
11-letter words containing p, e, r, t, a, i

  • peripatetic — walking or traveling about; itinerant.
  • peristalith — a group of stones encircling a mound, dolmen, or the like.
  • peristalsis — the progressive wave of contraction and relaxation of a tubular muscular system, especially the alimentary canal, by which the contents are forced through the system.
  • peristaltic — of, relating to, or resembling peristalsis.
  • perithecial — of, pertaining to, or having a perithecium
  • permittance — the act of permitting or giving consent
  • permutation — the act of permuting or permutating; alteration; transformation.
  • persian cat — a long-haired variety of the domestic cat, originally raised in Persia and Afghanistan.
  • personalist — Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.
  • personality — the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.
  • personation — to act or portray (a character in a play, a part, etc.).
  • pertinacity — the quality of being pertinacious; persistence.
  • pescatarian — a person whose diet is mostly vegetarian but includes fish and seafood.
  • pescetarian — a person whose diet is mostly vegetarian but includes fish and seafood.
  • petitionary — of the nature of or expressing a petition.
  • petrarchism — the poetic style introduced by Petrarch and characteristic of his work, marked by complex grammatical structure, elaborate conceits, and conventionalized diction.
  • petrarchist — a person who imitates the literary style employed by Petrarch, especially the poets of the English Renaissance who employed the Petrarchan sonnet style.
  • petri plate — a petri dish containing culture medium
  • phrenetical — of or relating to phrenitis
  • phylacteric — of or relating to phylacteries
  • physiolater — somebody who worships nature
  • piano tuner — a person who tunes pianos and sometimes other keyboard instruments.
  • picture hat — a woman's hat having a very broad, flexible brim, often decorated with feathers, flowers, or the like.
  • pilot raise — a small raise intended to be enlarged later.
  • pin-feather — an undeveloped feather before the web portions have expanded.
  • pine marten — a marten, Martes martes, of Europe and western Asia.
  • pirate copy — an illicitly reproduced copy of a DVD, video, book, game, etc
  • pirate ship — vessel sailed by sea robbers
  • pitta bread — a flat rounded slightly leavened bread, originally from the Middle East, with a hollow inside like a pocket, which can be filled with food
  • plain tripe — the fatty, inner lining of the first stomach (the rumen) of a steer, calf, hog, or sheep, having a bland taste and used as a food, especially in the preparation of such dishes as haggis, head cheese, etc.
  • planetarian — a staff member at a planetarium.
  • planetarium — an apparatus or model representing the planetary system.
  • planimetric — the measurement of plane areas.
  • plantigrade — walking on the whole sole of the foot, as humans, and bears.
  • plasticizer — any of a group of substances that are used in plastics or other materials to impart viscosity, flexibility, softness, or other properties to the finished product.
  • plasticware — knives, forks, spoons, cups, etc., made of plastic: a picnic hamper with plasticware for six.
  • plastiqueur — a person, especially a terrorist, who makes, places, or detonates plastic bombs.
  • platyrrhine — Anthropology. having a broad, flat-bridged nose.
  • point after — a score given for a successful kick between the goalposts and above the crossbar, following a touchdown
  • polarimeter — an instrument for measuring the amount of light received from a given source as a function of its state of polarization.
  • politbureau — (often lowercase) the executive committee and chief policymaking body of a Communist Party.
  • ponderation — a weight
  • porkpie hat — a hat with a round flat crown and a brim that can be turned up or down
  • portal vein — the large vein conveying blood to the liver from the veins of the stomach, intestine, spleen, and pancreas.
  • portraiture — the art or an instance of making portraits.
  • potentiator — to cause to be potent; make powerful.
  • power train — a train of gears and shafting transmitting power from an engine, motor, etc., to a mechanism being driven.
  • practicable — capable of being done, effected, or put into practice, with the available means; feasible: a practicable solution.
  • praenestine — of or relating to the ancient town of Praeneste in Italy, or to the Latin dialect spoken there.
  • praetorship — the office of a praetor.
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