
14-letter words containing e, n, t, i, s

  • pre-assumption — something taken for granted; a supposition: a correct assumption. Synonyms: presupposition; hypothesis, conjecture, guess, postulate, theory.
  • pre-industrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • pre-inspection — the act of inspecting or viewing, especially carefully or critically: an inspection of all luggage on the plane.
  • pre-investment — the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
  • pre-university — an institution of learning of the highest level, having a college of liberal arts and a program of graduate studies together with several professional schools, as of theology, law, medicine, and engineering, and authorized to confer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Continental European universities usually have only graduate or professional schools.
  • preacquisition — the act of acquiring or gaining possession: the acquisition of real estate.
  • preanaesthetic — a drug administered prior to an anaesthetic
  • precious stone — a gem distinguished for its beauty and rarity, used in jewelry.
  • preconceptions — a conception or opinion formed beforehand.
  • predesignation — to designate beforehand.
  • predesignatory — in the terminology of Sir William Hamilton, (of a sign) affixed to a proposition or term to indicate quantity
  • predestinarian — of or relating to predestination.
  • predestination — an act of predestinating or predestining.
  • predestinative — predestinating; of the nature of or concerned with predestination
  • predeterminism — the belief that everything is predetermined
  • predictiveness — of or relating to prediction: losing one's predictive power.
  • predisposition — the fact or condition of being predisposed: a predisposition to think optimistically.
  • prepositioning — to position in advance or beforehand: to preposition troops in anticipated trouble spots.
  • prerevisionist — preceding revisionism
  • presentability — that may be presented.
  • presentational — of or relating to presentation.
  • presentimental — expressing a presentiment
  • presentiveness — (of a word) the state of being presentive
  • pressing plant — a manufacturing plant where phonograph records are produced by pressing in a mold or by stamping.
  • pressure point — a point on the skin that is extremely sensitive to pressure because of the presence of pressure-sensing organs.
  • pressurization — the process or act of pressurizing.
  • presupposition — to suppose or assume beforehand; take for granted in advance.
  • pretensionless — without pretension
  • pretransaction — the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.
  • price controls — government regulation of prices by establishing maximum price levels for goods or services, as during a period of inflation.
  • prime minister — the principal minister and head of government in parliamentary systems; chief of the cabinet or ministry: the British prime minister.
  • prince consort — a prince who is the husband of a reigning female sovereign.
  • principalities — a state ruled by a prince, usually a relatively small state or a state that falls within a larger state such as an empire.
  • printer's mark — a stamp or device, usually found on the copyright page, that identifies a book as the work of a particular printer.
  • printer's ream — a standard quantity of paper, consisting of 20 quires or 500 sheets (formerly 480 sheets), or 516 sheets (printer's ream or perfect ream)
  • printing house — a company engaged in the business of producing printed matter
  • printing press — a machine, as a cylinder press or rotary press, for printing on paper or the like from type, plates, etc.
  • pro-euthanasia — Also called mercy killing. the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.
  • proactiveness' — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • processing tax — a tax levied by the government at an intermediate stage in the production of goods.
  • procrastinated — to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • productiveness — having the power of producing; generative; creative: a productive effort.
  • profit-seeking — attempting to make a profit or financial gains
  • progenitorship — parenthood; the position of being a progenitor
  • progestational — prepared for pregnancy, as the lining of the uterus prior to menstruation or in the early stages of gestation itself; progravid.
  • progressionist — a person who believes in progress, as of humankind or society.
  • projectisation — the direction of aid to developing countries towards a specific project, without regard to wider issues or needs
  • proletarianism — the practices, attitudes, or social status of a proletarian.
  • proportionless — lacking proportion; disproportionate
  • protectiveness — having the quality or function of protecting: a protective covering.
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