
12-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • stauropegion — (in an autocephalous church) a monastery subject directly to the primate.
  • stenographic — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stereophonic — pertaining to a system of sound recording or reproduction using two or more separate channels to produce a more realistic effect by capturing the spatial dimensions of a performance (the location of performers as well as their acoustic surroundings), used especially with high-fidelity recordings and reproduction systems (opposed to monophonic).
  • stereoptican — a projector usually consisting of two complete lanterns arranged so that one picture appears to dissolve while the next is forming.
  • stereopticon — a projector usually consisting of two complete lanterns arranged so that one picture appears to dissolve while the next is forming.
  • stereoscopic — noting or pertaining to three-dimensional vision or any of various processes and devices for giving the illusion of depth from two-dimensional images or reproductions, as of a photograph or motion picture.
  • stereotyping — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • stereotypist — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • stick up for — to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear; stab: to stick one's finger with a needle.
  • stirrup bone — the stapes, one of the three bones of the middle ear
  • strepitation — the quality or state of being strepitant
  • streptolysin — a type of hemolysin produced by certain species of streptococcus.
  • streptomycin — an antibiotic, C 2 1 H 3 9 N 7 O 1 2 , produced by a soil actinomycete, Streptomyces griseus, and used in medicine in the form of its white, water-soluble sulfate salt, chiefly in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • stride piano — a style of jazz piano playing in which the right hand plays the melody while the left hand plays a single bass note or octave on the strong beat and a chord on the weak beat, developed in Harlem during the 1920s, partly from ragtime piano playing.
  • strong point — Bridge. a long suit that contains high cards.
  • strophanthin — a very poisonous, bitter glycoside or mixture of glycosides obtained from the dried, ripe seeds of a strophanthus, especially Strophanthus kombe, used as a cardiac stimulant.
  • strophiolate — having a strophiole
  • study period — a period of time or lesson used for studying
  • stylographic — of or relating to a stylograph.
  • sub-tropical — Sub-tropical places have a climate that is warm and wet, and are often near tropical regions.
  • subinspector — a secondary or assistant inspector
  • subscription — a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc.
  • sudoriparous — producing or secreting sweat.
  • sukarnoputri — Megawati (ˈmɛɡəˌwɒtɪ). born 1947, Indonesian politician; president of Indonesia (2001–04): daughter of Achmed Sukarno
  • super-polite — showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc.; courteous; civil: a polite reply.
  • supercilious — haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
  • supercooling — to cool (a liquid) below its freezing point without producing solidification or crystallization; undercool.
  • superheroine — a woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character: Esther and other biblical heroines.
  • superimposed — (of a stream or drainage system) having a course not adjusted to the structure of the rocks presently undergoing erosion but determined rather by a prior erosion cycle or by formerly overlying rocks or sediments.
  • superiorship — the state or position of being superior
  • superkingdom — in some systems of biological classification, either of the two major subdivisions, prokaryote or eukaryote, into which all living organisms can be placed
  • superordinal — relating to the superorder
  • superorganic — of or relating to the structure of cultural elements within society conceived as independent of and superior to the individual members of society.
  • superpatriot — a person who is patriotic to an extreme.
  • supersession — the act of superseding.
  • superstation — an independent television station whose signal is transmitted by satellite to subscribers on a cable system.
  • superstition — a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.
  • supervention — to take place or occur as something additional or extraneous (sometimes followed by on or upon).
  • suppletorily — supplying a deficiency.
  • supplicatory — to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition.
  • supportingly — to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • supraorbital — situated above the eye socket.
  • survivorship — the state of being a survivor.
  • suspensorial — relating to a suspensorium
  • suspensorium — a part that supports or suspends, esp the mandibular suspensorium, which suspends the lower jaw from the skull
  • table tripod — a low mount or stand for a camera.
  • tanjungpriok — a port in Indonesia, on the NW coast of Java adjoining the capital, Jakarta: a major shipping and distributing centre for the whole archipelago
  • teratophobia — fear of giving birth to a monster
  • tetramorphic — (in art) of or related to a composite representation of the four evangelists' symbols
  • tetrapolitan — of or related to a tetrapolis
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