
19-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • consultation period — a period during which consultations are held before a policy decision is made
  • consumer protection — laws and policies designed to protect consumers against unfair trade and credit practices
  • container transport — the transport of cargo in containers
  • contemplative order — a religious order whose members are devoted to prayer rather than works.
  • continuous spectrum — a spectrum that contains or appears to contain all wavelengths but not spectrum lines over a wide portion of its range. The emission spectrum of incandescent solids is continuous; bremsstrahlung spectra consisting of a large number of lines may appear continuous
  • conventional weapon — a nonnuclear weapon.
  • conversational lisp — (language)   (CLISP) A mixed English-like, ALGOL-like surface syntax for Interlisp.
  • cooperative society — a commercial enterprise owned and managed by and for the benefit of customers or workers
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
  • corporate venturing — the provision of venture capital by one company for another in order to obtain information about the company requiring capital or as a step towards acquiring it
  • counter-programming — to schedule (a broadcast on radio or television) to compete with one on another station.
  • counter-proposition — a proposition made in place of or in opposition to a preceding one.
  • counterpoint-rhythm — Music. the art of combining melodies.
  • counterpoise bridge — another name for bascule bridge
  • counterproductively — In a counterproductive way.
  • covered-dish supper — a meal to which guests contribute food, as casseroles.
  • cox's orange pippin — a variety of eating apple with sweet flesh and a red-tinged green skin
  • cracked compression — Cracked compression is a separation process for separating hydrocarbons further, with an increase in the pressure of the cracked gas.
  • creative department — the department of a company or organization responsible for the design and creation of advertisements and marketing materials
  • credit default swap — a contract in which the parties exchange the exposure to loss should a creditor fail to make a payment when it comes due back
  • creeping bent grass — a grass, Agrostis stolonifera, grown as a pasture grass in Europe and North America: roots readily from the stem
  • creeping cinquefoil — any of several plants belonging to the genus Potentilla, of the rose family, having yellow, red, or white five-petaled flowers, as P. reptans (creeping cinquefoil) of the Old World, or P. argentea (silvery cinquefoil) of North America.
  • creeping featuritis — (jargon)   /kree'ping fee'-chr-i:`t*s/ A variant of creeping featurism, with its own spoonerism: "feeping creaturitis". Some people like to reserve this form for the disease as it actually manifests in software or hardware, as opposed to the lurking general tendency in designers' minds. -ism means "condition" or "pursuit of", whereas -itis usually means "inflammation of".
  • cry over spilt milk — to lament something that cannot be altered
  • cuboidal epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of cells of cuboid or polyhedral shape.
  • cult of personality — a cult promoting adulation of a living national leader or public figure, as one encouraged by Stalin to extend his power.
  • cup-and-saucer vine — a woody, Mexican vine, Cobaea scandens, of the phlox family, having bell-shaped, violet-colored or greenish-purple flowers with an inflated, leaflike calyx and long, curved stamens.
  • current expenditure — expenditure taking place within the financial year in question
  • customer experience — Customer experience is what customers feel while shopping, affected by such factors as how a store is laid out, the level of service they receive, and how easy it is to find products.
  • dangling participle — a participle intended to modify a noun but having the wrong grammatical relationship to it as for example having left in the sentence Having left Europe for good, Peter's future seemed bleak indeed
  • data encryption key — (DEK) Used for the encryption of message text and for the computation of message integrity checks (signatures). See cryptography.
  • data protection act — (legal)   (DPA) A UK law guaranteeing rights to individuals in relation to personal data that others hold on them. For example, under the DPA, you have the right to see what data a company holds on you.
  • de-compartmentalize — to divide into categories or compartments.
  • deaf without speech — (usually of a prelingually deaf person) able to utter sounds but not speak
  • defence expenditure — the amount that a country spends on military measures or resources
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • dental receptionist — a receptionist working in a dental surgery
  • department chairman — the chairman of a university department
  • depletion allowance — a tax allowance granted in certain industries, such as the oil and gas industries, to compensate for the depletion of the oil, gas, etc owned by the company
  • descriptive grammar — an approach to grammar that is concerned with reporting the usage of native speakers without reference to proposed norms of correctness or advocacy of rules based on such norms.
  • detective inspector — a police officer who investigates crime and who ranks above a detective sergeant but below a detective chief inspector
  • differential backup — (operating system)   A kind of backup that copies all files that have changed since the last full backup. Each differential backup will include all files in previous differential backups since the full backup so to restore a version of a file, you only need to search the full backup and the relevant differential backup. Some systems support differential backup by associating an "Archive" flag with each file and setting this flag whenever the file is modified to indicate that it should be included in the next backup. A differential backup does not change this flag, whereas an incremental backup resets it.
  • diffraction pattern — the phenomenon exhibited by wave fronts that, passing the edge of an opaque body, are modulated, thereby causing a redistribution of energy within the front: it is detectable in light waves by the presence of a pattern of closely spaced dark and light bands (diffraction pattern) at the edge of a shadow.
  • dihydrostreptomycin — an antibiotic, C 21 H 41 N 7 O 12 , derived by organic synthesis from and believed to be less toxic than streptomycin: used in the form of its sulfate chiefly in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • dimetric projection — a type of axonometric projection in which the object is shown with two of its three principal axes tilted equally from the plane of viewing
  • direct mapped cache — (architecture)   A cache where the cache location for a given address is determined from the middle address bits. If the cache line size is 2^n then the bottom n address bits correspond to an offset within a cache entry. If the cache can hold 2^m entries then the next m address bits give the cache location. The remaining top address bits are stored as a "tag" along with the entry. In this scheme, there is no choice of which block to flush on a cache miss since there is only one place for any block to go. This simple scheme has the disadvantage that if the program alternately accesses different addresses which map to the same cache location then it will suffer a cache miss on every access to these locations. This kind of cache conflict is quite likely on a multi-processor. See also fully associative cache, set associative cache.
  • direct-vision prism — Amici prism.
  • directional coupler — (communications)   (tap) A passive device used in cable systems to divide and combine radio frequency signals. A directional coupler has at least three ports: line in, line out, and the tap. The signal passes between line in and line out ports with loss referred to as the insertion loss. A small portion of the signal power applied to the line in port passes to the tap port. A signal applied to the tap port is passed to the line in port less the tap attenuation value. The tap signals are isolated from the line out port to prevent reflections. A signal applied to the line out port passes to the line in port and is isolated from the tap port. Some devices provide more than one tap output line (multi-taps).
  • disaster capitalism — the practice (by a government, regime, etc) of taking advantage of a major disaster to adopt liberal economic policies that the population would be less likely to accept under normal circumstances
  • disciples of christ — a Christian denomination, founded in the U.S. by Alexander Campbell in the early part of the 19th century, that rejects all creeds, holds the Bible as a sufficient rule of faith and practice, administers baptism by immersion, celebrates the Lord's Supper every Sunday, and has a congregational polity.
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