentrations, affects plant growth; a plant hormone
  • gruyère (cheese) — a light-yellow Swiss cheese, very rich in butterfat
  • gulf of honduras — an inlet of the Caribbean, on the coasts of Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize
  • gum up the works — exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
  • guy fawkes night — In Britain, Guy Fawkes Night is the evening of 5th November, when many people have parties with bonfires and fireworks. It began as a way of remembering the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Guy Fawkes Night is often referred to as 'Bonfire Night'.
  • gynandromorphism — an individual exhibiting morphological characteristics of both sexes.
  • gynandromorphous — an individual exhibiting morphological characteristics of both sexes.
  • gyratory crusher — A gyratory crusher is a crusher in which a cone-shaped rod rotates in a cone-shaped bowl.
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