
11-letter words containing p, e, r, t, a, i

  • pragmatizer — someone who pragmatizes
  • pre-adamite — a person supposed to have existed before Adam.
  • pre-ethical — not governed by ethics, or not having an ethical or moral aspect
  • preacquaint — to acquaint (someone with information) in advance
  • preadaptive — tending to preadapt, causing preadaptation
  • precautious — using or displaying precaution: a precautious reply; a precautious person.
  • precipitant — falling headlong.
  • precipitate — to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly: to precipitate an international crisis.
  • precritical — anteceding a crisis.
  • prediabetes — a condition in which carbohydrate metabolism is mildly abnormal but other criteria indicating diabetes mellitus are absent.
  • prediabetic — a person suffering from prediabetes
  • predicament — an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
  • predication — to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert.
  • predicative — to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert.
  • predicatory — of or relating to preaching.
  • predictable — able to be foretold or declared in advance: New technology allows predictable weather forecasting.
  • predictably — able to be foretold or declared in advance: New technology allows predictable weather forecasting.
  • predictated — to say or read (something) aloud for another person to transcribe or for a machine to record: to dictate some letters to a secretary.
  • predispatch — to send off or away with speed, as a messenger, telegram, body of troops, etc.
  • predominant — having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others; preeminent.
  • predominate — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • predynastic — of, relating to, or belonging to a time or period before the first dynasty of a nation, especially the period in Egypt before c3200 b.c.
  • preindicate — to indicate in advance; presage: The early thaw preindicated an avalanche.
  • prejudicant — judging beforehand
  • prejudicate — to judge beforehand
  • prelateship — the rank of a prelate
  • prelibation — a foretaste.
  • preliterary — occurring before the existence of literature
  • preliterate — lacking a written language; nonliterate: a preliterate culture.
  • prematerial — the substance or substances of which a thing is made or composed: Stone is a durable material.
  • prematurity — occurring, coming, or done too soon: a premature announcement.
  • premedicate — to administer preparatory medication to
  • premeditate — to meditate, consider, or plan beforehand: to premeditate a murder.
  • prenominate — mentioned beforehand.
  • preparation — a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.
  • preparative — preparatory.
  • prerogative — an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like: the prerogatives of a senator.
  • preromantic — of, relating to, or of the nature of romance; characteristic or suggestive of the world of romance: a romantic adventure.
  • presanctify — to sanctify ahead of an event
  • prestations — a payment in money or in services.
  • presynaptic — being or occurring on the transmitting end of a discharge across a synapse.
  • preterminal — situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.
  • pretraining — the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained: He's in training for the Olympics.
  • prevacation — a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday: Schoolchildren are on vacation now.
  • prevailment — the action of prevailing
  • prevaricate — to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie.
  • prick-tease — a woman who is sexually provocative but refuses to engage in sexual activity
  • priestcraft — the training, knowledge, and abilities necessary to a priest.
  • primateship — primacy (def 2).
  • print media — the industry that is engaged in the printing and dissemination of news through newspapers and magazines
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