
9-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • preceding — that precedes; previous: Refer back to the footnote on the preceding page.
  • precieuse — one of the 17th-century literary women of France who affected an extreme care in the use of language.
  • precincts — a district, as of a city, marked out for governmental or administrative purposes, or for police protection.
  • precipice — a cliff with a vertical, nearly vertical, or overhanging face.
  • precisely — definitely or strictly stated, defined, or fixed: precise directions.
  • precisian — a person who adheres punctiliously to the observance of rules or forms, especially in matters of religion.
  • precising — a concise summary.
  • precision — the state or quality of being precise.
  • precisive — characterized by accuracy or exactness: a precisive method of expressing oneself.
  • preclimax — a stable community that precedes the full development of the climax community of a given area and that results from local variations in soil and water.
  • precocial — (of an animal species) active and able to move freely from birth or hatching and requiring little parental care (opposed to altricial).
  • precocity — the state of being or tendency to be precocious.
  • precoital — sexual intercourse, especially between a man and a woman.
  • preconize — to proclaim or commend publicly.
  • precrisis — occurring or existing before a crisis; of or pertaining to the period preceding a crisis
  • predacity — predatory; rapacious.
  • predicant — preaching: a predicant religious order.
  • predicate — to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert.
  • predictor — a person or thing that predicts.
  • predilect — chosen in preference; preferred
  • preexilic — of that period of Jewish history preceding the Babylonian Exile (6th cent. b.c.)
  • prefacial — located anterior to the face
  • prejudice — an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
  • premosaic — of the period before Moses
  • prentices — a male given name.
  • presbytic — affected by presbyopia
  • prescient — having prescience, or knowledge of things or events before they exist or happen; having foresight: The prescient economist was one of the few to see the financial collapse coming.
  • prescious — prescient
  • prescribe — to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin.
  • prescript — prescribed.
  • prestwich — a town in NW England, in Bury unitary authority, Greater Manchester. Pop: 31 693 (2001)
  • prestwick — international airport in W Scotland.
  • price cut — discount, lowering of costs
  • price tag — a label or tag that shows the price of the item to which it is attached.
  • price war — intensive competition, especially among retailers, in which prices are repeatedly cut in order to undersell competitors or sometimes to force smaller competitors out of business.
  • price-cut — to reduce the price of, especially to gain a competitive advantage.
  • price-tag — a label or tag that shows the price of the item to which it is attached.
  • priceable — the sum or amount of money or its equivalent for which anything is bought, sold, or offered for sale.
  • priceless — having a value beyond all price; invaluable: a priceless artwork.
  • priciness — the state of being pricey
  • primacies — the state of being first in order, rank, importance, etc.
  • princedom — the position, rank, or dignity of a prince.
  • princekin — a small, young, or minor prince.
  • princeton — a borough in central New Jersey: battle 1777.
  • principle — an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.
  • pritchett — Sir V(ictor) S(awdon) [sawd-n] /ˈsɔd n/ (Show IPA), 1900–97, English literary critic, journalist, novelist, and short-story writer.
  • privacies — the state of being apart from other people or concealed from their view; solitude; seclusion: Please leave the room and give me some privacy.
  • proactive — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • procerity — tallness
  • procident — relating to a prolapse
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