
14-letter words containing e, n, l, o

  • serum globulin — the blood serum component consisting of proteins with a larger molecular weight than serum albumin
  • setting lotion — a perfumed solution of gum or a synthetic resin in a solvent, used in hairdressing to make a set last longer
  • seville orange — a globose, reddish-yellow, bitter or sweet, edible citrus fruit.
  • shallow-minded — lacking intellectual or mental depth or subtlety; superficial
  • shield volcano — a broad volcano built up from the repeated nonexplosive eruption of basalt to form a low dome or shield, usually having a large caldera at the summit
  • shooting lodge — a country house providing accommodation for a shooting party during the shooting season
  • shortleaf pine — a pine, Pinus echinata, of the southern U.S., having short, flexible leaves.
  • shoshone falls — waterfall on the Snake River, in S Ida.: c. 200 ft (61 m)
  • shoulder joint — the joint at the junction of the forelimb with the pectoral girdle
  • sidereal month — Also called calendar month. any of the twelve parts, as January or February, into which the calendar year is divided.
  • sierra leonean — an independent republic in W Africa: member of the Commonwealth of Nations; formerly a British colony and protectorate. 27,925 sq. mi. (72,326 sq. km). Capital: Freetown.
  • signature loan — a loan requiring no collateral.
  • silent auction — an auction at which previously submitted written bids of prospective buyers are opened and compared, with each item being sold to the highest bidder.
  • silicon valley — the area in northern California, southwest of San Francisco in the Santa Clara valley region, where many of the high-technology design and manufacturing companies in the semiconductor industry are concentrated.
  • silver protein — any of several colloidal silver solutions containing silver and a protein, as albumin: formerly used in treating inflammation of mucous membranes
  • silver-spooned — born into, of, or relating to a wealthy upper-class family
  • silver-tongued — persuasive; eloquent: a silver-tongued orator.
  • simple protein — a protein that yields only amino acids and no other major products when hydrolyzed (contrasted with conjugated protein).
  • simpson's rule — a method for approximating the value of a definite integral by approximating, with parabolic arcs, the area under the curve defined by the integrand.
  • simultaneously — existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent: simultaneous movements; simultaneous translation.
  • singing lesson — taught class in how to sing
  • single bedroom — a bedroom that is intended to accommodate a single bed and occupancy of one person
  • single honours — a British university degree course that involves study in a single area
  • skeleton draft — a basic or minimum draft or outline
  • skeleton staff — the minimum staff needed by a company during a time where most staff do not normally work, such as a holiday, weekend, etc
  • slalom descent — a winding descent
  • sld resolution — (logic, programming)   (Selected, Linear, Definite) Linear resolution with a selection function for definite sentences. A definite sentence has exactly one positive literal in each clause and this literal is selected to be resolved upon, i.e. replaced in the goal clause by the conjunction of negative literals which form the body of the clause.
  • sleep movement — the folding together of leaflets, petals, etc, that occurs at night in certain plants, such as the prayer plant (Maranta leuconura)
  • sleeping porch — a porch enclosed with glass or screening or a room with open sides or a row of windows used for sleeping in the open air.
  • slide mountain — a mountain in SE New York: highest peak of the Catskill Mountains. 4204 feet (1280 meters).
  • slide trombone — a musical wind instrument consisting of a cylindrical metal tube expanding into a bell and bent twice in a U shape, usually equipped with a slide (slide trombone)
  • sliding vector — a vector having specified magnitude and lying on a given line.
  • smokeless zone — an area designated by the local authority where only smokeless fuels are permitted
  • snow blindness — the usually temporary dimming of the sight caused by the glare of reflected sunlight on snow.
  • snowflake baby — a baby born following the transfer of a surplus embryo produced during the in-vitro fertilization of one woman to the womb of another woman who was not a cell donor
  • soba (noodles) — Japanese noodles containing buckwheat flour
  • social drinker — a person who drinks alcoholic beverages usually in the company of others and is in control of his or her drinking.
  • social evening — a social gathering for the purpose of promoting companionship, communal activities, etc
  • social network — a network of friends, colleagues, and other personal contacts: Strong social networks can encourage healthy behaviors.
  • social science — the study of society and social behavior.
  • sockeye salmon — an important food fish, Oncorhynchus nerka, inhabiting the North Pacific.
  • soil mechanics — the branch of civil engineering that deals with the mechanical behavior of soil and similar materials when they are compressed or sheared or when liquids flow through them.
  • solar calendar — a calendar whose dates are based on the position of the earth and its proximity to the sun
  • soldering iron — an instrument for melting and applying solder.
  • solicitousness — anxious or concerned (usually followed by about, for, etc., or a clause): solicitous about a person's health.
  • solomon's seal — any of several plants belonging to the genus Polygonatum, of the lily family, having a thick rootstock bearing seallike scars, greenish-yellow flowers, and red or blue berries.
  • somali current — a current of the Indian Ocean, flowing northward along the coast of Somalia in summer and southwestward the rest of the year.
  • something else — sth different
  • something like — of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.
  • son et lumiere — sound-and-light show.
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