
19-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • capital expenditure — expenditure on acquisitions of or improvements to fixed assets
  • captains courageous — a novel (1897) by Rudyard Kipling.
  • carbon steel piping — Carbon steel piping is pipes made of steel with carbon as the main alloying component, used for transporting fluids.
  • cash in one's chips — to turn in one's chips for their equivalent in money
  • caterpillar tractor — a tractor powered by a Caterpillar track
  • cathodic protection — a technique for protecting metal structures, such as steel ships and pipelines, from electrolytic corrosion by making the structure the cathode in a cell, either by applying an electromotive force directly or by putting it into contact with a more electropositive metal
  • cerebral hemisphere — either half of the cerebrum
  • cerebrospinal fluid — the clear colourless fluid in the spaces inside and around the spinal cord and brain
  • chain-reacting pile — nuclear reactor
  • chamber of deputies — the lower house of the legislature of certain countries, as Italy.
  • champagne lifestyle — a lifestyle involving the enjoyment of luxuries and expensive pleasures
  • champagne socialist — a professed socialist who enjoys an extravagant lifestyle
  • champigny-sur-marne — a suburb of Paris, on the River Marne. Pop: 75 556 (2006)
  • champion of england — a hereditary official at British coronations, representing the king (King's Champion) or the queen (Queen's Champion) who is being crowned, and having originally the function of challenging to mortal combat any person disputing the right of the new sovereign to rule.
  • chemical dependency — addiction to drugs or alcohol.
  • chemical processing — Chemical processing is a way of making changes to chemical compounds.
  • chemolithoautotroph — (biology) A chemoautotroph or lithoautotroph.
  • chief petty officer — the senior naval rank for personnel without commissioned or warrant rank
  • chinese chippendale — a branch of Chippendale style in which Chinese styles and motifs are used
  • chinese finger trap — a child's toy, consisting of a small cylinder of woven straw or paper into which the forefingers are placed, one in each end: the harder one pulls, the more securely the fingers are held.
  • chlorobromide paper — a relatively fast printing paper coated with an emulsion of silver chloride and silver bromide.
  • christmas pantomime — pantomime (def 5).
  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • clinical depression — depression in a patient that meets defined criteria and that is deemed to merit treatment
  • clockwork precision — regularity
  • colonial experience — experience of farming, etc, gained by a young Englishman in colonial Australia
  • columnar epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of elongated cells of cylindrical or prismatic shape.
  • combination therapy — a therapy that combines two or more drugs, or two or more treatments
  • command interpreter — (operating system)   A program which reads textual commands from the user or from a file and executes them. Some commands may be executed directly within the interpreter itself (e.g. setting variables or control constructs), others may cause it to load and execute other files. When an IBM PC is booted BIOS loads and runs the MS-DOS command interpreter into memory from file COMMAND.COM found on a floppy disk or hard disk drive. The commands that COMMAND.COM recognizes (e.g. COPY, DIR, PRN) are called internal commands, in contrast to external commands which are executable files.
  • command line option — (software)   (Or "option", "flag", "switch", "option switch") An argument to a command that modifies its function rather than providing data. Options generally start with "-" in Unix or "/" in MS-DOS. This is usually followed by a single letter or occasionally a digit. More recently, GNU software adopted the --longoptionname style, usually in addition to traditional, single-character, -x style equivalents. Some commands require each option to be a separate argument, introduced by a new "-" or "/", others allow multiple option letters to be concatenated into a single argument with a single "-" or "/", e.g. "ls -al". A few Unix commands (e.g. ar, tar) allow the "-" to be omitted. Some options may or must be followed by a value, e.g. "cc prog.c -o prog", sometimes with and sometimes without an intervening space.
  • community policeman — a police officer assigned to a particular area
  • community programme — (in Britain) a former government scheme to provide temporary work for people unemployed for over a year
  • compact disc player — a machine for playing compact discs
  • compact disc writer — (storage)   (CD burner) A device that can write data to Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R) or Compact Disc Rewritable (CD-RW) discs. Now both these CD formats are often combined with a DVD writer.
  • compact disk player — a device for playing compact disks.
  • compassionate leave — Compassionate leave is time away from your work that your employer allows you for personal reasons, especially when a member of your family dies or is seriously ill.
  • competitive bidding — a system by which a contract is awarded to the lowest bidder
  • complement fixation — the fixing of complement into the product of an antigen-antibody reaction: used as an infection indicator in certain serologic tests that measure the presence or absence of free, active complement
  • complete fertilizer — a fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the three principal elements required for plant nutrition.
  • complexity analysis — In sructured program design, a quality-control operation that counts the number of "compares" in the logic implementing a function; a value of less than 10 is considered acceptable.
  • complimentary close — the part of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as “Very truly yours,” “Cordially,” or “Sincerely yours.”.
  • compound microscope — an instrument for magnifying small objects, consisting of a lens of short focal length for forming an image that is further magnified by a second lens of longer focal length
  • compression molding — a method of molding thermosetting plastic by closing a mold on it, forming the material by heat and pressure.
  • compromise solution — a solution to a problem reached by compromise
  • computer dictionary — Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  • computer peripheral — a device that is attached to and controlled by a computer, such as a scanner, printer, or external hard drive
  • computer simulation — an event, process, or scenario that is created on a computer
  • conceptualistically — In a conceptualistic sense.
  • confectioner's shop — a sweet shop
  • confocal microscope — a light microscope with an optical system designed to reject background from matter outside the focal plane and therefore allowing images of different sections of a specimen to be obtained
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