
12-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • risk pooling — Risk pooling is the practice of sharing all risks among a group of insurance companies.
  • road pricing — Road pricing is a system of making drivers pay money for driving on certain roads by electronically recording the movement of vehicles on those roads.
  • rock springs — a city in SW Wyoming.
  • role playing — role-play used as a method of training or education
  • role-playing — a method of instruction or psychotherapy aimed at changing attitudes and behavior, in which participants act out designated roles relevant to real-life situations.
  • rolling plan — a plan which is designed to continue over a period of time and is subject to regular review and updating
  • roman empire — the lands and peoples subject to the authority of ancient Rome.
  • rose campion — a plant, Lychnis coronaria, of the pink family, having reddish purple flowers, and leaves covered with whitish down.
  • rose pogonia — a North American terrestrial orchid, Pogonia ophioglossoides, having a fragrant, usually solitary rose-pink or white flower.
  • rostropovich — Mstislav (Leopoldovich) [mis-tuh-slahv lee-uh-pohl-duh-vich;; Russian mstyi-slahf lyi-uh-pawl-duh-vyich] /ˈmɪs təˌslɑv ˌli əˈpoʊl də vɪtʃ;; Russian mstyɪˈslɑf lyɪ əˈpɔl də vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1927–2007, Soviet cellist and conductor (husband of Galina Vishnevskaya).
  • rs flip-flop — SR flip-flop
  • rustproofing — the process of making metal rustproof.
  • saint-tropez — a town in SE France, on the French Riviera: beach resort.
  • saprobiology — the branch of ecology that studies decaying organic matter or environments, especially saprophytes that derive nourishment in this way.
  • saprophytism — living and feeding on dead organic matter
  • scenographic — the art of representing objects in accordance with the rules of perspective.
  • schizocarpic — a dry, dehiscent fruit that at maturity splits into two or more one-seeded carpels.
  • schizophrene — a person with schizophrenia or one who tends toward schizophrenia
  • scissor jump — a type of jump involving a scissor-like movement of the legs
  • scolopendrid — any myriapod of the order Scolopendrida, including many large, poisonous centipedes.
  • scopes trialJohn Thomas, 1901–70, U.S. high-school teacher whose teaching of the Darwinian theory of evolution became a cause célèbre (Scopes Trial or Monkey Trial) in 1925.
  • scorekeeping — an official of a sports contest who keeps record of the score.
  • scorpion fly — any of several harmless insects of the order Mecoptera, the male of certain species having a reproductive structure that resembles the sting of a scorpion.
  • scorpionfish — any of several tropical and temperate marine scorpaenid fishes, especially members of the genus Scorpaena, many having venomous dorsal spines.
  • scouring pad — a small pad, as of steel wool or plastic mesh, used for scouring pots, pans, etc.
  • scrapbooking — hobby: collaging
  • scrophularia — a member of a genus of flowering plants which have a square stem and are known as figworts
  • scrupulosity — having scruples, or moral or ethical standards; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled: scrupulous about defending human rights.
  • scsi adaptor — (hardware)   (Or "host adaptor") A device that communicates between a computer and its SCSI peripherals. The SCSI adaptor is usually assigned SCSI ID 7. It is often a separate card that is connected to the computer's bus (e.g. PCI, ISA, PCMCIA) though increasinly, SCSI adaptors are built in to the motherboard. Apart from being cheaper, busses like PCI are too slow to keep up with the newer SCSI standards like Ultra SCSI and Ultra-Wide SCSI. There are several varieties of SCSI (and their connectors) and an adaptor will not support them all. The performance of SCSI devices is limited by the speed of the SCSI adaptor and its connection to the computer. An adaptor that plugs into a parallel port is unlikely to be as fast as one incorporated into a motherboard. Fast adaptors use DMA or bus mastering. Some SCSI adaptors include a BIOS to allow PCs to boot from a SCSI hard disk, if their own BIOS supports it. Note that it is not a "SCSI controller" - it does not control the devices, and "SCSI interface" is redundant - the "I" of "SCSI" stands for "interface".
  • sea scorpion — scorpionfish.
  • seismography — the scientific measuring and recording of the shock and vibrations of earthquakes.
  • self-proving — to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument: to prove one's claim.
  • self-worship — reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
  • semi-popular — regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general: a popular preacher.
  • semiprecious — (of a stone) having commercial value as a gem but not classified as precious, as the amethyst or garnet.
  • semitropical — subtropical.
  • septentrions — the seven stars of the Plough
  • seropositive — showing a significant level of serum antibodies, or other immunologic marker in the serum, indicating previous exposure to the infectious agent being tested.
  • serpentiform — shaped like a snake.
  • serpentinous — of the nature of serpentine; containing or consisting of serpentine
  • servitorship — the office or position of a servitor; the condition of being a servitor
  • shadow price — the calculated price of a good or service for which no market price exists
  • share option — A share option is an opportunity for the employees of a company to buy shares at a special price.
  • ship's store — a retail store aboard a navy ship that sells toiletries, cigarettes, etc., to the ship's personnel.
  • shoe repairs — repairs to shoes
  • shopbreaking — the act of breaking into a shop
  • short splice — a splice used when an increased thickness of the united rope is not objectionable, made by unlaying the rope ends a certain distance, uniting them so that their strands overlap, then tucking each alternately over and under others several times.
  • siderography — the art or technique of engraving on steel.
  • siderophilic — having characteristics of siderophile
  • signal corps — a branch of the army responsible for military communications, meteorological studies, and related work.
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