
14-letter words containing e, n, t, i, s

  • persian carpet — a handwoven carpet or rug produced in Iran and characterized by fine warp and filling yarns, a usually tight, even pile made with the Sehna knot, and a variety of floral, foliate, animal, and avian designs woven in rich, harmonious colors.
  • persian violet — any of several plants belonging to the genus Exacum, native to the Old World, as E. affine, having glossy, ovate leaves, and fragrant, bluish flowers: cultivated as a houseplant.
  • persian walnut — English walnut.
  • pertinaciously — holding tenaciously to a purpose, course of action, or opinion; resolute.
  • petrol station — A petrol station is a garage by the side of the road where petrol is sold and put into vehicles.
  • phallocentrism — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • phonochemistry — the branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical effects of sound and ultrasonic waves
  • phosphoprotein — a protein, as casein or ovalbumin, in which one or more hydroxyl groups of serine, threonine, or tyrosine are hydroxylated.
  • photoluminesce — to produce photoluminescence
  • photosensitive — sensitive to light or similar radiation.
  • photosensitize — to make (a material) photosensitive, as by the application of a photosensitive emulsion.
  • photosynthesis — the complex process by which carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganic salts are converted into carbohydrates by green plants, algae, and certain bacteria, using energy from the sun and chlorophyll.
  • photosynthetic — the complex process by which carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganic salts are converted into carbohydrates by green plants, algae, and certain bacteria, using energy from the sun and chlorophyll.
  • pie in the sky — pie1 (def 8).
  • pigeon-chested — having a narrow chest that sticks out at the front in an unusual way
  • pimento cheese — a processed cheese made from Neufchâtel, cream cheese, Cheddar, or other cheese, flavored with chopped pimientos.
  • pink elephants — a facetious name applied to hallucinations caused by drunkenness
  • pipeline stall — pipeline break
  • piston-engined — powered by a piston engine
  • planning stage — the stage of a project when it is still being planned
  • planta genista — a representation of a sprig of broom: used as a badge of the Plantagenets.
  • plotting sheet — a blank chart having only a compass rose and latitude lines, longitude lines, or both, marked and annotated, as required, by a navigator.
  • pneumonologist — an expert or specialist in the respiratory system
  • poetic license — license or liberty taken by a poet, prose writer, or other artist in deviating from rule, conventional form, logic, or fact, in order to produce a desired effect.
  • point d'esprit — a bobbinet or tulle with oval or square dots woven in an irregular pattern.
  • point estimate — the process of determining a single estimated value (point estimate) of a parameter of a given population.
  • point pleasant — a borough in E New Jersey.
  • polar distance — codeclination.
  • police station — police headquarters for a particular district, from which police officers are dispatched and to which persons under arrest are brought.
  • polysynthesism — the synthesis of various elements.
  • pontius pilate — Pontius [pon-shuh s,, -tee-uh s] /ˈpɒn ʃəs,, -ti əs/ (Show IPA), flourished early 1st century a.d, Roman procurator of Judea a.d. 26–36?: the final authority concerned in the condemnation and execution of Jesus Christ.
  • pontus euxinus — a sea between Europe and Asia, bordered by Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, and the Russian Federation. 164,000 sq. mi. (424,760 sq. km).
  • position angle — the direction in which one object lies relative to another on the celestial sphere, measured in degrees from north in an easterly direction
  • position paper — a formal, usually detailed written statement, especially regarding a single issue, that articulates a position, viewpoint, or policy, as of a government, organization, or political candidate.
  • positive organ — a small pipe organ of the Middle Ages.
  • post-cartesian — of or relating to Descartes, his mathematical methods, or his philosophy, especially with regard to its emphasis on logical analysis and its mechanistic interpretation of physical nature.
  • post-modernism — Post-modernism is a late twentieth century approach in art, architecture, and literature which typically mixes styles, ideas, and references to modern society, often in an ironic way.
  • post-modernist — A post-modernist is a writer, artist, or architect who is influenced by post-modernism.
  • postconception — happening after conception
  • postconvention — taking place after a convention
  • postdepression — pertaining to or denoting the period after an economic depression
  • postdeterminer — a member of a subclass of English adjectival words, including ordinal and cardinal numbers, that may be placed after an article or other determiner and before a descriptive adjective, as first and three in the first three new chapters.
  • postexperience — taking place after a particular experience
  • postliberation — of, relating to, or occurring in the period after the liberation of a city, state, nation, etc
  • postmillennial — of or relating to the period following the millennium.
  • postretirement — relating to or occurring in the period after retirement
  • pound sterling — pound2 (def 3).
  • power industry — all the people and activities involved in providing power (gas, electricity, etc) to homes and businesses
  • power steering — an automotive steering system in which the engine's power is used to supplement the driver's effort in turning the steering wheel.
  • practice nurse — a nurse who works in a medical practice or surgery
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