
16-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • tent caterpillar — any of the larvae of several moths of the genus Malacosoma, which feed on the leaves of orchard and shade trees and live colonially in a tentlike silken web.
  • the anthropocene — a proposed term for the present geological epoch (from the time of the Industrial Revolution onwards), during which humanity has begun to have a significant impact on the environment
  • the eastern bloc — (formerly) the Soviet bloc
  • the eternal city — Rome
  • the fact remains — You say the fact remains that something is the case when you want to emphasize that the situation must be accepted.
  • the gentle craft — fishing
  • theatre-francais — Comédie Française.
  • theatrical agent — an intermediary who brings together actors who are seeking work and theatre producers who are offering parts
  • thermal constant — a quantity that is considered invariable throughout a series of calculations relating to the heat of bodies
  • thermal cracking — Thermal cracking is an extraction process in which hydrocarbons such as crude oil are heated to a high temperature to break the molecular bonds.
  • thermionic valve — vacuum tube.
  • thioarsenic acid — any of three hypothetical acids, H3AsS4, HAsS3, and H4As2S7, known only in the forms of their salts
  • three-card monte — a gambling game in which the players are shown three cards and bet that they can identify one particular card of the three, as stipulated by the dealer, after the cards have been moved around face down by the dealer.
  • throat infection — an infection or inflammation of the throat or pharynx
  • thrombocytopenia — an abnormal decrease in the number of blood platelets.
  • to carry the can — If you have to carry the can, you have to take all the blame for something.
  • to coin a phrase — You say 'to coin a phrase' to show that you realize you are making a pun or using a cliché.
  • to compare notes — If you compare notes with someone on a particular subject, you talk to them and find out whether their opinion, information, or experience is the same as yours.
  • to rest in peace — If you express the wish that a dead person may rest in peace, you are showing respect and sympathy for him or her. 'Rest in peace' or 'RIP' is also sometimes written on gravestones.
  • tobacco hornworm — the larva of a hawk moth, Manduca sexta, having a hornlike structure at its posterior end and feeding on the leaves of tobacco and other plants of the nightshade family.
  • tobacco industry — business of selling smoking products
  • topsail schooner — a sailing vessel fore-and-aft rigged on all of two or more masts with square sails above the foresail, and often with a square sail before the foresail.
  • tracheobronchial — of, relating to, or affecting the trachea and bronchi.
  • tracking station — a facility equipped with instrumentation for following the flight path of, communicating with, and collecting data from a rocket or spacecraft.
  • traction control — (in motor racing cars) a method of preventing wheels from spinning when traction is applied by limiting the amount of power supplied to the wheel
  • trade acceptance — a bill of exchange drawn by the seller of goods on the buyer, and accepted by the buyer for payment at a future date.
  • traditionalistic — adherence to tradition as authority, especially in matters of religion.
  • trail commission — A trail commission is a further commission of between 0.1 and 1 percent that is paid to an advisor provided that the client’s funds remain invested in the product for a specified time.
  • trail one's coat — to invite a quarrel by deliberately provocative behaviour
  • trailing fuchsia — a shrub, Fuchsia procumbens, of the evening primrose family, native to New Zealand, having long-stalked leaves and drooping, orange-and-purple flowers, used in hanging baskets.
  • training college — a school providing training for a special field or profession.
  • training officer — a person whose job is to teach people the skills they need for a particular field or profession
  • trans-fatty acid — a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has been converted from the cis-form by hydrogenation: used in the manufacture of margarine
  • transcendentally — transcendent, surpassing, or superior.
  • transconductance — the ratio of a small change in anode current of an electron tube at a certain level of output to the corresponding small change of control-electrode voltage, usually expressed in mhos or micromhos.
  • transcontinental — passing or extending across a continent: a transcontinental railroad.
  • transcrystalline — situated within or passing through the crystals of a substance.
  • transculturation — acculturation.
  • transfer company — a company that transports people or luggage for a relatively short distance, as between terminals of two railroad lines.
  • transfer pricing — the setting of a price for the transfer of raw materials, components, products, or services between the trading units of a large organization
  • transport police — the national police force for railways in Britain, which protects rail operators, staff and passengers
  • transverse colon — the middle portion of the colon, lying across the upper abdominal cavity between the ascending colon on the right and the descending colon on the left.
  • travel insurance — insurance which covers losses that may be incurred while travelling, such as medical expenses, flight cancellations, lost luggage, etc
  • travelling clock — a small clock taken by someone who is travelling
  • trichloromethane — chloroform (def 1).
  • trichotillomania — a compulsion to pull out one's hair.
  • tridarn cupboard — a Welsh cupboard of the late 17th and 18th centuries, with an open, canopied upper section for display.
  • tristan da cunha — a group of four volcanic islands in the S Atlantic, belonging to St. Helena. 40 sq. mi. (104 sq. km).
  • tropic of cancer — Geography. either of two corresponding parallels of latitude on the terrestrial globe, one (tropic of Cancer) about 23½° N, and the other (tropic of Capricorn) about 23½° S of the equator, being the boundaries of the Torrid Zone. the tropics, the regions lying between and near these parallels of latitude; the Torrid Zone and neighboring regions.
  • tropical cyclone — a cyclone that originates over a tropical ocean area and can develop into the destructive storm known in the U.S. as a hurricane, in the western Pacific region as a typhoon, and elsewhere by other names. Compare extratropical cyclone, hurricane (def 1), willy-willy.
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