
22-letter words containing p, i, l, a, u

  • propositional calculus — propositional logic
  • propositional function — sentential function.
  • public domain software — public domain
  • public limited company — A public limited company is the same as a public company. The abbreviation plc is used after such companies' names.
  • pulmonary tuberculosis — tuberculosis of the lungs.
  • punctuated equilibriumtheory of, Biology. a hypothesis holding that the evolution of species proceeds in a characteristic pattern of relative stability for long periods of time interspersed with much shorter periods during which many species become extinct and new species emerge. Also called punctuationalism. Compare gradualism (def 3).
  • reproductive isolation — the conditions, as physiological or behavioral differences or geographical barriers, that prevent potentially interbreeding populations from cross-fertilization.
  • rheumatoid spondylitis — ankylosing spondylitis.
  • sarcoplasmic reticulum — a system of membrane-bound tubules that surrounds muscle fibrils, releasing calcium ions during contraction and absorbing them during relaxation.
  • saturday night special — a cheap, small-caliber handgun that is easily obtainable and concealable.
  • saturday-night special — a cheap, small-caliber handgun that is easily obtainable and concealable.
  • scandinavian peninsula — large peninsula in N Europe, consisting of Norway & Sweden
  • south african republic — former name of Transvaal.
  • special interest group — (SIG) One of several technical areas, sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery. Well-known SIGs include SIGPLAN (the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages), SIGARCH (the Special Interest Group for Computer Architecture) and SIGGRAPH (the Special Interest Group for Computer Graphics).
  • special-interest group — Also called special interest. a body of persons, corporation, or industry that seeks or receives benefits or privileged treatment, especially through legislation.
  • speculative philosophy — philosophy embodying beliefs insusceptible of proof and attempting to gain insight into the nature of the ultimate by intuitive or a priori means.
  • spelling pronunciation — a pronunciation based on spelling, usually a variant of the traditional pronunciation. The spelling pronunciation of waistcoat is [weyst-koht] /ˈweɪstˌkoʊt/ (Show IPA) rather than [wes-kuh t] /ˈwɛs kət/ (Show IPA).
  • split-dollar insurance — life insurance in which someone helps pay the premiums for another, as when an employer contributes to the premiums of an employee's policy.
  • st-pierre and miquelon — group of islands in the Atlantic, south of Newfoundland, constituting a political unit of France: includes the islands of St-Pierre (c. 10 sq mi, 26 sq km) & Miquelon & several islets: 93 sq mi (241 sq km); pop. 6,000
  • subjective probability — a measure or estimate of the degree of confidence one may have in the occurrence of an event, defined by subjective criteria
  • supplementary question — a question asked in Parliament by an MP during Questions to the Prime Minister
  • supreme judicial court — (often initial capital letters) the highest court in some states, as Massachusetts and Maine.
  • temporary life annuity — an annuity that ceases upon the death of the annuitant or upon the expiration of a period of time, whichever occurs first.
  • the houston ship canal — a canal linking Houston to the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
  • the pennsylvania dutch — a group of German-speaking people in E Pennsylvania, descended from 18th-century settlers from SW Germany and Switzerland
  • time complex simulator — (simulation)   (Tcsim) Complex arithmetic version of Tsim. Contact: ZOLA Technologies.
  • unemployment insurance — a government program that provides a limited number of payments to eligible workers who are involuntarily unemployed.
  • united empire loyalist — any of the American colonists who settled in Canada during or after the War of American Independence because of loyalty to the British Crown
  • universal postal union — an international organization, formed in Bern, Switzerland (1875), that administers and regulates international postal service. Abbreviation: UPU.
  • universal product code — a bar code that indicates price, product classification, etc., and can be read electronically, as at checkout counters in supermarkets. Abbreviation: UPC.
  • unprofessional conduct — activity that is contrary to the accepted code of conduct of a profession
  • upright vacuum cleaner — a vacuum cleaner that is tall rather than wide
  • white australia policy — an unofficial term for an immigration policy designed to restrict the entry of non-White people into Australia
  • zero population growth — the maintenance of a population at a constant level by limiting the number of live births to that needed to replace the existing population.
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