
14-letter words containing l, o, n, r, t

  • pound sterling — pound2 (def 3).
  • prawn cocktail — A prawn cocktail is a dish that consists of prawns, salad, and a sauce. It is usually eaten at the beginning of a meal.
  • pre-employment — being required or accomplished before an employee begins a new job: a preemployment medical exam.
  • pre-enrollment — the act or process of enrolling.
  • pre-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • preapplication — the act of putting to a special use or purpose: the application of common sense to a problem.
  • precalculation — the act or process of calculating; computation.
  • preconcertedly — in a preconcerted or preplanned manner
  • preconsonantal — immediately preceding a consonant.
  • precontractual — a preexisting contract that legally prevents a person from making another contract of the same nature.
  • predevaluation — of or pertaining to the period prior to devaluation of a given thing
  • predevelopment — advance development; the action of developing in advance
  • preformulation — to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically: He finds it extremely difficult to formulate his new theory.
  • preoperational — able to function or be used; functional: How soon will the new factory be operational?
  • preponderantly — superior in weight, force, influence, numbers, etc.; prevailing: a preponderant misconception.
  • prepublication — the period immediately preceding the publication of a book.
  • presentational — of or relating to presentation.
  • pretensionless — without pretension
  • price controls — government regulation of prices by establishing maximum price levels for goods or services, as during a period of inflation.
  • pro-revolution — an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
  • progestational — prepared for pregnancy, as the lining of the uterus prior to menstruation or in the early stages of gestation itself; progravid.
  • prognostically — of or relating to prognosis.
  • proletarianism — the practices, attitudes, or social status of a proletarian.
  • proletarianize — to convert or transform into a member or members of the proletariat: to proletarianize the middle class.
  • promenade tile — a machine-made, unglazed, ceramic floor tile.
  • propitiatingly — to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
  • proportionable — being in due proportion; proportional.
  • proportionally — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • proportionless — lacking proportion; disproportionate
  • prostate gland — an organ that surrounds the urethra of males at the base of the bladder, comprising a muscular portion, which controls the release of urine, and a glandular portion, which secretes an alkaline fluid that makes up part of the semen and enhances the motility and fertility of sperm.
  • protoplanetary — of or relating to protoplanets
  • proventriculus — the glandular portion of the stomach of birds, in which food is partially digested before passing to the ventriculus or gizzard.
  • provident club — a hire-purchase system offered by some large retail organizations
  • providentially — of, relating to, or resulting from divine providence: providential care.
  • provisionality — providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary: a provisional government.
  • proxy conflict — a conflict between third parties, through whom enemies attack each other
  • psilanthropism — the doctrine that Jesus Christ was only a human being.
  • psilanthropist — a person who believes that Jesus was merely human
  • pulmonary tree — the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles of the lungs, which together resemble an upside-down tree.
  • purple boneset — joe-pye weed (def 1).
  • pyelonephritic — of or relating to an inflammation of the pelvis and renal parenchyma
  • pyelonephritis — inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by a bacterial infection.
  • pyriphlegethon — Phlegethon (def 1).
  • quarter nelson — a hold in which a wrestler, from a kneeling position beside an opponent, puts one hand on the opponent's head, passes the free arm under the far arm of the opponent, and locks the free arm to the other arm by clasping the wrist.
  • quasi-rational — agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
  • quintus prolog — (language, product)   A version of Prolog developed by Quintus. Development of Quintus Prolog had transferred to the Swedish Institute of Computer Science by December 1998. Telephone: +1 (800) 542 1283.
  • quodlibetarian — a person who writes, discusses or engages in quodlibets
  • race relations — relationships between races
  • radiation belt — Van Allen belt.
  • radicalization — to make radical or more radical, as in politics: young people who are being radicalized by extremist philosophies.
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