
13-letter words containing n, o, u, i, s, e

  • righteousness — the quality or state of being righteous.
  • rivalrousness — characterized by rivalry; competitive: the rivalrous aspect of their friendship.
  • rooming house — a house with furnished rooms to rent; lodging house.
  • rose geranium — a geranium, Pelargonium graveolens, cultivated for its fragrant, lobed or narrowly divided leaves.
  • russian olive — oleaster.
  • salviniaceous — relating to the genus Salviniaceae
  • second cousin — a child of a first cousin of one's parent. Compare cousin (def 1).
  • security zone — an area controlled by security forces
  • selenous acid — a colorless, transparent, crystalline powder, H2SeO3, soluble in water and used as a reagent
  • self-delusion — the act or fact of deluding oneself.
  • self-doubting — lacking in confidence
  • self-luminous — radiating or reflecting light; shining; bright.
  • semi-autonomy — the quality or state of being semiautonomous.
  • semiconductor — a substance, as silicon or germanium, with electrical conductivity intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor: a basic component of various kinds of electronic circuit element (semiconductor device) used in communications, control, and detection technology and in computers.
  • semiconscious — half-conscious; not fully conscious.
  • sensorineural — related to or affecting a sensory nerve or a sensory mechanism together with its neural circuitry.
  • sententiously — abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book.
  • sequestration — removal or separation; banishment or exile.
  • serendipitous — come upon or found by accident; fortuitous: serendipitous scientific discoveries.
  • serpiginously — in a serpiginous manner; in the manner characteristic of serpigo
  • sex education — Sex education is education in schools on the subject of sexual activity and sexual relationships.
  • sexualization — to render sexual; endow with sexual characteristics.
  • show business — the entertainment industry, as theater, motion pictures, television, radio, carnival, and circus.
  • silver tongue — the characteristic of being skilful at persuading people to believe what they say or to do what they want them to do
  • single-tongue — to play (any nonlegato passage) on a wind instrument by obstructing and uncovering the air passage through the lips with the tongue
  • skull session — a meeting for the purpose of discussion, exchange of ideas, solving problems, etc.
  • soixante-neuf — sixty-nine (def 4).
  • solidungulate — having a single, undivided hoof on each foot, as a horse.
  • somniloquence — sleep-talking
  • sound barrier — Also called sonic barrier, transonic barrier. (not in technical use) a hypothetical barrier to flight beyond the speed of sound, so postulated because aircraft undergo an abruptly increasing drag force induced by compression of the surrounding air when traveling near the speed of sound.
  • sounding lead — a line weighted with a lead or plummet (sounding lead) and bearing marks to show the length paid out, used for sounding, as at sea.
  • sounding line — a line weighted with a lead or plummet (sounding lead) and bearing marks to show the length paid out, used for sounding, as at sea.
  • south vietnam — a former country in SE Asia that comprised Vietnam S of about 17° N latitude; a separate state 1954–75; now part of reunified Vietnam. Capital: Saigon.
  • southern fish — the constellation Piscis Austrinus.
  • souvenir shop — a shop that sells trivial gift items, such as T-shirts, coffee mugs, keyrings etc, esp aimed at tourists
  • spinuliferous — relating to a spine or spines
  • spiritousness — the state of being spiritous
  • splendiferous — splendid; magnificent; fine.
  • spot reducing — the usually futile effort to exercise one part of the body, as the thighs, in hopes of reducing the amount of fat stored in that area.
  • squirrel corn — an American plant, Dicentra canadensis, of the fumitory family, having yellow roots resembling kernels of corn, finely dissected leaves, and clusters of drooping, heart-shaped, cream-colored flowers.
  • staminiferous — bearing or having a stamen or stamens.
  • station house — a police station or fire station.
  • stentoriously — stentorian.
  • step function — a function that is constant on each of a finite set of subintervals of its domain, the union of the subintervals being the domain.
  • stoloniferous — producing or bearing stolons.
  • string course — a horizontal band or course, as of stone, projecting beyond or flush with the face of a building, often molded and sometimes richly carved.
  • student union — a building or rooms on a college or university campus, set aside for recreational, social, and governmental activities of the students.
  • sub-questions — a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
  • sub-sovereign — a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler.
  • subcollection — the act of collecting.
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