
9-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • mock epic — a long, humorous poem written in mock-heroic style.
  • morphemic — any of the minimal grammatical units of a language, each constituting a word or meaningful part of a word, that cannot be divided into smaller independent grammatical parts, as the, write, or the -ed of waited. Compare allomorph (def 2), morph (def 1).
  • mycophile — A person who likes hunting for, cooking or eating mushrooms and other edible fungi.
  • neckpiece — a scarf, especially one of fur.
  • necrophil — person who is sexually attracted to dead bodies
  • neophobic — Afflicted by neophobia; fearing or disliking what is new.
  • neophytic — a beginner or novice: He's a neophyte at chess.
  • nephritic — inflammation of the kidneys, especially in Bright's disease.
  • nephrotic — Pertaining to, resembling or caused by nephrosis.
  • neurochip — a semiconductor chip designed for use in an electronic neural network
  • ninepence — (used with a plural verb) British. nine pennies.
  • nipcheese — a ship's purser
  • nitpicked — Simple past tense and past participle of nitpick.
  • nitpicker — a person who nitpicks, especially habitually.
  • nonpoetic — not poetic
  • nonpolice — not related to the police
  • noscapine — (biochemistry) A benzylisoquinoline alkaloid obtained from plants of the Papaveraceae family, primarily used for its antitussive effects.
  • nosepiece — the part of a frame for eyeglasses that passes over the bridge of the nose.
  • nymphetic — relating to a nymphet
  • occupiers — Plural form of occupier.
  • off-price — offering or dealing in goods, especially brand-name apparel, at prices lower than those at regular retail stores or discount stores.
  • omphacite — a pale-green variety of pyroxene similar to olivine, found in eclogite.
  • one piece — complete in one piece, as a garment: a one-piece snowsuit.
  • one-piece — complete in one piece, as a garment: a one-piece snowsuit.
  • opacifier — an agent added to render something opaque
  • opacities — the state or quality of being opaque.
  • open city — a city that, during a war, is officially declared demilitarized and open to occupation, and that will consequently not be defended, in order to spare it, under international law, from bombardment or other military attack.
  • operatics — Exaggerated or overly emotional behaviour; histrionics.
  • orthoepic — Of or pertaining to orthoepy.
  • outpriced — Simple past tense and past participle of outprice.
  • overpitch — to bowl (a ball) so that it pitches too close to the stumps
  • overprice — to price excessively high; set too high a price on.
  • overspice — to add too much spice to
  • pacificae — documents of introduction presented by the Christian Church
  • paedeutic — of or relating to the study of teaching
  • paleozoic — noting or pertaining to an era occurring between 570 million and 230 million years ago, characterized by the advent of fish, insects, and reptiles.
  • pan juice — Often, pan juices. the natural juices exuded by meat, poultry, etc., while baking or roasting: used especially in basting.
  • panegyric — a lofty oration or writing in praise of a person or thing; eulogy.
  • paperclip — a flat wire or plastic clip shaped so that it can hold sheets of paper between two of its loops.
  • paracrine — relating to a hormone whose release only affects tissue surrounding the gland that secreted it
  • paramecia — any ciliated freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, having an oval body and a long, deep oral groove.
  • paramedic — Military. a medic in the paratroops.
  • parceling — an object, article, container, or quantity of something wrapped or packed up; small package; bundle.
  • parcheesi — a modern board game derived from the ancient game of pachisi
  • pardubice — a city in N central Czech Republic, on the Elbe River.
  • parecious — paroicous.
  • paregoric — a camphorated tincture of opium, containing benzoic acid, anise oil, etc., used chiefly to stop diarrhea in children.
  • paroemiac — proverbial; axiomatic
  • parricide — the act of killing one's father, mother, or other close relative.
  • patiences — a female given name.
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