
14-letter words containing s, a, r, m, e, n

  • narcoterrorism — terrorist tactics employed by dealers in illicit drugs, as against competitors or government agents.
  • necessarianism — (philosophy, metaphysics, theology) An extreme form of determinism that holds that all phenomena, including the will, are subject to immutable rules of cause and effect; necessitarianism.
  • negri sembilan — a state in Malaysia, on the SW Malay Peninsula. 2580 sq. mi. (6682 sq. km). Capital: Seremban.
  • neil armstrong — (Daniel) Louis ("Satchmo") 1900–71, U.S. jazz trumpeter and bandleader.
  • nematodiriasis — the condition, esp in sheep, of having parasitic nematode worms of the genus Nematodirus in the small intestine
  • neo-lamarckism — Lamarckism as expounded by later biologists who hold especially that some acquired characters of organisms may be inherited by descendants, but that natural selection also is a factor in evolution.
  • neo-surrealism — a revival of the 20th-century surrealism movement in art, especially painting and sculpture, depicting the imagery of dreams and the subconscious mind.
  • neoromanticism — (sometimes initial capital letter) Fine Arts. a style of painting developed in the 20th century, chiefly characterized by forms or images that project a sense of nostalgia and fantasy.
  • nephroblastoma — a malignant tumour arising from the embryonic kidney that occurs in young children, esp in the age range 3–8 years
  • neuroanatomist — the branch of anatomy dealing with the nervous system.
  • neuroblastomas — Plural form of neuroblastoma.
  • neurochemicals — Plural form of neurochemical.
  • neuromechanism — the function of the nervous system as it relates to its structure.
  • neutral monism — the theory that mind and matter consist of different relations between entities that are themselves neither mental nor physical.
  • new federalism — a plan, announced in 1969, to turn over the control of some federal programs to state and local governments and institute block grants, revenue sharing, etc.
  • new journalism — journalism containing the writer's personal opinions and reactions and often fictional asides as added color.
  • newspaperwoman — a woman employed by a newspaper or wire service as a reporter, writer, editor, etc.
  • newspaperwomen — Plural form of newspaperwoman.
  • no easy matter — If something is no easy matter, it is difficult to do it.
  • non-liberalism — the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
  • nonsymmetrical — Not symmetrical.
  • norman english — the dialect of English used by the Norman conquerors of England
  • nuclear isomer — isomer (def 2).
  • numeral system — any notation for the representation of numerals or numbers.
  • ocularcentrism — The privileging of vision over the other senses.
  • ondes martenot — an electronic keyboard instrument in which the frequency of an oscillator is varied to produce separate musical notes
  • open classroom — a spacious instructional area shared by several groups or classes in elementary school, permitting more individualized, less supervised project learning and movement of pupils from one activity to another.
  • operationalism — the doctrine that the meaning of a scientific term, concept, or proposition consists of the operation or operations performed in defining or demonstrating it.
  • options market — a market in which options are traded
  • orange blossom — the white flower of an orange tree, especially of the genus Citrus, much used in wreaths, bridal bouquets, etc.: the state flower of Florida.
  • ornamentations — Plural form of ornamentation.
  • osmoregulation — the process by which cells and simple organisms maintain fluid and electrolyte balance with their surroundings.
  • osteochondroma — (medicine) A benign tumor consisting of bone or cartilage.
  • outer garments — the garments that are worn over a person's other clothes
  • overadjustment — an adjustment that is too great
  • overallotments — Plural form of overallotment.
  • overcompensate — to compensate or reward excessively; overpay: Some stockholders feel the executives are being overcompensated and that bonuses should be reduced.
  • overenthusiasm — absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest: He shows marked enthusiasm for his studies.
  • overestimating — Present participle of overestimate.
  • overestimation — An excessive estimation.
  • oyster farming — the activity of cultivating oysters for food or pearls
  • parenchymatous — Botany. the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
  • parent message — (messaging)   What a followup follows up.
  • passenger mile — a unit of measurement, consisting of one mile traveled by a passenger, that airlines, railroads, and other public transportation facilities use in recording volume of traffic.
  • persian empire — Persia (def 1).
  • phallocentrism — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • pneumothoraces — the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity.
  • post-treatment — an act or manner of treating.
  • pre-assumption — something taken for granted; a supposition: a correct assumption. Synonyms: presupposition; hypothesis, conjecture, guess, postulate, theory.
  • precision-made — made to precise specifications
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