
11-letter words containing n, p, t

  • pentandrous — of or pertaining to the order of plants Pentandria, characterized by having five stamens
  • pentangular — having five angles and five sides; pentagonal.
  • pentaploidy — the condition of being pentaploid
  • pentastomid — tongue worm.
  • pentastylos — a pentastyle building, as a classical temple.
  • pentathlete — an athlete participating or specializing in the pentathlon.
  • pentatonism — the use of a five-tone scale.
  • pentavalent — having a valence of 5: pentavalent arsenic.
  • pentazocine — a synthetic narcotic analgesic, C 1 9 H 2 7 NO, used chiefly for the relief of moderate to severe pain.
  • penteconter — (in ancient Greece) a commander of fifty men
  • pentecostal — of or relating to Pentecost, a Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles.
  • penthemimer — a unit in poetry consisting of two and a half metrical feet
  • pentium iii — (processor)   The microprocessor that was Intel Corporation's successor to the Pentium II, introduced in 1999 with a 500 MHz clock rate. The Pentim III is very similar to the Pentium II in architecture. Its external bus can be clocked at 100 or 133 MHz, it can have up to 512 KB of secondary cache, and it comes in various packages including SECC2 and FC-PGA. The Pentium III has a P6 Dynamic Execution microarchitecture, a multi-transaction system bus, and MMX, like the Pentium II. It adds Dual Independent Bus (DIB) Architecture, the Intel Processor Serial Number, Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions and 70 new instructions. Some versions also include an Advanced Transfer Cache and Advanced System Buffering. When Intel released a 1.13 GHz version of the Pentium III processor using a 0.18 micron fabrication process on 2000-07-31, it was the world's highest performance microprocessor for PCs.
  • pentium pro — (processor)   (Known as "P6" during development) Intel's successor to the Pentium processor, in development Jan 1995, generally available 1995-11-01. The P6 has an internal RISC architecture with a CISC-RISC translator, 3-way superscalar execution, and out-of order execution (or "speculative execution", which Intel calls "Dynamic Execution"). It also features branch prediction and register renaming, and is superpipelined (14 stages). The P6 is made as a two-chip assembly: the first chip is the CPU and 16 kilobyte first-level cache (5.5 million transistors) and the other is a 256 (or 512) kilobyte second-level cache (15 million transistors). The first version has a clock rate of 133 Mhz and consumes about 20W of power. It is about twice as fast as the 100 MHz Pentium. The original 0.35 micron versions of the Pentium Pro released on 1995-11-01 run at 150 and 166 Mhz for desktop machines and up to 200 Mhz for servers. Heat disspation is about 20 Watts. The Pentium Pro is optimised for 32-bit software and runs 16-bit software slower than the original Pentium. The successor was the Pentium II.
  • pentlandite — a mineral, sulfide of nickel, occurring in the form of bronze-colored granular aggregates, found with pyrrhotite: the principal source of nickel.
  • penultimate — next to the last: the penultimate scene of the play.
  • pepperminty — having the flavour, scent, or colour of peppermint
  • perceptions — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • percolation — the act or state of percolating or of being percolated.
  • perduration — the act of lasting forever or enduring continually; the capacity to endure indefinitely
  • peregrinate — to travel or journey, especially to walk on foot.
  • peregrinity — foreignness; strangeness; the quality of being peregrine
  • perennation — the survival of a plant through the winter or dry season
  • perfectness — conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type: a perfect sphere; a perfect gentleman.
  • perforation — a hole, or one of a series of holes, bored or punched through something, as those between individual postage stamps of a sheet to facilitate separation.
  • perfunctory — performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
  • pericentral — arranged around a centre
  • pericentric — the point at which a heavenly body orbiting around a primary other than the earth or sun is closest to the primary.
  • peril point — the lower limit of a tariff on a commodity at which import of that commodity would have a seriously adverse effect on the local producers.
  • perinatally — during the perinatal period; before birth
  • periodontal — of or relating to the periodontium.
  • periodontia — the bone, connective tissue, and gum surrounding and supporting a tooth.
  • peritonitic — inflammation of the peritoneum, often accompanied by pain and tenderness in the abdomen, vomiting, constipation, and moderate fever.
  • peritonitis — inflammation of the peritoneum, often accompanied by pain and tenderness in the abdomen, vomiting, constipation, and moderate fever.
  • perlocution — (of a speech act) producing an effect upon the listener, as in persuading, frightening, amusing, or causing the listener to act.
  • permanently — existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change.
  • permittance — the act of permitting or giving consent
  • permutation — the act of permuting or permutating; alteration; transformation.
  • perpetuance — to make perpetual.
  • persecution — the act of persecuting.
  • perseverant — steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
  • persian cat — a long-haired variety of the domestic cat, originally raised in Persia and Afghanistan.
  • persistence — the act or fact of persisting.
  • persistency — the act or fact of persisting.
  • persnickety — overparticular; fussy.
  • personalist — Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.
  • personality — the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.
  • personation — to act or portray (a character in a play, a part, etc.).
  • persorption — the deep penetration of a liquid into a highly porous solid, resulting in an intimate mixture.
  • pertinacity — the quality of being pertinacious; persistence.
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