
12-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • optimistical — disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
  • overemphasis — excessive or undue emphasis.
  • paedobaptism — the baptism of infants
  • palimpsestic — a parchment or the like from which writing has been partially or completely erased to make room for another text.
  • palindromist — a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward, as Madam, I'm Adam or Poor Dan is in a droop.
  • palm islands — a group of three man-made island systems under construction just off the shore in Dubai, each in the shape of a palm tree
  • palm springs — a city in S California: resort.
  • pan-asianism — the idea or advocacy of a political alliance of all the Asian nations.
  • pan-islamism — the idea or advocacy of a political union of all Muslim nations.
  • panhellenism — the idea or advocacy of a union of all Greeks in one political body.
  • pansexualism — the belief that a sexual instinct drives all human behaviour
  • panspermatic — relating to panspermia
  • parachronism — a chronological error in which a person, event, etc., is assigned a date later than the actual one.
  • paragnathism — the condition or fact of having upper and lower jaws of equal length
  • parameterise — to describe (a phenomenon, problem, curve, surface, etc.) by the use of parameters.
  • paramorphism — the process by which a paramorph is formed.
  • paraphimosis — inability to retract the penis into the prepuce as a result of narrowing of the prepuce
  • parapsychism — the experience of mental phenomena that are beyond the scope of normal physical explanation
  • parasitaemia — the condition of having parasites in the blood
  • parkinsonism — Parkinson's disease.
  • parochialism — a parochial character, spirit, or tendency; excessive narrowness of interests or view; provincialism.
  • paronomastic — the use of a word in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve a specific effect, as humor or a dual meaning; punning.
  • parsimonious — characterized by or showing parsimony; frugal or stingy.
  • patristicism — the study or science of the Fathers
  • pax vobiscum — peace be with you
  • pearl primusPearl, 1919–1994, U.S. dancer, born in Trinidad.
  • periostracum — the external, chitinlike covering of the shell of certain mollusks that protects the limy portion from acids.
  • peristomatic — surrounding a leaf's stoma or stomata
  • perpetualism — a belief in the permanence of a given thing; the belief that a given thing (e.g. the world, a political system) will last forever
  • persian lamb — the young lamb of the Karakul sheep.
  • phantasmatic — pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare.
  • phantasmical — pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare.
  • phosphamidon — a systemic and contact insecticide, C 1 0 H 1 9 ClNO 5 P, used against beetles, aphids, mites, and other crop pests.
  • photorealism — a style of painting flourishing in the 1970s, especially in the U.S., England, and France, and depicting commonplace scenes or ordinary people, with a meticulously detailed realism, flat images, and barely discernible brushwork that suggests and often is based on or incorporates an actual photograph.
  • phrasemaking — the making up or coining of memorable phrases or slogans
  • pictorialism — Fine Arts. the creation or use of pictures or visual images, especially of recognizable or realistic representations.
  • planetesimal — one of the small celestial bodies that, according to one theory (planetesimal hypothesis) were fused together to form the planets of the solar system.
  • plastic bomb — a bomb made of plastic explosive.
  • plastic foam — expanded plastic.
  • pleiochasium — a flowering system in which several buds come out at the same time
  • plumbaginous — containing graphite.
  • poison sumac — a shrub or small tree, Rhus vernix (or Toxicodendron vernix), of swampy areas of the eastern U.S., having pinnate leaves and causing severe dermatitis when touched by persons sensitive to it.
  • policymakers — a person responsible for making policy, especially in government.
  • pollyannaism — an excessively or blindly optimistic person.
  • polygamistic — a person who practices or favors polygamy.
  • polyomavirus — any of a genus (Polyomavirus) of papovaviruses that naturally infect wild and laboratory mice, and that cause tumors when injected into newborn mice
  • porismatical — porismatic
  • post-primary — first or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal: his primary goals in life.
  • postimperial — of, relating to, or designating the period after an empire
  • postliminary — of or relating to postliminy
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