
16-letter words containing s, a, m, p, r

  • fund supermarket — an online facility offering discounted investment opportunities and advice
  • gynandromorphism — an individual exhibiting morphological characteristics of both sexes.
  • gynandromorphous — an individual exhibiting morphological characteristics of both sexes.
  • hand screw clamp — a screw that can be tightened by the fingers, without the aid of a tool.
  • headmistressship — (rare) Alternative form of headmistress-ship.
  • hemotherapeutics — hemotherapy.
  • himachal pradesh — a state in N India. 21,495 sq. mi. (55,673 sq. km). Capital: Shimla.
  • hispano-american — Spanish.
  • hyper-patriotism — devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.
  • hyperandrogenism — (medicine) An abnormally high production of androgens.
  • hyperinsulinemia — (medicine) The condition of having an excessively high level of insulin in the blood, usually due to excess production.
  • hypermasculinity — pertaining to or characteristic of a man or men: masculine attire.
  • hyperpituitarism — overactivity of the pituitary gland.
  • hyperstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • hypervitaminosis — an abnormal condition caused by an excessive intake of vitamins.
  • ice-cream supper — an ice-cream social held in the late afternoon or early evening.
  • image processing — (graphics)   Computer manipulation of images. Some of the many algorithms used in image processing include convolution (on which many others are based), FFT, DCT, thinning (or skeletonisation), edge detection and contrast enhancement. These are usually implemented in software but may also use special purpose hardware for speed. Image processing contrasts with computer graphics, which is usually more concerned with the generation of artificial images, and visualisation, which attempts to understand (real-world) data by displaying it as an artificial image (e.g. a graph). Image processing is used in image recognition and computer vision. See also Pilot European Image Processing Archive.
  • immunodepressant — preventing or diminishing the immune response
  • impact extrusion — an extrusion process in which a slug of cold metal in a shallow die cavity is formed by the action of a rapidly moving punch that forces the metal through the die or back around the punch.
  • impact structure — a large geologic formation, as a crater, created by a comet's or meteor's collision with a planet.
  • impenetrableness — The quality of being impenetrable.
  • imperishableness — The characteristic or property of being imperishable.
  • import surcharge — a tax imposed on all imported goods, adding to any established tariffs
  • impracticalities — Plural form of impracticality.
  • inmos transputer — transputer
  • instrument panel — Also called instrument board. a panel on which are mounted an array of dials, lights, and gauges that monitor the performance of a machine or device, as an airplane.
  • inter-comparison — the act of comparing.
  • interest payment — a payment of interest on a loan or mortgage
  • intracytoplasmic — Located in the cytoplasm of a cell.
  • james oglethorpeJames Edward, 1696–1785, British general: founder of the colony of Georgia.
  • kaposi's sarcoma — a form of skin cancer found in Africans and more recently in victims of AIDS
  • kleptoparasitism — The parasitic theft of captured prey, nest material, etc. from animals of the same or another species.
  • knapsack problem — the problem of determining which numbers from a given collection of numbers have been added together to yield a specific sum: used in cryptography to encipher (and sometimes decipher) messages.
  • law of parsimony — a principle according to which an explanation of a thing or event is made with the fewest possible assumptions.
  • learner's permit — A learner's permit is a license that allows you to drive a vehicle before you have passed your driving test.
  • lever escapement — an escapement in which a pivoted lever, made to oscillate by the escape wheel, engages a balance staff and causes it to oscillate.
  • mach's principle — the proposition that there is no absolute space and that the inertia and acceleration of a body are determined by all of the matter of the universe.
  • macpherson strut — an automobile suspension-system component that consists of a strut combined with a spring and shock absorber and connects the wheel to the frame of the vehicle.
  • magnetic pyrites — Mineralogy. pyrrhotite.
  • magnetoreceptors — Plural form of magnetoreceptor.
  • malchus-porphyry — (Malchus) a.d. c233–c304, Greek philosopher.
  • malpractice suit — a lawsuit brought against a professional accused of illegal or unethical practices or neglect of duty
  • man and superman — a comedy (1903) by G. B. Shaw.
  • mangrove snapper — gray snapper.
  • manic depression — bipolar disorder.
  • manic-depressive — suffering from bipolar disorder.
  • maremma sheepdog — a large strongly-built sheepdog of a breed with a long, slightly wavy, white coat
  • marseille prolog — (language)   One of the two main dialects of Prolog, the other being Edinburgh Prolog. The difference is largely syntax. The original Marseille Interpreter (1973) was written in Fortran.
  • marsupialization — (surgery) The surgical technique of cutting a slit into a cyst and suturing its edges to form a continuous surface from the exterior to the interior of the cyst, allowing it to drain freely.
  • matthew of paris — c1200–59, English chronicler.
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