
15-letter words containing g, u, m, t, r

  • hydrometallurgy — the technique or process of extracting metals at ordinary temperatures by leaching ore with liquid solvents.
  • junggrammatiker — a group of linguists of the late 19th century who held that phonetic laws are universally valid and allow of no exceptions; neo-grammarians.
  • juxtaglomerular — (anatomy) Near, or adjoining a renal glomerulus.
  • largemouth bass — a North American freshwater game fish, Micropterus salmoides, having an upper jaw extending behind the eye and a broad, dark, irregular stripe along each side of the body. Compare smallmouth bass.
  • leptosporangium — (botany) A sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell.
  • linear argument — (theory)   A function argument which is used exactly once by the function. If the argument is used at most once then it is safe to inline the function and replace the single occurrence of the formal parameter with the actual argument expression. If the argument was used more than once this transformation would duplicate the argument expression, causing it to be evaluated more than once. If the argument is sure to be used at least once then it is safe to evaluate it in advance (see strictness analysis) whereas if the argument was not used then this would waste work and might prevent the program from terminating.
  • linguistic form — any meaningful unit of speech, as a sentence, phrase, word, morpheme, or suffix.
  • magnetic course — a course whose bearing is given relative to the magnetic meridian of the area.
  • mail user agent — (messaging)   (MUA) The program that allows the user to compose and read electronic mail messages. The MUA provides the interface between the user and the Message Transfer Agent. Outgoing mail is eventually handed over to an MTA for delivery while the incoming messages are picked up from where the MTA left it (although MUA's running on single-user machines may pick up mail using POP). Popular MUAs for Unix include elm, mush, pine, and RMAIL.
  • manual steering — Manual steering is steering in which the driver does all the work, without the help of mechanical power.
  • manual training — training in the various manual arts and crafts, as woodworking.
  • margaritiferous — yielding or wearing pearls
  • metallurgically — the technique or science of working or heating metals so as to give them certain desired shapes or properties.
  • methylene group — the bivalent organic group >CH 2 , derived from methane.
  • microcentrifuge — A centrifuge used in laboratories to separate materials from small samples (especially of biological material).
  • microtunnelling — a technique used to excavate tunnels mechanically for the laying of pipes
  • moreton bay bug — a flattish edible shellfish, Thenus orientalis, of Northern Australian waters
  • mother language — a language from which another language is descended; parent language.
  • motoring public — the population that drive road vehicles
  • mouthwateringly — In a mouthwatering manner.
  • multi-binprolog — (language)   A multi-threaded Linda-style parallel extension to BinProlog for Solaris 2.3. Version: 3.30.
  • multiprocessing — the simultaneous execution of two or more programs or instruction sequences by separate CPUs under integrated control.
  • mushroom growth — rapid increase or growth
  • negative number — a number that is less than 0
  • nitramino group — the univalent group –NHNO 2 .
  • nutmeg geranium — a southern African plant, Pelargonium fragrans, of the geranium family, having hairy leaves with scalloped margins and nutmeg-scented clusters of white flowers, of which the two upper petals are veined deep pink.
  • omnium gatherum — a miscellaneous collection.
  • omnium-gatherum — a miscellaneous collection.
  • pergamentaceous — (esp of plants) resembling parchment, whether in texture or composition
  • photofluorogram — a recording on photographic film of images produced by a fluoroscopic examination.
  • picture-framing — the job of framing photos, paintings etc
  • poultry farming — breeding and keeping fowl
  • product manager — sb who oversees product development
  • program counter — (hardware)   (PC) A register in the central processing unit that contains the addresss of the next instruction to be executed. After each instruction is fetched, the PC is automatically incremented to point to the following instruction. It is not normally manipulated like an ordinary register but instead, special instructions are provided to alter the flow of control by writing a new value to the PC, e.g. JUMP, CALL, RTS.
  • program picture — a motion picture produced on a low budget, usually shown as the second film of a double feature.
  • quantum gravity — a theory of the gravitational interaction that involves quantum mechanics to explain the force
  • regulation time — the standard duration of a sports game, before the addition of any extra time to determine a winner, etc
  • rhyming couplet — a pair of lines in poetry that rhyme and usually have the same rhythm
  • right of asylum — the right of alien fugitives to protection or nonextradition in a country or its embassy.
  • routeing domain — (networking)   (US "routing") A set of routers that exchange routeing information within an administrative domain.
  • semi-figurative — of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal: The word “head” has several figurative senses, as in “She's the head of the company.”. Synonyms: metaphorical, not literal, symbolic.
  • smoker's tongue — Pathology. leukoplakia in the mouth caused by irritation due to smoking.
  • south glamorgan — a county in SE Wales. 161 sq. mi. (416 sq. km).
  • stamping ground — a habitual or favorite haunt.
  • steering column — the shaft that connects the steering wheel to the steering gear assembly of an automotive vehicle.
  • stomping ground — a habitual or favorite haunt.
  • sturm und drang — a style or movement of German literature of the latter half of the 18th century: characterized chiefly by impetuosity of manner, exaltation of individual sensibility and intuitive perception, opposition to established forms of society and thought, and extreme nationalism.
  • summer triangle — a group of three first-magnitude stars (Deneb, Vega, and Altair) visible during the summer in the N skies
  • supergovernment — a centralized organization formed by a group of governments to enforce justice or maintain peace.
  • supporting film — a film that accompanies the main feature film in a film programme
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