
11-letter words containing m, r, n

  • reallotment — the act or process of reallotting something
  • reamendment — the act or process of reamending something
  • reanimation — to restore to life; resuscitate.
  • reclamation — the reclaiming of desert, marshy, or submerged areas or other wasteland for cultivation or other use.
  • recombinant — of or resulting from new combinations of genetic material: recombinant cells.
  • recommended — to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably: to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.
  • recommender — to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably: to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.
  • recountment — the act or process of recounting or reciting something
  • recriminate — to bring a countercharge against an accuser.
  • recruitment — the act or process of recruiting.
  • red jasmine — a fragrant shrub with fragrant flowers, also known as frangipani
  • redetermine — to determine again or in a different way
  • reemergence — the act or process of emerging.
  • reenactment — the act of enacting.
  • reformation — the act of reforming; state of being reformed.
  • refrainment — to abstain from an impulse to say or do something (often followed by from): I refrained from telling him what I thought.
  • refreshment — something that refreshes, especially food or drink.
  • regimentals — of or relating to a regiment.
  • regionalism — Government. the principle or system of dividing a city, state, etc., into separate administrative regions.
  • reimplement — any article used in some activity, especially an instrument, tool, or utensil: agricultural implements.
  • reinterment — the act or ceremony of interring; burial.
  • rejoicement — rejoicing; delight; exultation; gladness; joy
  • relationism — a doctrine maintaining the existence of relations between things
  • releasement — the act of releasing from confinement or responsibility
  • religionism — excessive or exaggerated religious zeal.
  • remaindered — something that remains or is left: the remainder of the day.
  • remand home — a detention home for juvenile offenders aged 8–16 years.
  • remand wing — a special area within a prison for prisoners who are awaiting trial
  • remediation — the correction of something bad or defective.
  • remembering — to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again: I'll try to remember the exact date.
  • remembrance — a retained mental impression; memory.
  • remigration — the act or process of returning or migrating back to the place of origin
  • reminiscent — awakening memories of something similar; suggestive (usually followed by of): His style of writing is reminiscent of Melville's.
  • reminiscing — to recall past experiences, events, etc.; indulge in reminiscence.
  • remodelling — to model again.
  • remonstrant — remonstrating; expostulatory.
  • remonstrate — to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval.
  • removal man — Removal men are men whose job is to move furniture or equipment from one building to another.
  • removal van — a large vehicle used to transport furniture or equipment from one building to another
  • remunerable — to pay, recompense, or reward for work, trouble, etc.
  • remunerated — to pay, recompense, or reward for work, trouble, etc.
  • remunerator — to pay, recompense, or reward for work, trouble, etc.
  • renormalize — to normalize again, to cause to conform to norms or a normal state again
  • renumerated — to represent numbers by symbols.
  • repairwoman — a woman whose occupation is the making of repairs, readjustments, etc.
  • replacement — the act of replacing.
  • requirement — that which is required; a thing demanded or obligatory: One of the requirements of the job is accuracy.
  • requitement — to make repayment or return for (service, benefits, etc.).
  • rescindment — to abrogate; annul; revoke; repeal.
  • resemblance — the state or fact of resembling; similarity.
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