
11-letter words containing m, r, n

  • pre-confirm — to make valid or binding by some formal or legal act; sanction; ratify: to confirm a treaty; to confirm her appointment to the Supreme Court.
  • pre-eminent — eminent above or before others; superior; surpassing: He is preeminent in his profession.
  • pre-emption — the act or right of claiming or purchasing before or in preference to others.
  • pre-seminal — released before semen is ejaculated
  • preadmonish — to admonish or warn beforehand
  • precambrian — noting or pertaining to the earliest era of earth history, ending 570 million years ago, during which the earth's crust formed and life first appeared in the seas.
  • predicament — an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
  • predominant — having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others; preeminent.
  • predominate — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • preemergent — of or relating to seedlings before they emerge or appear above ground: a preemergent weed-killer.
  • preeminence — the state or character of being preeminent.
  • prefreshman — before being a freshman
  • prejudgment — to judge beforehand.
  • preliminary — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • premonetary — of or relating to the coinage or currency of a country.
  • premonition — a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event; presentiment: He had a vague premonition of danger.
  • premonitive — of, or relating to, a premonition
  • premonitory — giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand.
  • premovement — the act of premoving
  • premunition — Immunology. a state of balance between host and infectious agent, as a bacterium or parasite, such that the immune defense of the host is sufficient to resist further infection but insufficient to destroy the agent.
  • prenominate — mentioned beforehand.
  • prenumbered — a numeral or group of numerals.
  • preromantic — of, relating to, or of the nature of romance; characteristic or suggestive of the world of romance: a romantic adventure.
  • presagement — an omen
  • presentment — an act of presenting, especially to the mind, as an idea, view, etc.
  • press money — prest money.
  • prest money — a sum of money advanced to men enlisting in the navy or the army, given to bind the bargain and as an inducement.
  • presumingly — presumptuous.
  • presumption — the act of presuming.
  • preterhuman — beyond what is human: preterhuman experience.
  • preterminal — situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.
  • prevailment — the action of prevailing
  • prima donna — a first or principal female singer of an opera company.
  • primariness — the state of being primary
  • primigenial — relating to an early stage of existence; primitive
  • print media — the industry that is engaged in the printing and dissemination of news through newspapers and magazines
  • printmaking — the art or technique of making prints, especially as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy.
  • prison camp — a camp for the confinement of prisoners of war or political prisoners.
  • prison farm — a farm attached to a prison, where prisoners carry out hard labour
  • prize money — money offered, won, or received in prizes.
  • prochronism — a chronological error in which a person, event, etc., is assigned a date earlier than the actual one; prolepsis.
  • proclaimant — someone who proclaims
  • procurement — the act of procuring, or obtaining or getting by effort, care, or the use of special means: The organ procurement procedure is very complicated.
  • producement — production
  • profeminist — advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men.
  • prognathism — having protrusive jaws; having a gnathic index over 103.
  • programming — a plan of action to accomplish a specified end: a school lunch program.
  • projectment — a design or projection
  • prolegomena — a preliminary discussion; introductory essay, as prefatory matter in a book; a prologue.
  • prolongment — to lengthen out in time; extend the duration of; cause to continue longer: to prolong one's stay abroad.
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