
13-letter words containing p, o, u, n

  • spot reducing — the usually futile effort to exercise one part of the body, as the thighs, in hopes of reducing the amount of fat stored in that area.
  • spotted skunk — either of two small, nocturnal skunks of the genus Spilogale, distinguished by a white forehead patch and a luxuriant coat of broken stripes and spots, including S. putorius of temperate North America and S. pygmaea of Mexico.
  • spurious wing — alula (def 1).
  • steganopodous — belonging to the Stegandopodes or having all four toes webbed together
  • stenopetalous — having narrow petals.
  • stenophyllous — having narrow leaves.
  • step function — a function that is constant on each of a finite set of subintervals of its domain, the union of the subintervals being the domain.
  • sub-component — a constituent part; element; ingredient.
  • subemployment — insufficient employment in the labor force of a country, area, or industry, including unemployment and underemployment.
  • subpopulation — the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area.
  • subprime loan — A subprime loan is a loan with a higher interest rate, to borrowers who are a high credit risk.
  • suffolk punch — a breed of draught horse with a chestnut coat and short legs
  • sulphonylurea — an antidiabetic drug used in treating type II diabetes, which acts by stimulating the production of insulin in the pancreas
  • sunspot cycle — the cycle, averaging in duration slightly more than 11 years, in which the frequency of sunspots varies from a maximum to a minimum and back to a maximum again.
  • super-heroine — a woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character: Esther and other biblical heroines.
  • super-tension — the act of stretching or straining.
  • supercolumnar — existing above a column or columns: a supercolumnar feature.
  • superdominant — submediant.
  • superfetation — the fertilization of an ovum in a female mammal already pregnant.
  • supernational — tending to involve, or extending authority over, more than one nation; international; supranational.
  • superordinary — that is superior to the ordinary
  • superordinate — of higher degree in condition or rank.
  • superorganism — a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
  • superpersonal — characteristic of a superperson
  • superposition — the order in which sedimentary strata are superposed one above another.
  • superrational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • superreaction — a reverse movement or tendency; an action in a reverse direction or manner.
  • superregional — involving many regions
  • superromantic — exceptionally romantic
  • supersurgeons — highly skilled surgeon
  • supplantation — to take the place of (another), as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like.
  • suppositional — the act of supposing.
  • supranational — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • suprarational — not understandable by reason alone; beyond rational comprehension.
  • sweep account — Finance. a checking account from which money in excess of a specified amount is automatically transferred to another account or to an investment that earns a higher rate of return.
  • tablespoonful — the amount a tablespoon can hold.
  • te waipounamu — a Māori name for New Zealand's South Island
  • throw a punch — try to hit sb
  • torsion group — a group in which every element has finite order.
  • tribune group — (in Britain) a group made up of left-wing Labour Members of Parliament: founded 1966
  • triple-tongue — to interrupt the wind flow by moving the tongue as if pronouncing t and t and k successively, especially in playing rapid passages or staccato notes on a brass instrument.
  • truchet point — (unit, text)   An obsolete variant of the point, equal to 0.188 mm.
  • truman capoteTruman, 1924–84, U.S. novelist, short-story writer, and playwright.
  • trust company — a company or corporation organized to exercise the functions of a trustee, but usually engaging also in other banking and financial activities.
  • turkish pound — the Turkish lira.
  • turn of speed — If a person, animal, or vehicle has a good turn of speed, they have the ability to move fast.
  • turning point — a point at which a decisive change takes place; critical point; crisis.
  • un-personable — of pleasing personal appearance; handsome or comely; attractive.
  • unaccompanied — not accompanied; alone: The shipment arrived unaccompanied by an invoice.
  • unapologizing — not apologetic; not willing to apologize or to make an apology
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