
14-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • sliding vector — a vector having specified magnitude and lying on a given line.
  • social control — Sociology. the enforcement of conformity by society upon its members, either by law or by social pressure.
  • social network — a network of friends, colleagues, and other personal contacts: Strong social networks can encourage healthy behaviors.
  • solar constant — the average rate at which radiant energy is received from the sun by the earth, equal to 1.94 small calories per minute per square centimeter of area perpendicular to the sun's rays, measured at a point outside the earth's atmosphere when the earth is at its mean distance from the sun.
  • solitudinarian — a person who seeks solitude; recluse.
  • somali current — a current of the Indian Ocean, flowing northward along the coast of Somalia in summer and southwestward the rest of the year.
  • son et lumiere — sound-and-light show.
  • south carolina — a state in the SE United States, on the Atlantic coast. 31,055 sq. mi. (80,430 sq. km). Capital: Columbia. Abbreviation: SC (for use with zip code), S.C.
  • south portland — a city in SW Maine.
  • southern slavs — one of a group of peoples in eastern, southeastern, and central Europe, including the Russians and Ruthenians (Eastern Slavs) the Bulgars, Serbs, Croats, Slavonians, Slovenes, etc. (Southern Slavs) and the Poles, Czechs, Moravians, Slovaks, etc. (Western Slavs)
  • spironolactone — a steroid, C 2 4 H 3 2 O 4 S, used in combination with other drugs as a diuretic and antihypertensive.
  • splinter group — a small organization that becomes separated from or acts apart from an original larger group or a number of other small groups, with which it would normally be united, as because of disagreement.
  • st. marylebone — former metropolitan borough of London: since 1965, part of Westminster
  • stagflationary — of, caused by, or relating to, stagflation
  • staghorn coral — staghorn coral.
  • stalking horse — If you describe a person or thing as a stalking horse, you mean that it is being used to obtain a temporary advantage so that someone can get what they really want.
  • stalking-horse — a horse, or a figure of a horse, behind which a hunter hides in stalking game.
  • standard model — a mathematical description of the elementary particles of matter and the fundamental forces by which they interact and behave; a model combining electromagnetic and weak forces.
  • starting block — a device used by runners, especially sprinters, for increasing their speed off the mark, consisting of a metal or wooden frame, usually secured to the ground at both ends, with adjustable, triangular-shaped blocks on each side for bracing the feet.
  • state religion — the official religion of a state as established by law.
  • sturgeon's law — "Ninety percent of everything is crap". Derived from a quote by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, who once said, "Sure, 90% of science fiction is crud. That's because 90% of everything is crud." Oddly, when Sturgeon's Law is cited, the final word is almost invariably changed to "crap". Compare Ninety-Ninety Rule. Though this maxim originated in SF fandom, most hackers recognise it and are all too aware of its truth.
  • sub-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • sunburst clock — a clock with the pattern or design of a sun
  • super-rational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • superelevation — bank1 (def 6).
  • superinflation — hyperinflation.
  • superovulation — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • supra-national — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • tabularization — the act of tabularizing
  • tatterdemalion — a person in tattered clothing; a shabby person.
  • tcl consortium — (body)   A non-profit agency dedicated to promoting Tcl.
  • technothriller — a suspense novel in which the manipulation of sophisticated technology, as of aircraft or weapons systems, plays a prominent part.
  • teleconference — a business meeting, educational session, etc., conducted among participants in different locations via telecommunications equipment. Compare videoconference.
  • telejournalism — the writing and broadcasting of journalism for television
  • telejournalist — a journalist who writes for or broadcasts on television
  • telephone wire — a wire that transmits telegraph and telephone signals
  • teleprocessing — computerized processing and transmission of data over the telephone or other long-distance communications systems.
  • telomerization — polymerization in the presence of a chain transfer agent to yield a series of products of low molecular weight
  • ten-acre block — a block of subdivided farming land, usually within commuting distance of a city, that provides a semirural way of life
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminal point — the final destination or station of a bus or rail journey
  • terminological — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • terotechnology — a branch of technology that utilizes management, financial, and engineering expertise in the installation and efficient operation and maintenance of equipment and machinery
  • texas longhorn — one of a breed of long-horned beef cattle of the southwestern U.S., developed from cattle introduced into North America from Spain and valued for disease resistance, fecundity, and a historical association with the old West: now rare.
  • the final four — the last four teams remaining in a tournament
  • the honourable — a title of respect placed before a name: employed before the names of various officials in the English-speaking world, as a courtesy title in Britain for the children of viscounts and barons and the younger sons of earls, and in Parliament by one member speaking of another
  • the long march — a journey of about 10 000 km (6000 miles) undertaken (1934–35) by some 100 000 Chinese Communists when they were forced out of their base in Kiangsi in SE China. They made their way to Shensi in NW China; only about 8000 survived the rigours of the journey
  • the paranormal — paranormal happenings generally
  • theriogenology — the branch of veterinary medicine encompassing all aspects of reproduction.
  • thermoanalysis — thermal analysis.
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