
11-letter words containing n, p, t

  • plant louse — aphid.
  • plantagenet — a member of the royal house that ruled England from the accession of Henry II in 1154 to the death of Richard III in 1485.
  • planthopper — any member of a large and varied group of homopterous insects that are related to the leafhoppers and the spittlebugs but rarely damage cultivated plants.
  • plantigrade — walking on the whole sole of the foot, as humans, and bears.
  • plantocracy — government by plantation owners.
  • plantswoman — a nurserywoman.
  • platemaking — the act of making plates
  • platforming — a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst
  • platinotype — a process of printing positives in which a platinum salt is used, rather than the usual silver salts, in order to make a more permanent print.
  • platycnemia — (in the shinbone) the state of being laterally flattened.
  • platyrrhine — Anthropology. having a broad, flat-bridged nose.
  • play truant — be absent from school without permission
  • play-acting — Play-acting is behaviour where someone pretends to have attitudes or feelings that they do not really have.
  • play-centre — a regular meeting of small children arranged by their parents or a welfare agency to give them an opportunity of supervised creative play
  • playstation — (games, hardware)   The leading family of games consoles, from Sony Corporation consisting of the original Playstation (PS1) and the Playstation 2 (PS2). The basic Playstations consist of a small box containing the processor and a DVD reader, with video outputs to connect to a TV, sockets for two game controllers, and a socket for one or two memory cards. The PS2 also has USB sockets. The PS2 can run PS1 software because the PS2's I/O processor is the same as the PS1's CPU.
  • playwriting — the art or technique of writing theatrical plays; the work or profession of a playwright.
  • plecopteran — Also, plecopterous. belonging or pertaining to the insect order Plecoptera, comprising the stoneflies.
  • plectognath — belonging to the Plectognathi, a group or order of fishes having the teeth fused into a beak and thick, often spiny, scaleless skin, and including the filefish, globefish, puffer, and triggerfish.
  • pleistocene — noting or pertaining to the epoch forming the earlier half of the Quaternary Period, beginning about two million years ago and ending 10,000 years ago, characterized by widespread glacial ice and the advent of modern humans.
  • plenipotent — invested with or possessing full power.
  • plentifully — existing in great plenty: Coal was plentiful, and therefore cheap, in that region.
  • plott hound — an American hound having a brindled coat, used especially in hunting bears and wild boars.
  • plough into — If something, for example a car, ploughs into something else, it goes out of control and crashes violently into it.
  • plumb joint — (in sheet metal work) a soldered lap joint.
  • plunge bath — a bath large enough to immerse the whole body or to dive into
  • pluripotent — (of a cell) capable of developing into any type of cell or tissue except those that form a placenta or embryo: pluripotent stem cells.
  • plutarchian — of or relating to the biographer Plutarch.
  • plutonomist — a person who studies or has expertise in plutonomy
  • pn junction — the boundary between two regions in a single crystal of a semiconductor: one region contains an electron acceptor and the other an electron donor
  • pneumathode — a band or pore of aerating tissue, esp along the stipes of ferns
  • pneumectomy — pneumonectomy.
  • pneumonitis — inflammation of the lung caused by a virus or exposure to irritating substances.
  • pneumostome — a breathing hole in the mantle of a gastropod.
  • pocketknife — a knife with one or more blades that fold into the handle, suitable for carrying in the pocket.
  • pocketphone — a mobile phone
  • pococurante — a careless or indifferent person.
  • point after — a score given for a successful kick between the goalposts and above the crossbar, following a touchdown
  • point count — a method of evaluating the strength of a hand by assigning a numerical value to high cards and to certain combinations and distributions of cards in the hand.
  • point coupe — Also called cutwork. a process for producing lace in which predetermined threads in the ground material are cut and removed in order to provide open areas for the insertion of ornamental patterns.
  • point group — a class of crystals determined by a combination of their symmetry elements, all crystals left unchanged by a given set of symmetry elements being placed in the same class.
  • point guard — Basketball. the guard who directs the team's offense from the point.
  • point-blank — aimed or fired straight at the mark especially from close range; direct.
  • pointillism — a theory and technique developed by the neo-impressionists, based on the principle that juxtaposed dots of pure color, as blue and yellow, are optically mixed into the resulting hue, as green, by the viewer.
  • pointy-head — stupid; idiotic.
  • poke bonnet — a bonnet with a projecting front brim
  • poke fun at — to prod or push, especially with something narrow or pointed, as a finger, elbow, stick, etc.: to poke someone in the ribs.
  • polar front — Meteorology. the variable frontal zone of middle latitudes separating air masses of polar and tropical origin.
  • policy unit — a body of political advisors to the British Prime Minister
  • politicking — activity undertaken for political reasons or ends, as campaigning for votes before an election, making speeches, etc., or otherwise promoting oneself or one's policies.
  • poll rating — a measurement of a politician's popularity among the electorate, obtained by canvassing a representative sample of people
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