
12-letter words containing h, e, g, o, a

  • gametophores — Plural form of gametophore.
  • gametophytes — Plural form of gametophyte.
  • gametophytic — (botany) Of or pertaining to a gametophyte plant.
  • gauge theory — a type of theory of elementary particles designed to explain the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions in terms of exchange of virtual particles
  • general shop — a shop that sells various types of goods
  • genethliacon — A birthday ode.
  • geographical — of or relating to geography.
  • geomechanics — the study and application of rock and soil mechanics
  • geotechnical — of or relating to practical applications of geological science in civil engineering, mining, etc.
  • geothermally — By geothermal means, especially by means of geothermal energy.
  • germanophile — a person who is friendly toward or admires or studies Germany or German culture.
  • germanophobe — a person who hates or fears Germany, Germans, or German culture.
  • get ahead of — to outdo or excel
  • get ahold of — to get in touch with
  • ghost estate — (esp in Ireland) a housing estate built during an economic boom but unfinished or unoccupied during a recession
  • giant hornet — any large, stinging paper wasp of the family Vespidae, as Vespa crabro (giant hornet) introduced into the U.S. from Europe, or Vespula maculata (bald-faced hornet or white-faced hornet) of North America.
  • glatt kosher — prepared for eating according to the dietary laws followed by Hasidic Jews, which differ somewhat from those followed by other observers of kashruth: glatt kosher meat.
  • glenohumeral — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the glenoid fossa and the humerus.
  • global reach — When people talk about the global reach of a company or industry, they mean its ability to have customers in many different parts of the world.
  • gnathostomes — Plural form of gnathostome.
  • goddaughters — Plural form of goddaughter.
  • gold therapy — administration of gold salts as a treatment for disease, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
  • golden share — a share in a company that controls at least 51% of the voting rights, esp one retained by the UK government in some privatization issues
  • good heavens — You say 'Good heavens!' or 'Heavens!' to express surprise or to emphasize that you agree or disagree with someone.
  • good-hearted — kind or generous; considerate; benevolent.
  • gopher snake — a bullsnake, Pituophis melanoleucus, of western North America, that invades burrows to prey on rodents.
  • gopher state — Minnesota (used as a nickname).
  • grace hopper — (person)   US Navy Rear Admiral Grace Brewster Hopper (1906-12-09 to 1992-01-01), née Grace Brewster Murray. Hopper is believed to have concieved the concept of the compiler with the A-0 in 1952. She also developed the first commercial high-level language, which eventually evolved into COBOL. She worked on the Mark I computer with Howard Aiken and with BINAC in 1949. She is credited with having coined the term "debug", and the adage "it is always easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission" (with various wordings), which has been the guiding principle in sysadmin decisions ever since. See also the entries debug and bug. Hopper is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. In 1994, the US Navy named a new ship, the guided-missile destroyer USS Hopper, after her.
  • grade school — an elementary school that has its pupils grouped or classified into grades.
  • grandmothers — Plural form of grandmother.
  • graph theory — the branch of mathematics dealing with linear graphs.
  • grapple shot — a grapnellike projectile fired from a gun and used as a hold for the end of a line in rescue operations or in kedging.
  • grass hockey — field hockey.
  • grasshoppers — Plural form of grasshopper.
  • gynantherous — having the stamens converted into pistils by the action of frost, disease, or insects.
  • haemogenesis — Haematopoiesis.
  • haemorrhages — Plural form of haemorrhage.
  • haemorrhagic — (chiefly, British) alternative spelling of hemorrhagic.
  • hagiocracies — Plural form of hagiocracy.
  • hagiographer — one of the writers of the Hagiographa.
  • hallucinogen — a substance that produces hallucinations.
  • halogen lamp — a gas-filled, high-intensity incandescent lamp having a tungsten filament and containing a small amount of a halogen, such as iodine, that vaporizes on heating and redeposits any evaporated tungsten particles back onto the filament: used especially in motion-picture projectors and automobile headlights.
  • halogenating — Present participle of halogenate.
  • halogenation — (chemistry) The reaction of a halogen with something, especially the replacement of a hydrogen atom of an organic compound with a halogen one.
  • hamming code — (algorithm)   Extra, redundant bits added to stored or transmitted data for the purposes of error detection and correction. Named after the mathematician Richard Hamming, Hamming codes greatly improve the reliability of data, e.g. from distant space probes, where it is impractical, because of the long transmission delay, to correct errors by requesting retransmission.
  • have a (good — to feel (strongly) inclined to
  • have a go at — attack verbally
  • have got sth — You use have got to say that someone has a particular thing, or to mention a quality or characteristic that someone or something has. In informal American English, people sometimes just use 'got'.
  • have it good — to be in comfortable circumstances
  • hazel grouse — a European woodland grouse, Tetrastes bonasia, somewhat resembling the North American ruffed grouse.
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