
13-letter words containing p, a, n

  • plain-vanilla — having no embellishments, extra equipment, elaborate packaging, etc.; plain; simple; down-to-earth: I want a plain-vanilla car without a lot of chrome trim.
  • plains indian — a member of any of the North American Indian peoples formerly living in the Great Plains of the US and Canada
  • plane journey — a journey made by flying in an aeroplane
  • plane sailing — sailing on a course plotted without reference to the curvature of the earth.
  • plane spotter — a person who observes, photographs, and catalogues aircraft as a hobby
  • planet-struck — affected adversely by the supposed influence of a planet.
  • planetologist — the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical features of the planets.
  • plano-concave — pertaining to or noting a lens that is plane on one side and concave on the other.
  • plant breeder — a botanist concerned with the origin and evolution of plants
  • plant hormone — an organic chemical, as auxin, produced by plant cells and functioning at various sites to regulate growth, turning, metabolic processes, etc.
  • plant kingdom — the plants of the world collectively.
  • plantain lily — any Japanese or Chinese plant of the genus Hosta, of the lily family, having large leaves and spikes or one-sided clusters of white, lilac, or blue flowers.
  • plasma engine — an engine that generates thrust by reaction to the emission of a jet of plasma
  • plasma screen — A plasma screen is a type of thin television screen or computer screen that produces high-quality images.
  • plastic money — credit cards, used instead of cash
  • plastoquinone — a quinone that occurs in the chloroplasts of plants and functions as an electron carrier during photosynthesis.
  • platinic acid — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble powder, H 2 PtO 3 , used chiefly in platinization.
  • platiniferous — platinum-bearing
  • platiniridium — a natural alloy composed chiefly of platinum and iridium.
  • platinocyanic — of or derived from platinocyanic acid.
  • platinum disc — (in Britain) an album certified to have sold 300 000 copies or a single certified to have sold 600 000 copies
  • platitudinize — to utter platitudes.
  • platitudinous — characterized by or given to platitudes.
  • platonic love — Platonism. love of the Idea of beauty, seen as terminating an evolution from the desire for an individual and the love of physical beauty to the love and contemplation of spiritual or ideal beauty.
  • platonic year — a period of about 26,000 years, equal to the time required for a complete revolution of the equinoxes.
  • platyhelminth — any worm of the phylum Platyhelminthes; a flatworm.
  • play on words — a pun or the act of punning.
  • playing cards — cards used in playing various games, arranged in decks of four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs): a standard deck has 52 cards
  • playing field — an expanse of level ground, as in a park or stadium, where athletic events are held.
  • playing games — If you say that someone is playing games or playing silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them.
  • playing trick — a card in a hand considered as likely to take a trick, assuming that the player who holds the hand or that player's partner is the declarer.
  • playwrighting — the writing of plays
  • pleasant hill — a city in W California, near San Francisco Bay.
  • pleasantville — a city in SE New Jersey.
  • plebification — the act of making popular or vulgar
  • plesiosaurian — a member of the reptile order Plesiosauria
  • plough monday — the first Monday after Epiphany, which in N and E England used to be celebrated with a procession of ploughmen drawing a plough from house to house
  • plug and play — (sometimes lowercase) a standard for the production of compatible computers, peripherals, and software that facilitates device installation and enables automatic configuration of the system.
  • plug and pray — (humour)   The Windows 95 equivalent of the Macintosh's plug and play, referring to difficulties encountered when setting up new hardware under Windows 95.
  • plug-and-play — Plug-and-play is used to describe computer equipment, for example a printer, that is ready to use immediately when you connect it to a computer.
  • plural voting — right to vote more than once
  • pluralization — to receive or take a plural form.
  • pneumatograph — pneumograph.
  • pneumatolysis — the process by which rocks are altered or minerals and ores are formed by the action of vapors given off by magma.
  • pneumatolytic — resulting from pneumatolysis
  • pneumatometer — an instrument for measuring either the quantity of air inhaled or exhaled during a single inspiration or expiration or the force of inspiration or expiration.
  • pneumatophore — Botany. a specialized structure developed from the root in certain plants growing in swamps and marshes, serving as a respiratory organ.
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • pococurantism — a careless or indifferent person.
  • pococurantist — a person who demonstrates a tendency toward indifference
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