
15-letter words containing p, e, r, t, a, i

  • pilgrim fathers — the Pilgrims (of Plymouth Colony)
  • pilgrimage site — a shrine or other sacred place that people travel to as an act of religious devotion
  • pine tree state — Maine (used as a nickname).
  • pinochet ugarte — Augusto [ou-goos-taw] /aʊˈgus tɔ/ (Show IPA), 1915–2006, Chilean army general and political leader: president 1973–90.
  • pistachio green — a light or medium shade of yellow green.
  • pithecanthropus — a former genus of extinct hominids whose members have now been assigned to the proposed species Homo erectus.
  • planet-stricken — believed to be adversely affected mentally or physically by the planets
  • planimetrically — in a planimetric manner
  • plant-hire firm — a company that hires out mobile mechanical equipment for construction, road-making, etc
  • plastic surgeon — doctor who performs cosmetic surgery
  • plastic surgery — the branch of surgery dealing with the repair or replacement of malformed, injured, or lost organs or tissues of the body, chiefly by the transplant of living tissues.
  • platform tennis — a variation of tennis played on a wooden platform enclosed with chicken wire in which the players hit a rubber ball with wooden paddles following the same basic rules as tennis except that only one serve is permitted and balls can be played off the back and side fences.
  • platform ticket — a pass allowing a visitor to enter upon a railroad platform from which those not traveling are ordinarily excluded.
  • play favourites — to display favouritism
  • plenipotentiary — a person, especially a diplomatic agent, invested with full power or authority to transact business on behalf of another.
  • pneumatic drill — a percussive power drill powered by compressed air
  • polychlorinated — having multiple chlorine atoms
  • polycrystalline — (of a rock or metal) composed of aggregates of individual crystals.
  • pontine marshes — an area of W Italy, southeast of Rome: formerly malarial swamps, drained in 1932–34 after numerous attempts since 160 bc had failed
  • port wine stain — a large birthmark of purplish color, usually on the face or neck.
  • port-wine stain — a large birthmark of purplish color, usually on the face or neck.
  • portable pixmap — (file format)   (PPM) A colour image file format. A PPM file contains the following: a two character "{magic number}" - "P3", the width in pixels, the height in pixels, the maximum colour component value, HEIGHT rows of WIDTH {pixels}. The rows are ordered from top to bottom with the pixels in each row ordered from left to right. Each pixel is represented as three values for red, green, and blue. All parts are separated by whitespace and numbers are in decimal ASCIII representation. A zero pixel component means that colour is absent. Characters from a "#" to the next end-of-line are ignored and no line should be longer than 70 characters. Here is an example of a small pixmap in this format: P3 # feep.ppm 4 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A "RAWBITS" variant has magic number "P6", pixel values are stored as plain binary bytes, instead of ASCII decimal and no whitespace is allowed after a single whitespace character after the maximum colour component value which must be less than or equal to 255.
  • portative organ — capable of being carried; portable.
  • positive caster — a person or thing that casts.
  • post-liberation — the act of liberating or the state of being liberated.
  • post-parturient — bearing or about to bear young; travailing.
  • posthemorrhagic — occurring after a haemorrhage
  • postoperatively — occurring after a surgical operation.
  • power macintosh — Power Mac
  • practical nurse — a person who has not graduated from an accredited school of nursing but whose vocation is caring for the sick.
  • pragmaticalness — the quality of being pragmatical or meddlesome
  • prairie oysters — a raw egg, or the yolk of a raw egg, often mixed with seasonings, as salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and used as a hangover remedy.
  • prairie pointer — shooting star (def 2).
  • pre-acquisition — the act of acquiring or gaining possession: the acquisition of real estate.
  • pre-advertising — to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it: to advertise a new brand of toothpaste.
  • pre-celebration — an act of celebrating.
  • pre-deprivation — the act of depriving.
  • pre-elizabethan — (of English culture, history, traditions, etc.) before the reign of Queen Elizabeth I; before the second half of the 16th century.
  • pre-established — to establish beforehand.
  • pre-legislative — having the function of making laws: a legislative body.
  • pre-negotiation — mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement: the negotiation of a treaty.
  • pre-preparation — a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.
  • pre-reformation — the act of reforming; state of being reformed.
  • pre-romanticism — romantic spirit or tendency.
  • preacquaintance — prior acquaintance with a person or with information, the state of having been preacquainted
  • preagricultural — existing or occurring prior to the introduction of agriculture; of or relating to a society existing at this time
  • precipitantness — the condition or quality of being precipitant, hastiness
  • preconceptional — a conception or opinion formed beforehand.
  • predeterminable — able to be predetermined; able to be determined in advance
  • predicate logic — (logic)   (Or "predicate calculus") An extension of propositional logic with separate symbols for predicates, subjects, and quantifiers. For example, where propositional logic might assign a single symbol P to the proposition "All men are mortal", predicate logic can define the predicate M(x) which asserts that the subject, x, is mortal and bind x with the universal quantifier ("For all"): All x . M(x) Higher-order predicate logic allows predicates to be the subjects of other predicates.
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