
13-letter words containing n, o, u, i, s, e

  • subconcession — the act of conceding or yielding, as a right, a privilege, or a point or fact in an argument: He made no concession to caution.
  • subconscience — an inhibiting sense of what is prudent: I'd eat another piece of pie but my conscience would bother me.
  • subdelegation — a group or body of delegates: Our club sent a delegation to the rally.
  • subgeneration — a generation within another generation
  • subordinative — placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank.
  • subprime loan — A subprime loan is a loan with a higher interest rate, to borrowers who are a high credit risk.
  • successionist — a person who advocates a succession (of an office, throne, title etc), esp in ecclesiology, the apostolic succession
  • sucking louse — See under louse (def 1).
  • suction valve — a nonreturn valve in a pump suction to prevent the pump draining or depriming when not in service
  • suggestionism — the art of hypnotic suggestion
  • suggestionist — a practitioner of suggestionism
  • suggestionize — to treat or influence by the power of suggestion
  • sunflower oil — oil obtained from sunflower seeds
  • super-heroine — a woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character: Esther and other biblical heroines.
  • super-tension — the act of stretching or straining.
  • superdominant — submediant.
  • superfetation — the fertilization of an ovum in a female mammal already pregnant.
  • supernational — tending to involve, or extending authority over, more than one nation; international; supranational.
  • superordinary — that is superior to the ordinary
  • superordinate — of higher degree in condition or rank.
  • superorganism — a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
  • superposition — the order in which sedimentary strata are superposed one above another.
  • superrational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • superreaction — a reverse movement or tendency; an action in a reverse direction or manner.
  • superregional — involving many regions
  • superromantic — exceptionally romantic
  • surface noise — extraneous noise caused by physical wear or a physical flaw on a phonograph record or in a pickup system, rather than by a flaw in the equipment.
  • tenaciousness — holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • the conscious — that part of one's mental activity of which one is fully aware at any given time
  • time discount — a discount allowed for payment of an invoice or bill before it falls due.
  • trinity house — an association that provides lighthouses, buoys, etc, around the British coast
  • tumorigenesis — the production or development of tumors.
  • tunnel vision — a drastically narrowed field of vision, as in looking through a tube, symptomatic of retinitis pigmentosa.
  • un-cloistered — secluded from the world; sheltered: a cloistered life.
  • unceremonious — discourteously abrupt; hasty; rude: He made an unceremonious departure in the middle of my speech.
  • uncompromised — unable to function optimally, especially with regard to immune response, owing to underlying disease, harmful environmental exposure, or the side effects of a course of treatment.
  • unconsecutive — following one another in uninterrupted succession or order; successive: six consecutive numbers, such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
  • unconsidering — not reflective or thoughtful
  • unconstituted — to compose; form: mortar constituted of lime and sand.
  • unconstrained — forced, compelled, or obliged: a constrained confession.
  • unconstricted — to draw or press in; cause to contract or shrink; compress.
  • uncontentious — tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome: a contentious crew.
  • uncourtliness — the lack of courtliness
  • und so weiter — and so forth; et cetera. Abbreviation: usw, u.s.w.
  • undeleterious — injurious to health: deleterious gases.
  • understocking — to provide an insufficient quantity, as of merchandise, supplies, or livestock.
  • undiagnosable — unable to be diagnosed
  • undiscomfited — not discomfited; at ease
  • undiscouraged — to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit.
  • undishonoured — not dishonoured; not disgraced or disrespected
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