
12-letter words containing h, e, g, o, a

  • shawl tongue — kiltie (def 3).
  • shopbreaking — the act of breaking into a shop
  • short-change — to give less than the correct change to.
  • shortchanged — to give less than the correct change to.
  • shoulder bag — a handbag with shoulder strap attached.
  • shoulder-bag — A shoulder-bag is a bag that has a long strap so that it can be carried on a person's shoulder.
  • siderography — the art or technique of engraving on steel.
  • slaughterous — murderous; destructive.
  • snaggletooth — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • snobographer — a person who writes about snobs
  • sought after — that is in demand; desirable: a sought-after speaker.
  • sought-after — that is in demand; desirable: a sought-after speaker.
  • sound change — any phonetic or phonological change in spoken language, for example the replacement of one speech sound with another, or the loss of a particular sound
  • south orange — a city in NE New Jersey.
  • spectrograph — a spectroscope for photographing or producing a representation of a spectrum.
  • speech organ — any part of the body, as the tongue, velum, diaphragm, or lungs, that participates, actively or passively, voluntarily or involuntarily, in the production of the sounds of speech.
  • sphenography — the art of writing in cuneiform characters.
  • steganograph — a piece of coded writing; cipher
  • stenographer — a person who specializes in taking dictation in shorthand.
  • stenographic — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stenophagous — (of an animal) feeding on a limited variety of foods (opposed to euryphagous).
  • stereography — the art of delineating the forms of solid bodies on a plane.
  • stranglehold — Wrestling. an illegal hold by which an opponent's breath is choked off.
  • tao te ching — the philosophical book in verse supposedly written by Lao-tzu.
  • teaching job — a position as a teacher
  • technography — the description and study of the arts and sciences in their geographical and ethnic distribution and historical development.
  • telautograph — a telegraphic device for reproducing handwriting, drawings, etc, the movements of an electromagnetically controlled pen at one end being transmitted along a line to a similar pen at the receiving end
  • telegraphone — an early magnetic sound-recording device for use with wire, tape, or disks.
  • thaumatogeny — the belief that the origin of life was the result of a miracle
  • the go-ahead — permission to proceed
  • the pentagon — a five-sided building in Arlington, Va., in which the main offices of the U.S. Department of Defense are located; hence, the U.S. military establishment
  • theatre-goer — a person who goes to the theater, especially often or habitually.
  • theatregoing — the act of regularly attending the theatre
  • theologaster — a person who pretends to be a theologian; a shallow or quack theologian
  • thermography — a technique for imitating an embossed appearance, as on business cards, stationery, or the like, by dusting printed areas with a powder that adheres only to the wet ink, and fusing the ink and powder to the paper by heat.
  • thoroughfare — a road, street, or the like, that leads at each end into another street.
  • thought-read — to read someone's mind or psychically know what someone's thoughts are
  • tollgatherer — a person who collects tolls, taxes, or other imposts.
  • turbo-charge — to equip (an internal-combustion engine) with a turbocharger.
  • turbocharged — with additional power from turbine
  • turbocharger — a supercharger that is driven by a turbine turned by exhaust gases from the engine.
  • videographer — a person who makes films with a video camera.
  • wagon-headed — of the form of a round arch or a semicylinder, like the cover of a wagon when stretched over the bows, as a ceiling or roof.
  • walking shoe — a sturdy comfortable shoe worn by hillwalkers, etc
  • webliography — a list of electronic documents, websites, or other resources available on the World Wide Web, especially those relating to a particular subject: a student's annotated webliography on Shakespeare.
  • weigh anchor — to raise a vessel's anchor or (of a vessel) to have its anchor raised in preparation for departure
  • west chicago — a town in NE Illinois.
  • woolgatherer — One who engages in woolgathering.
  • wrong-headed — wrong in judgment or opinion; misguided and stubborn; perverse.
  • xanthogenate — Xanthate.
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