
15-letter words containing p, e, r, t, a, i

  • rite de passage — rite of passage.
  • rite of passage — Anthropology. a ceremony performed to facilitate or mark a person's change of status upon any of several highly important occasions, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into marriage or into a clan.
  • rocket airplane — an airplane propelled wholly or mainly by a rocket engine.
  • ruby grapefruit — a grapefruit with red flesh
  • rump parliament — the remnant of the Long Parliament established by the expulsion of the Presbyterian members in 1648, dismissed by force in 1653, and restored briefly in 1659–60.
  • sales promotion — the methods or techniques for creating public acceptance of or interest in a product, usually in addition to standard merchandising techniques, as advertising or personal selling, and generally consisting of the offer of free samples, gifts made to a purchaser, or the like.
  • sarcoptic mange — mange caused by burrowing mites of the genus Sarcoptes.
  • self-absorption — preoccupation with oneself or one's own affairs.
  • semitransparent — imperfectly or almost transparent.
  • september rains — rainy weather during the month of September
  • septentrionally — northwards; in the direction of the north
  • serpentine jade — a green variety of serpentine used as a gem: not a true jade.
  • serum hepatitis — hepatitis B.
  • ship's articles — a type of contract by which sailors agree to the conditions, payment, etc, for the ship in which they are going to work
  • side impact bar — A side impact bar is a long beam in a car door that is designed to protect passengers during a crash.
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple fracture — a fracture in which the bone does not pierce the skin.
  • simple interval — an interval of an octave or less.
  • simple majority — less than half of the total votes cast but more than the minimum required to win, as when there are more than two candidates or choices.
  • sinorespiratory — of, relating to, or affecting the paranasal sinuses and the respiratory tract.
  • slab plastering — coarse plastering, as between the studs in a half-timbered wall.
  • snapping turtle — either of two large, edible, freshwater turtles of the family Chelydridae, of North and Central America, having a large head and powerful hooked jaws, especially the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina.
  • somatic therapy — any of a group of treatments presumed to act on biological factors leading to mental illness.
  • southern paiute — See under Paiute (def 2).
  • spaghetti strap — a thin, often rounded strip of fabric used in women's clothing, as to form a shoulder strap on a bare-shouldered garment.
  • spanish trefoil — alfalfa.
  • sparkling water — soda water (def 1).
  • special feature — an article differing from the normal format and focusing on a particular topic
  • special partner — a partner whose liability for the firm's debts is limited to the amount that partner has invested in the firm.
  • spectral series — a series of lines in the spectrum of light emitted by excited atoms of an element, each line being related to the others in the series by a simple numerical equation and identified with a particular energy level of an atom of the element.
  • spectrochemical — of, relating to, or utilizing the techniques of spectrochemistry.
  • speech training — training designed to improve spoken skills, such as voice projection
  • speed indicator — an instrument for counting the number of revolutions of a gasoline engine.
  • spermatoblastic — relating to a spermatoblast
  • spermatogenesis — the origin and development of spermatozoa.
  • sphaerosiderite — a type of siderite
  • spheroidization — the conversion of grains into spheroids
  • spiral notebook — a notebook held together by a coil of wire passed through small holes punched at the back edge of the covers and individual pages
  • spirochaetaemia — the presence of spirochaetes in the blood
  • sporting chance — an even or fair opportunity for a favorable outcome in an enterprise, as winning in a game of chance or in any kind of contest: They gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts.
  • spring mattress — a mattress containing an arrangement of spiral springs
  • static pressure — the pressure exerted by a fluid that is not moving or flowing.
  • steak au poivre — pepper steak (def 2).
  • stereotypically — in a stereotypical manner
  • stirrup leather — the strap that holds the stirrup of a saddle.
  • straining piece — (in a queen-post roof) a horizontal beam uniting the tops of the two queen posts, and resisting the thrust of the roof.
  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • streptobacillus — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • stretch a point — a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
  • strike pay dirt — to achieve one's objective
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