
14-letter words containing s, a, r, m, e, n

  • term insurance — an insurance policy that provides coverage for a limited period, the value payable only if a loss occurs within the term, with nothing payable upon its expiration.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminus a quo — the end from which; beginning; starting point; earliest limiting point.
  • test marketing — to offer (a new product) for sale, usually in a limited area, in order to ascertain and evaluate consumer response.
  • testamentarily — in a testamentary manner
  • the samaritans — a voluntary organization which offers counselling to people in despair, esp by telephone
  • the surinamese — the people of Surinam collectively
  • thermal spring — a spring whose temperature is higher than the mean temperature of ground water in the area.
  • thermoanalysis — thermal analysis.
  • thermodynamics — the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.
  • thermostatting — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thomas youngerThomas Coleman ("Cole") 1844–1916, U.S. outlaw, associated with Jesse James.
  • time signature — a numerical or other indication at the beginning of a piece showing the meter.
  • trade unionism — the system, methods, or practice of trade or labor unions.
  • transempirical — beyond the range of experiential knowledge.
  • transformative — to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • transit number — an identifying number assigned by a banking organization to a bank and printed on its checks.
  • transit system — public transport service
  • transmasculine — noting or relating to a person who was born female but whose gender identity is more male than female.
  • transsexualism — a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex.
  • treponematosis — an infection caused by an organism of the genus Treponema, as syphilis, pinta, bejel, or yaws.
  • tridimensional — having three dimensions.
  • tripersonalism — the doctrine of three persons making up the Trinity
  • trumpeter swan — a large, pure-white, wild swan, Cygnus buccinator, of North America, having a sonorous cry: once near extinction, the species is now recovering.
  • tymshare, inc. — (company)   The US company that created the TYMNET network.
  • ultramasculine — extremely masculine
  • umbrella stand — an upright rack or stand for umbrellas
  • unadministered — to manage (affairs, a government, etc.); have executive charge of: to administer the law.
  • undemonstrable — not able to be made evident
  • underemphasize — to give less than sufficient emphasis to; minimize.
  • understatement — the act or an instance of understating, or representing in a weak or restrained way that is not borne out by the facts: The journalist wrote that the earthquake had caused some damage. This turned out to be a massive understatement of the devastation.
  • universal beam — a broad-flanged rolled steel joist suitable for a stanchion (axial load) or beam (bending load)
  • universal mill — a rolling mill having both horizontal and vertical rolls.
  • universal time — (time, standard)   (UT) The mean solar time along the prime meridian (0 longitude) that runs through the Greenwich Observatory outside of London, UK, where the current system originated. UT is tied to the rotation of the Earth in respect to the fictitious "mean Sun". There are three separate definitions, UT0, UT1, and UT2, depending on which corrections have been applied to the Earth's motion. Coordinated Universal Time is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1, by addition of leap seconds to International Atomic Time.
  • unmaterialised — not materialised
  • unsectarianism — the state or quality of being unsectarian
  • unsurmountable — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • untransmutable — intransmutable
  • uranium series — the radioactive series that starts with uranium 238 and ends with a stable isotope of lead of mass number 206.
  • vestmannaeyjar — a group of 14 small Icelandic islands off the S coast of Iceland.
  • water moccasin — the cottonmouth.
  • west glamorgan — a county in S Wales. 315 sq. mi. (815 sq. km).
  • winter jasmine — a shrub, Jasminum nudiflorum, of China, having winter-blooming, yellow flowers.
  • with open arms — the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
  • woman suffrage — the right of women to vote; female suffrage.
  • yeoman service — excellent service
  • young marrieds — young married people
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