
15-letter words containing m, i, n, a, r, t

  • obituary column — the division of a publication reserved for obituaries
  • odd permutation — a permutation of a set of n elements, x 1 , x 2 , …, xn, which permutes the product of all differences of the form (xi – xj), where i is less than j, into the negative of the product.
  • oligomerisation — Alternative spelling of oligomerization.
  • oligomerization — (chemistry) The formation of an oligomer from a monomer.
  • omnidirectional — sending or receiving signals in all directions: an omnidirectional microphone.
  • omnium gatherum — a miscellaneous collection.
  • omnium-gatherum — a miscellaneous collection.
  • operations room — a room from which all the operations of a military, police, or other disciplined activity are controlled
  • outdoorsmanship — a person devoted to outdoor sports and recreational activities, as hiking, hunting, fishing, or camping.
  • over-enthusiasm — absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest: He shows marked enthusiasm for his studies.
  • over-estimation — to estimate at too high a value, amount, rate, or the like: Don't overestimate the car's trade-in value.
  • overachievement — to perform, especially academically, above the potential indicated by tests of one's mental ability or aptitude.
  • overcommunicate — to communicate excessively
  • overdramatizing — Present participle of overdramatize.
  • overemotionally — In an overemotional manner.
  • overimaginative — imaginative to a fault
  • overstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • ozark mountains — an eroded plateau in S Missouri, N Arkansas, and NE Oklahoma. Area: about 130 000 sq km (50 000 sq miles)
  • panoramic sight — an artillery sight that can be rotated horizontally in a full circle.
  • pantopragmatics — universal intervention in the affairs of others
  • parallel motion — a mechanism arranged so as to impart rectilinear motion to a rod connected to a lever that moves through an arc.
  • parametrization — a parametric representation; the act of representing as or defining parameters
  • parliamentarian — a person who is expert in the formal rules and procedures of deliberative assemblies and other formal organizations.
  • parliamentarily — in a parliamentary manner
  • pars intermedia — a small, somewhat cherry-shaped double structure attached by a stalk to the base of the brain and constituting the master endocrine gland affecting all hormonal functions in the body, consisting of an anterior region ((anterior pituitary) or (adenohypophysis)) that develops embryonically from the roof of the mouth and that secretes growth hormone, LH, FSH, ACTH, TSH, and MSH, a posterior region ((posterior pituitary) or (neurohypophysis)) that develops from the back of the forebrain and that secretes the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin, and an intermediate part (pars intermedia) derived from the anterior region but joined to the posterior region, that secretes the hormone MSH in lower vertebrates.
  • pattern bombing — aerial bombing in which bombs are dropped on a target in a predetermined pattern.
  • pavement artist — sidewalk artist.
  • pedestrian mall — A pedestrian mall is the same as a pedestrian precinct.
  • pematangsiantar — a city on NE Sumatra, in Indonesia.
  • performing arts — dance, drama, music
  • peter of amiens — c1050–1115, French monk: preacher of the first Crusade 1095–99.
  • phantom circuit — a circuit derived from two suitably arranged pairs of wires, each pair being a circuit (side circuit) and also acting as one half of an additional derived circuit, the entire system providing the capabilities of three circuits while requiring wires for only two.
  • photojournalism — journalism in which photography dominates written copy, as in certain magazines.
  • picture-framing — the job of framing photos, paintings etc
  • planimetrically — in a planimetric manner
  • plant-hire firm — a company that hires out mobile mechanical equipment for construction, road-making, etc
  • platform tennis — a variation of tennis played on a wooden platform enclosed with chicken wire in which the players hit a rubber ball with wooden paddles following the same basic rules as tennis except that only one serve is permitted and balls can be played off the back and side fences.
  • pneumatic drill — a percussive power drill powered by compressed air
  • pontine marshes — an area of W Italy, southeast of Rome: formerly malarial swamps, drained in 1932–34 after numerous attempts since 160 bc had failed
  • poultry farming — breeding and keeping fowl
  • power macintosh — Power Mac
  • pragmaticalness — the quality of being pragmatical or meddlesome
  • prajna-paramita — a series of sutras dealing with the perfection of wisdom: systematized by the Madhyamikas.
  • pre-reformation — the act of reforming; state of being reformed.
  • pre-romanticism — romantic spirit or tendency.
  • predeterminable — able to be predetermined; able to be determined in advance
  • preferentialism — the economic system of preference, esp amongst British commonwealth countries
  • preformationism — the belief in the theory of preformation
  • preformationist — someone who advocates the theory of preformation
  • preimplantation — relating to the period before implantation in the uterus
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