
15-letter words containing m, i, n, a, r, t

  • hydrodynamicist — a specialist in hydrodynamics.
  • hyper-emotional — pertaining to or involving emotion or the emotions.
  • hypoproteinemia — an abnormally low concentration of protein in the blood.
  • identical rhyme — rhyme created by the repetition of a word.
  • identity matrix — a matrix that has 1 in each position on the main diagonal and 0 in all other positions.
  • image converter — a device for producing a visual image formed by other electromagnetic radiation such as infrared or ultraviolet radiation or X-rays
  • immaterializing — Present participle of immaterialize.
  • immensurability — The quality of being immensurable.
  • immortalization — to bestow unending fame upon; perpetuate.
  • immunoadsorbent — immunosorbent.
  • immunomodulator — a substance that affects the functioning of the immune system
  • immunoreactions — Plural form of immunoreaction.
  • impenetrability — the state or quality of being impenetrable.
  • imponderability — The state or characteristic of being imponderable.
  • importunateness — Quality of being importunate.
  • improvisational — the art or act of improvising, or of composing, uttering, executing, or arranging anything without previous preparation: Musical improvisation involves imagination and creativity.
  • in rerum natura — in the nature of things
  • in the majority — the largest group
  • incomparability — beyond comparison; matchless or unequaled: incomparable beauty.
  • incrementalists — Plural form of incrementalist.
  • indeterminately — not determinate; not precisely fixed in extent; indefinite; uncertain.
  • indetermination — the quality or condition of being indeterminate.
  • indirect demand — the secondary demand for labour, raw materials, premises etc which arises from the direct demand for goods
  • inertial system — a frame of reference in which a body remains at rest or moves with constant linear velocity unless acted upon by forces: any frame of reference that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial system is itself an inertial system.
  • information age — a period beginning about 1975 and characterized by the gathering and almost instantaneous transmission of vast amounts of information and by the rise of information-based industries.
  • informationally — In an informational manner.
  • informativeness — giving information; instructive: an informative book.
  • inspection arms — a position in military drill in which the missile chamber of a weapon is open for inspection.
  • instrumentalism — the variety of pragmatism developed by John Dewey, maintaining that the truth of an idea is determined by its success in the active solution of a problem and that the value of ideas is determined by their function in human experience.
  • instrumentalist — a person who plays a musical instrument.
  • instrumentality — the quality or state of being instrumental.
  • instrumentation — the arranging of music for instruments, especially for an orchestra.
  • insurance stamp — an insurance contribution
  • integral domain — a commutative ring in which the cancellation law holds true.
  • intemperateness — The quality of being intemperate.
  • interambulacral — relating to, or situated between, interambulacra
  • interambulacrum — the area between two of an echinoderm's ambulacra
  • interchangement — the act of interchanging
  • intercomparison — mutual comparison
  • interminability — incapable of being terminated; unending: an interminable job.
  • intermodulation — the production in an electrical device of frequencies that are the sums or differences of frequencies of different inputs or of their harmonics.
  • internal market — a system in which goods and services are sold by the provider to a range of purchasers within the same organization, who compete to establish the price of the product
  • internment camp — a prison camp for the confinement of enemy aliens, prisoners of war, political prisoners, etc.
  • interparoxysmal — occurring in the period or periods between paroxysms.
  • intertanglement — the state or condition of being intertangled
  • intervalometers — Plural form of intervalometer.
  • intra-abdominal — being within the abdomen.
  • intramuscularly — In an intramuscular manner; within a muscle.
  • intramyocardial — Into or within the myocardium.
  • intransigentism — the policy or set of principles of an intransigent
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