
13-letter words containing p, o, u, n

  • pharaoh hound — one of a breed of medium-sized gazehounds with a smooth coat, red to tan in color with white markings, and erect ears.
  • phonautograph — a piece of equipment that records sound visually by detecting the sound waves and indicating them on a graph
  • phylloquinone — vitamin K1.
  • phytonutrient — phytochemical.
  • piano quartet — a musical composition scored for piano and three other instruments, typically violin, viola, and cello.
  • piano quintet — a musical composition scored for a string quartet, or other combination of four instruments, and piano.
  • pick-up joint — a place where people go with the intention of meeting someone to start a sexual relationship with
  • pick-up point — the prearranged place where you go to collect people or things
  • picture phone — a mobile phone that can take, send, and receive photographs
  • picturization — to represent in a picture, especially in a motion picture; make a picture of.
  • pigouvian tax — a tax levied to counter an economic negative externality, for example taxing producers of industrial pollution in order to encourage pollution control
  • plain yoghurt — natural yoghurt, without added flavouring
  • plane journey — a journey made by flying in an aeroplane
  • plastoquinone — a quinone that occurs in the chloroplasts of plants and functions as an electron carrier during photosynthesis.
  • platiniferous — platinum-bearing
  • platitudinous — characterized by or given to platitudes.
  • plenitudinous — characterized or marked by plenitude.
  • plesiosaurian — a member of the reptile order Plesiosauria
  • plough monday — the first Monday after Epiphany, which in N and E England used to be celebrated with a procession of ploughmen drawing a plough from house to house
  • plumbosolvent — able to dissolve lead
  • plural voting — right to vote more than once
  • pluralization — to receive or take a plural form.
  • plus or minus — You use plus or minus to give the amount by which a particular number may vary.
  • pneumatograph — pneumograph.
  • pneumatolysis — the process by which rocks are altered or minerals and ores are formed by the action of vapors given off by magma.
  • pneumatolytic — resulting from pneumatolysis
  • pneumatometer — an instrument for measuring either the quantity of air inhaled or exhaled during a single inspiration or expiration or the force of inspiration or expiration.
  • pneumatophore — Botany. a specialized structure developed from the root in certain plants growing in swamps and marshes, serving as a respiratory organ.
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • pneumonectomy — excision of part or all of a lung.
  • pococurantism — a careless or indifferent person.
  • pococurantist — a person who demonstrates a tendency toward indifference
  • point d'appui — a support or prop
  • point success — a peak in W central Washington, to the S of Mount Rainier, in the Cascade Range.14,158 feet (4318 meters).
  • poison sumach — an anacardiaceous swamp shrub, Rhus (or Toxicodendron) vernix of the southeastern US, that has greenish-white berries and causes an itching rash on contact with the skin
  • polar nucleus — Botany. either of two female haploid nuclei, in the embryo sac of flowers, that fuse to produce a diploid nucleus, which combines with a male nucleus to form the endosperm.
  • pole-vaulting — a field sport in which competitors attempt to clear a high bar with the aid of an extremely flexible long pole
  • polliniferous — Botany. producing or bearing pollen.
  • polybutadiene — a rubberlike polymer of butadiene blended with other synthetics to replace natural rubber in tires.
  • polygonaceous — belonging to the Polygonaceae, the buckwheat family of plants.
  • pons asinorum — a geometric proposition that if a triangle has two of its sides equal, the angles opposite these sides are also equal: so named from the difficulty experienced by beginners in mastering it. Euclid, 1:5.
  • pont l'eveque — a strongly flavored, pale-yellow cheese with a soft center, made from whole or skimmed milk.
  • pop-down menu — pull-down menu
  • popular front — a coalition, usually temporary, of leftist and sometimes centrist political parties, formed against a common opponent, as fascism, and promoting social reform.
  • porcelaineous — like porcelain
  • porcupinefish — any of several fishes of the family Diodontidae, especially Diodon hystrix, of tropical seas, capable of inflating the body with water or air until it resembles a globe, with erection of the long spines covering the skin.
  • port language — ["Communicating Parallel Processes", J. Kerridge et al, Soft Prac & Exp 16(1):63-86 (Jan 1986)].
  • post-conquest — the act or state of conquering or the state of being conquered; vanquishment.
  • post-consumer — noting or pertaining to a product after it has been used and recycled: a chair made of postconsumer plastic.
  • post-freudian — of or relating to Sigmund Freud or his doctrines, especially with respect to the causes and treatment of neurotic and psychopathic states, the interpretation of dreams, etc.
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