
13-letter words containing p, a, n

  • podzolization — the process by which the upper layer of a soil becomes acidic through the leaching of bases which are deposited in the lower horizons
  • point d'appui — a support or prop
  • point de gaze — a needlepoint lace in which delicate floral designs are sewn onto a net ground.
  • point of sale — the store, dealer, or other retail outlet where an item is sold: from manufacturer to point-of-sale.
  • point shaving — (especially in basketball) the illegal practice, by one or more bribed players, of deliberately limiting the number of points scored to conform to the desires of corrupt gamblers.
  • point-of-sale — the store, dealer, or other retail outlet where an item is sold: from manufacturer to point-of-sale.
  • point-shaving — (especially in basketball) the illegal practice, by one or more bribed players, of deliberately limiting the number of points scored to conform to the desires of corrupt gamblers.
  • pointe claire — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada, near Montreal, on the St. Lawrence.
  • pointy-headed — stupid; idiotic.
  • poison sumach — an anacardiaceous swamp shrub, Rhus (or Toxicodendron) vernix of the southeastern US, that has greenish-white berries and causes an itching rash on contact with the skin
  • poker machine — a fruit machine
  • polar nucleus — Botany. either of two female haploid nuclei, in the embryo sac of flowers, that fuse to produce a diploid nucleus, which combines with a male nucleus to form the endosperm.
  • pole-vaulting — a field sport in which competitors attempt to clear a high bar with the aid of an extremely flexible long pole
  • police action — a relatively localized military action undertaken by regular armed forces, without a formal declaration of war, against guerrillas, insurgents, or other forces held to be violating international peace and order.
  • policy-making — Policy-making is the making of policies.
  • polio vaccine — a vaccine administered to induce specific active immunity to poliomyelitis.
  • pollen basket — (of bees) a smooth area on the hind tibia of each leg fringed with long hairs and serving to transport pollen.
  • pollicitation — an offer or promise not yet accepted by the person to whom it was made.
  • polling place — a place at or in which votes in an election are cast.
  • pollinization — pollinate.
  • polybutadiene — a rubberlike polymer of butadiene blended with other synthetics to replace natural rubber in tires.
  • polycarbonate — a synthetic thermoplastic resin, a linear polymer of carbonic acid, used for molded products, films, and nonbreakable windows.
  • polydaemonism — the belief in many evil spirits.
  • polygonaceous — belonging to the Polygonaceae, the buckwheat family of plants.
  • polynomialism — a polynomial naming system
  • polysomnogram — a record of a person's sleep pattern, breathing, heart activity, and limb movements during sleep. Abbreviation: PSG.
  • polytechnical — relating to a technical school
  • polythene bag — a bag made of polythene, esp one used to store or protect food or household articles
  • pomme blanche — breadroot.
  • pompano beach — a city in SE Florida.
  • pompon dahlia — a cultivated variety of the dahlia flower, with a small globelike flower head
  • pompton lakes — a town in NE New Jersey.
  • pons asinorum — a geometric proposition that if a triangle has two of its sides equal, the angles opposite these sides are also equal: so named from the difficulty experienced by beginners in mastering it. Euclid, 1:5.
  • ponta delgada — a seaport on SW São Miguel island, in the E Azores.
  • pontchartrainLake, a shallow extension of the Gulf of Mexico in SE Louisiana, N of New Orleans. 41 miles (66 km) long; 25 miles (40 km) wide.
  • pontificality — a priestly role or office
  • pontificating — to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner: Did he pontificate about the responsibilities of a good citizen?
  • pontification — the office or term of office of a pontiff.
  • pontificators — the office or term of office of a pontiff.
  • poor relation — If you describe one thing as a poor relation of another, you mean that it is similar to or part of the other thing, but is considered to be inferior to it.
  • poplar kitten — a moth, (Furcula bifida,) which has larvae like those of the related puss moth
  • poppy anemone — a southern European plant, Anemone coronaria, of the buttercup family, having tuberous roots and solitary, poppylike, red, blue, or white flowers, grown as an ornamental.
  • popular front — a coalition, usually temporary, of leftist and sometimes centrist political parties, formed against a common opponent, as fascism, and promoting social reform.
  • porcelaineous — like porcelain
  • porcelainlike — resembling porcelain
  • pornification — the perceived pervasion of society in general or an aspect of it by the imagery, language, and attitudes associated with pornography
  • port language — ["Communicating Parallel Processes", J. Kerridge et al, Soft Prac & Exp 16(1):63-86 (Jan 1986)].
  • port of spain — (used with a plural verb) two islands in the N Atlantic Ocean, off the NE coast of Venezuela.
  • port-of-spain — (used with a plural verb) two islands in the N Atlantic Ocean, off the NE coast of Venezuela.
  • porte-monnaie — a purse or pocketbook
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