
15-letter words containing e, o, a, n

  • chemotaxonomist — a specialist in the field of chemotaxonomy
  • chenopodiaceous — belonging to the Chenopodiaceae, formerly the goosefoot family, now considered part of the amaranth family of plants.
  • chewing tobacco — tobacco, in the form of a plug, usually flavored, for chewing rather than smoking.
  • chicken cholera — fowl cholera.
  • chief constable — A Chief Constable is the officer who is in charge of the police force in a particular county or area in Britain.
  • chile con carne — chili con carne
  • chili con carne — Chili con carne is a dish made from meat, with a thick sauce of tomatoes, and powdered or fresh chilies.
  • chimney swallow — another name for common swallow
  • chimney-pot hat — a high silk hat; top hat.
  • chloramphenicol — a broad-spectrum antibiotic used esp in treating typhoid fever and rickettsial infections: obtained from the bacterium Streptomyces venezuelae or synthesized. Formula: C11H12N2O5Cl2
  • chocolate brown — a dark brown
  • cholangiectasis — Dilation of the bile ducts.
  • cholinergically — in a cholinergic manner
  • chop and change — When people chop and change, they keep changing their minds about what to do or how to act.
  • chopped almonds — almonds cut into small pieces
  • choral speaking — recitation of poetry, dramatic pieces, etc. by a chorus of speakers
  • chorda tendinea — any of the tendons extending from the papillary muscles to the atrioventricular valves and preventing the valves from moving into the atria during ventricular contraction.
  • chromosome band — any of the transverse bands that appear on a chromosome after staining. The banding pattern is unique to each type of chromosome, allowing characterization
  • chronic disease — long-term illness
  • cinderella book — (publication)   "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", by John Hopcroft and Jeffrey Ullman, (Addison-Wesley, 1979). So called because the cover depicts a girl (putatively Cinderella) sitting in front of a Rube Goldberg device and holding a rope coming out of it. On the back cover, the device is in shambles after she has (inevitably) pulled on the rope. See also book titles.
  • cineangiography — the use of motion-picture recording to trace the passage of dye through blood vessels, for the diagnosis of heart and blood vessel disease
  • cinematographed — a motion-picture projector.
  • cinematographer — A cinematographer is a person who decides what filming techniques should be used during the shooting of a film.
  • cinematographic — a motion-picture projector.
  • cinemicrography — the making of a film through the lens of a microscope
  • cineradiography — the filming of motion pictures through a fluoroscope or x-ray machine.
  • circumforaneous — moving around or abroad; roaming from place to place
  • climate control — air conditioning in a building or vehicle
  • closed interval — an interval on the real line including its end points, as [0, 1], the set of reals between and including 0 and 1
  • closed-end loan — A closed-end loan is a loan such as an auto loan, with fixed terms, and where the money is lent all at once and paid back by a particular date.
  • coachwhip snake — a slender nonvenomous snake, Masticophis flagellum, of the US
  • cocktail lounge — A cocktail lounge is a room in a hotel, restaurant, or club where you can buy alcoholic drinks.
  • code management — source code management
  • codetermination — joint participation of management and employees or employees' trade union representatives in some decisions
  • coenzymatically — from a coenzymatic point of view
  • coffee granules — instant coffee in the form of grains
  • cognitive radio — a radio that can automatically alter frequency, power, modulation, etc, according to where it is located
  • coinstantaneity — the act of taking place at exactly the same moment
  • coinstantaneous — taking place at exactly the same moment
  • coleman lantern — a gasoline lantern that gives a bright light, used by campers
  • collecting bank — a bank that collects money from the account of the writer of a cheque on behalf of the person who has deposited the cheque into the bank
  • college station — a city in E central Texas.
  • collenchymatous — Relating to collenchyma.
  • colonial office — a government body that was set up to oversee the affairs of the British Empire colonies
  • colour sergeant — a sergeant who carries the regimental, battalion, or national colours, as in a colour guard
  • combat neurosis — battle fatigue.
  • come up against — If you come up against a problem or difficulty, you are faced with it and have to deal with it.
  • comfort blanket — a blanket that a young child is very attached to
  • comfortableness — (of clothing, furniture, etc.) producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease: a comfortable chair; comfortable shoes.
  • command economy — In a command economy, business activities and the use of resources are decided by the government, and not by market forces.
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