
14-letter words containing e, n, l, o

  • telephone bank — an array of telephones used in large-scale telephoning operations, as for a political campaign.
  • telephone book — a book, directory, or the like, usually containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers in a city or other area, together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
  • telephone call — contact by phone
  • telephone line — phone connection
  • telephone pole — a utility pole for supporting telephone wires.
  • telephone wire — a wire that transmits telegraph and telephone signals
  • telephonically — of, relating to, or happening by means of a telephone system.
  • telephoto lens — a lens constructed so as to produce a relatively large image with a focal length shorter than that required by an ordinary lens producing an image of the same size: used to photograph small or distant objects.
  • teleprocessing — computerized processing and transmission of data over the telephone or other long-distance communications systems.
  • television set — appliance that receives tv signals
  • telomerization — polymerization in the presence of a chain transfer agent to yield a series of products of low molecular weight
  • ten-acre block — a block of subdivided farming land, usually within commuting distance of a city, that provides a semirural way of life
  • ten-gallon hat — a broad-brimmed hat with a high crown, worn especially in the western and southwestern U.S.; cowboy hat.
  • tenpin bowling — Tenpin bowling is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a narrow track toward a group of wooden objects and try to knock down as many of them as possible.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminal point — the final destination or station of a bus or rail journey
  • terminological — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • terotechnology — a branch of technology that utilizes management, financial, and engineering expertise in the installation and efficient operation and maintenance of equipment and machinery
  • testimonialize — to honor (someone) by giving or doing something testimonial.
  • texas longhorn — one of a breed of long-horned beef cattle of the southwestern U.S., developed from cattle introduced into North America from Spain and valued for disease resistance, fecundity, and a historical association with the old West: now rare.
  • the capitoline — the most important of the Seven Hills of Rome. The temple of Jupiter was on the southern summit and the ancient citadel on the northern summit
  • the final four — the last four teams remaining in a tournament
  • the full monty — something in its entirety
  • the guillotine — a device for beheading persons, consisting of a weighted blade set between two upright posts
  • the honourable — a title of respect placed before a name: employed before the names of various officials in the English-speaking world, as a courtesy title in Britain for the children of viscounts and barons and the younger sons of earls, and in Parliament by one member speaking of another
  • the long march — a journey of about 10 000 km (6000 miles) undertaken (1934–35) by some 100 000 Chinese Communists when they were forced out of their base in Kiangsi in SE China. They made their way to Shensi in NW China; only about 8000 survived the rigours of the journey
  • the loony left — the extreme left
  • the palaeocene — the Palaeocene epoch or rock series
  • the palaeogene — the Palaeogene period or system
  • the paranormal — paranormal happenings generally
  • the soo canals — the two ship canals linking Lakes Superior and Huron. There is a canal on the Canadian and on the US side of the rapids of the St Mary's River
  • the unemployed — people who are out of work
  • the unknowable — the ultimate reality that underlies all phenomena but cannot be known
  • theologoumenon — a theological assertion or statement not derived from divine revelation
  • theriogenology — the branch of veterinary medicine encompassing all aspects of reproduction.
  • thermoanalysis — thermal analysis.
  • thermoelectron — an electron emitted by an incandescent material.
  • thermotolerant — (of plants) able to tolerate, but not thriving in, high temperatures
  • thoughtfulness — showing consideration for others; considerate.
  • thread rolling — the production of a screw thread by a rolling swaging process using hardened profiled rollers. Rolled threads are stronger than threads machined by a cutting tool
  • tin difluoride — stannous fluoride.
  • to close ranks — If you say that the members of a group close ranks, you mean that they are supporting each other only because their group is being criticized.
  • to lend a hand — If you lend someone a hand, you help them.
  • to lend an ear — If you lend an ear to someone or their problems, you listen to them carefully and sympathetically.
  • to live in sin — If you say that a man and a woman are living in sin, you mean that they are living together as a couple although they are not married.
  • to overflowing — If a place or container is filled to overflowing, it is so full of people or things that no more can fit in.
  • to ring a bell — If you say that something rings a bell, you mean that it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is.
  • toilet trained — If a child is toilet trained, he or she has learned to use the toilet.
  • tolerance zone — an designated area where prostitutes can work without being arrested
  • toluidine blue — a dark green powder, C15H16N3SCl·ZnCl2, used in dyeing textiles, as a biological stain, as a coagulant in medicine, etc.
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