
15-letter words containing m, o, u, i, l

  • micropublishing — the publishing of material in microfilm
  • microstructural — Of or pertaining to a microstructure.
  • microtunnelling — a technique used to excavate tunnels mechanically for the laying of pipes
  • miles gloriosus — a braggart soldier, esp as a stock figure in comedy
  • misarticulation — an act or the process of articulating: the articulation of a form; the articulation of a new thought.
  • miscalculations — Plural form of miscalculation.
  • miscellaneously — In a miscellaneous manner.
  • modal auxiliary — Grammar. any of the group of English auxiliary verbs, including can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, and must, that are used with the base form of another verb to express distinctions of mood.
  • molecular knife — a segment of genetic material that inhibits the reproduction of the AIDS virus by breaking up specific areas of the virus's genes.
  • molecular sieve — a compound with molecule-size pores, as some sodium aluminum silicates, that chemically locks molecules in them: used in purification and separation processes.
  • monoculturalism — The practice of actively preserving a culture to the exclusion of external influences.
  • mononucleotides — Plural form of mononucleotide.
  • monumentalizing — Present participle of monumentalize.
  • moral turpitude — conduct that is regarded as immoral.
  • motoring public — the population that drive road vehicles
  • mount cook lily — a large white buttercup, Ranunculus lyallii, of the South Island alpine country of New Zealand
  • mount of olives — a hill to the east of Jerusalem: in New Testament times the village Bethany (Mark 11:11) was on its eastern slope and Gethsemane on its western one
  • mountain laurel — any of various ericaceous shrubs or trees of the genus Kalmia, esp K. latifolia of E North America, which has leathery poisonous leaves and clusters of pink or white flowers
  • mouthwateringly — In a mouthwatering manner.
  • mules operation — the surgical removal of folds of skin in the breech of a sheep to reduce blowfly strike
  • multi-binprolog — (language)   A multi-threaded Linda-style parallel extension to BinProlog for Solaris 2.3. Version: 3.30.
  • multidivisional — Of or pertaining to more than one division.
  • multiflora rose — a climbing or trailing rose, Rosa multiflora, of Japan and Korea, having hooked prickles and fragrant, dense clusters of flowers.
  • multifunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • multihomed host — A host which has more than one connection to a network. The host may send and receive data over any of the links but will not route traffic for other nodes.
  • multilocational — found or operating in several locations
  • multinationally — a large corporation with operations and subsidiaries in several countries.
  • multinucleolate — having two or more nucleoli
  • multiphase flow — Multiphase flow is a type of flow that involves more than one fluid, for example a liquid and a gas, or two liquids that do not mix.
  • multiple choice — question: with several options
  • multiple factor — polygene.
  • multiple voting — the casting of ballots in more than one constituency in one election, as in England before the election reform of 1918.
  • multiple-choice — consisting of several possible answers from which the correct one must be selected: a multiple-choice question.
  • multiprocessing — the simultaneous execution of two or more programs or instruction sequences by separate CPUs under integrated control.
  • multiprocessors — Plural form of multiprocessor.
  • multitudinously — In a multitudinous way.
  • multum in parvo — much in a small space
  • municipal bonds — a bond issued by a state, county, city, or town, or by a state authority or agency to finance projects.
  • municipal court — a court whose jurisdiction is confined to a city or municipality, with criminal jurisdiction usually corresponding to that of a police court and civil jurisdiction over small causes.
  • murder will out — Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)
  • muslim brothers — an organization founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna (1906–49), calling for a return to rigid orthodoxy, the overthrow of secular governments, and a restoration of the theocratic state.
  • muzzle velocity — the speed of a projectile, usually expressed in feet or meters per second, as it leaves the muzzle of a gun.
  • name resolution — (networking)   The process of mapping a name into its corresponding address. The Domain Name System is the system which does name resolution on the Internet.
  • neo-lutheranism — a movement begun in the 19th century in Germany and Scandinavia to revive the orthodox principles, beliefs, and practices of the Lutheran Church.
  • neuroanatomical — the branch of anatomy dealing with the nervous system.
  • neurochemically — In a neurochemical manner or context.
  • neuroepithelium — Embryology. the part of the embryonic ectoderm that gives rise to the nervous system.
  • neuroimmunology — a branch of immunology concerned with the interactions between immunological and nervous system functions, especially as they apply to various autoimmune diseases.
  • no-claims bonus — law: insurance premium reduction
  • non combustible — not flammable.
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