
16-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • trucking company — a company that transports goods by lorry
  • tsushima current — a warm ocean current flowing northward along the west coast of Japan.
  • tungsten carbide — a very hard, black or gray compound of tungsten and carbon, used in the manufacture of cutting and abrasion tools, dies, and wear-resistant machine parts.
  • twin-carburettor — (of an engine) having two carburettors
  • twin-lens camera — a camera having two separately mounted lenses coordinated to eliminate parallax errors or for making stereoscopic photographs.
  • ultracrepidarian — noting or pertaining to a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise: The play provides a classic, simplistic portrayal of an ultracrepidarian mother-in-law.
  • umbilical hernia — a hernia of the umbilicus.
  • un-contradictory — asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.
  • unattractiveness — the condition of not appealing to the senses or mind through beauty, form, character, etc
  • uncharacteristic — Also, characteristical. pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing; typical; distinctive: Red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn.
  • uncinate process — a curved, bony process on certain ribs of birds that projects backward and overlaps the succeeding rib, serving to strengthen the thorax.
  • uncircumstantial — of pertaining to, or derived from circumstances: a circumstantial result.
  • uncollateralized — lacking or needing no collateral: uncollateralized loans.
  • unconfirmability — to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions.
  • uncontradictable — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
  • unconversational — of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation: a conversational tone of voice.
  • undercapitalized — having insufficient capital for the efficient operation of a commercial enterprise
  • undercompensated — to compensate or pay less than is fair, customary, or expected.
  • underpitch vault — a construction having a central vault intersected by vaults of lower pitch.
  • undersecretariat — a department or section of a ministry of which an under secretary is in charge.
  • undiscriminating — differentiating; analytical.
  • undiscriminatory — characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc.: discriminatory practices in housing; a discriminatory tax.
  • unenforceability — to put or keep in force; compel obedience to: to enforce a rule; Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.
  • unfranked income — any income from an investment that does not qualify as franked investment income
  • uniformed branch — the branch of a police force in which officers wear a uniform
  • unitarian church — the Protestant denomination that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity
  • unparticularized — to make particular.
  • unpredictability — not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold: an unpredictable occurrence.
  • upsilon particle — the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet (Υ, υ).
  • urinary calculus — a calcareous concretion in the urinary tract.
  • valence electron — an electron of an atom, located in the outermost shell (valence shell) of the atom, that can be transferred to or shared with another atom.
  • valency electron — an electron in the outer shell of an atom, responsible for forming chemical bonds
  • vancouver island — an island of SW Canada, off the SW coast of British Columbia: separated from the Canadian mainland by the Strait of Georgia and Queen Charlotte Sound, and from the US mainland by Juan de Fuca Strait; the largest island off the W coast of North America. Chief town: Victoria. Pop: 706 243 (2001). Area: 32 137 sq km (12 408 sq miles)
  • vapor channeling — Vapor channeling exists when vapor flow is distributed in an unequal way in a distillation vessel or stage.
  • vapor combustion — Vapor combustion is a closed burn system used for treating liquid waste which contains volatile organic compounds.
  • vasoconstriction — constriction of the blood vessels, as by the action of a nerve.
  • vasoconstrictive — causing vasoconstriction.
  • velcro fastening — a fastening made of Velcro
  • ventriculography — radiography of the ventricles of the heart after injection of a contrast medium
  • vertebral column — spinal column.
  • vertical farming — a proposed system of growing crops in urban areas using specially designed skyscrapers
  • vertical tasting — a tasting of different vintages of one particular wine.
  • viceregal assent — the formal signing of an act of parliament by a governor general, by which it becomes law
  • victorian values — qualities considered to characterize the Victorian period, including enterprise and initiative and the importance of the family
  • virginia cowslip — a perennial woodland plant (Mertensia virginica) of the borage family, native to E North America and having clusters of blue or purple, bell-shaped flowers
  • virginia creeper — a climbing plant, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, of the grape family, native to North America, having palmate leaves, usually with five leaflets, and bluish-black berries.
  • virginia tobacco — a type of flue-cured tobacco grown originally in Virginia
  • visiting teacher — a teacher in a public school system, assigned to give home instruction to sick or disabled pupils.
  • visual interface — (tool, text)   (vi) /V-I/, /vi:/, *never* /siks/ A screen editor crufted together by Bill Joy for an early BSD release. vi became the de facto standard Unix editor and a nearly undisputed hacker favourite outside of MIT until the rise of Emacs after about 1984. It tends to frustrate new users no end, as it will neither take commands while expecting input text nor vice versa, and the default setup provides no indication of which mode the editor is in (one correspondent accordingly reports that he has often heard the editor's name pronounced /vi:l/). Nevertheless it is still widely used (about half the respondents in a 1991 Usenet poll preferred it), and even some Emacs fans resort to it as a mail editor and for small editing jobs (mainly because it starts up faster than the bulkier versions of Emacs). See holy wars.
  • vitamin-enriched — having had vitamins added
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