
12-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • mediatorship — the position of a mediator
  • melliphagous — (of an animal) feeding on honey
  • mesoappendix — the mesentery of the vermiform appendix.
  • mesocephalic — having a head with a cephalic index between that of dolichocephaly and brachycephaly.
  • mesopotamian — an ancient region in W Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: now part of Iraq.
  • metal polish — cleaning fluid designed to clean, polish or add shine to metal
  • metamorphism — Geology. a change in the structure or constitution of a rock due to natural agencies, as pressure and heat, especially when the rock becomes harder and more completely crystalline.
  • metamorphist — a member of a group of 16th century Christians who believed that the humanly body of Jesus Christ metamorphosed into God during the Ascension
  • metaphrasing — Present participle of metaphrase.
  • metaphrastic — a person who translates or changes a literary work from one form to another, as prose into verse.
  • metaphysical — pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.
  • metapolitics — political theory: often used derogatorily
  • metapsychics — the study of psychic phenomena beyond the limits of ordinary or orthodox psychology
  • metric space — a space with a metric defined on it.
  • microamperes — Plural form of microampere.
  • microcapsule — a tiny capsule, 20–150 microns in diameter, used for slow-release application of drugs, pesticides, flavors, etc.
  • microphagous — (of an animal) feeding on small particles of food
  • microphallus — The condition of having an abnormally small penis; micropenis.
  • milk parsley — a wetland plant belonging to the family Apiaceae
  • milliamperes — Plural form of milliampere.
  • millilampson — /mil'*-lamp"sn/ A unit of talking speed, abbreviated mL. Most people run about 200 milliLampsons. The eponymous Butler Lampson (a CS theorist and systems implementor highly regarded among hackers) goes at 1000. A few people speak faster. This unit is sometimes used to compare the (sometimes widely disparate) rates at which people can generate ideas and actually emit them in speech. For example, noted computer architect C. Gordon Bell (designer of the PDP-11) is said, with some awe, to think at about 1200 mL but only talk at about 300; he is frequently reduced to fragments of sentences as his mouth tries to keep up with his speeding brain.
  • misanthropes — Plural form of misanthrope.
  • misanthropic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a misanthrope.
  • misappraisal — the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.
  • misapprehend — to misunderstand.
  • misemphasize — to emphasize incorrectly
  • mishappening — Present participle of mishappen.
  • misoperation — an act or instance, process, or manner of functioning or operating.
  • misplacement — to put in a wrong place.
  • mispleadings — Plural form of mispleading.
  • misportrayal — the act of portraying.
  • mispunctuate — to punctuate incorrectly.
  • monosynaptic — having or relating to a sole synapse
  • morphallaxis — Biology. the regeneration of a destroyed body part by the reorganization of its remaining cells.
  • moss campion — cushion pink.
  • mount pisgah — the mountain slopes to the northeast of the Dead Sea, from one of which, Mount Nebo, Moses viewed Canaan
  • mountaintops — Plural form of mountaintop.
  • multi-pascal — An extension of Pascal-S with multiprocessing features. Used in "The Art of Parallel Programming", Bruce P. Lester, P-H 1993.
  • multiseptate — having several septa or chambers
  • municipalism — the principle or system of home rule by a municipality.
  • musicianship — knowledge, skill, and artistic sensitivity in performing music.
  • mycoparasite — a parasitic fungus whose host is another fungus.
  • neoplatonism — a philosophical system, originated in the 3rd century a.d. by Plotinus, founded chiefly on Platonic doctrine and Eastern mysticism, with later influences from Christianity. It holds that all existence consists of emanations from the One with whom the soul may be reunited.
  • newspaperism — anything characteristic of newspapers, esp a word or phrase used only by journalists
  • nuptial mass — a special mass said at a wedding.
  • oligospermia — (medicine) Low volume of semen.
  • operationism — the doctrine that the meaning of a scientific term, concept, or proposition consists of the operation or operations performed in defining or demonstrating it.
  • ophthalmitis — ophthalmia.
  • optic chiasm — a site at the base of the forebrain where the inner half of the fibers of the left and right optic nerves cross to the opposite side of the brain.
  • optimisation — Alternative spelling of optimization.
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