
11-letter words containing e, b, a

  • round table — conference, meeting
  • round-table — noting or pertaining to a conference, discussion, or deliberation in which each participant has equal status, equal time to present views, etc.: round-table discussions.
  • rubber band — a narrow, circular or oblong band of rubber, used for holding things together, as papers or a box and its lid.
  • rubber game — any game played to break a tie resulting when each side has won the same number of games
  • rubefacient — causing redness of the skin, as a medicinal application.
  • rubefaction — the act or process of making red, especially with a rubefacient.
  • rumble seat — Also called, British, dickey. a seat recessed into the back of a coupe or roadster, covered by a hinged lid that opens to form the back of the seat when in use.
  • runner bean — string bean (defs 1, 2).
  • saarbrucken — a state in W Germany, in the Saar River valley. 991 sq. mi. (2569 sq. km). Capital: Saarbrücken.
  • sabine lake — a shallow lake on the boundary between Texas and Louisiana, formed by a widening of the Sabine River. About 17 miles (27 km) long; 7 miles (11 km) wide.
  • sabrmetrics — (used with a singular verb) the computerized measurement of baseball statistics.
  • sacred ibis — an African ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica, having a black, naked head and neck and white and black plumage, venerated by the ancient Egyptians.
  • saddle back — any of various animals having markings on the back that resemble a saddle, as a male harp seal.
  • safe harbor — a harbor considered safe for a ship, as in wartime or during a storm at sea.
  • safe-blower — a person who uses explosives to open safes and rob them
  • safety belt — seat belt.
  • safety bolt — a bolt or lock on a door or gate that cannot be moved from the outside
  • sailboarder — windsurfer
  • saleability — subject to or suitable for sale; readily sold: The books were sent back by the store in salable condition.
  • salmonberry — the salmon-colored, edible fruit of a raspberry, Rubus spectabilis, of the Pacific coast of North America.
  • salvageable — the act of saving a ship or its cargo from perils of the seas.
  • sample book — a number of pieces of fabric, wallpaper, etc fastened together at one edge, for people to examine when trying to choose which example to buy
  • san gabriel — a city in SW California, near Los Angeles.
  • satirizable — able to be satirized or ridiculed
  • satisfiable — to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); give full contentment to: The hearty meal satisfied him.
  • sauce bercy — Bercy.
  • sauerbraten — a pot roast of beef, marinated before cooking in a mixture of vinegar, sugar, and seasonings.
  • saul bellowSaul, 1915–2005, U.S. novelist, born in Canada: Nobel Prize in Literature 1976.
  • scabbedness — the state or condition of being scabbed; scabbiness
  • scaberulous — tending to be scabrous or slightly rough to the touch
  • scarabaeist — a person who studies the beetle family Scarabaeidae
  • scarabaeoid — resembling a scarab.
  • schiff base — the product of the chemical association of an aldehyde with a primary amine
  • scuba diver — sb who dives underwater
  • sea bathing — the activity of swimming in the sea
  • sea biscuit — ship biscuit; hardtack.
  • sea blubber — a large jellyfish, Cyanea capillata.
  • sea cabbage — a brown alga, Hedophyllum sessile, of the North Pacific, characterized by a compact mass of fronds resembling a cabbage.
  • sealed book — something beyond understanding and therefore unknown.
  • sealed-beam — a headlight in which the reflector and lens are hermetically sealed together with the filament in a single unit.
  • seam bowler — a fast bowler who makes the ball bounce on its seam so that it will change direction
  • second base — the second in order of the bases from home plate.
  • senate bill — a proposed new law introduced for debate before the upper chamber of the legislature in, for example, the US, Canada, Australia, etc
  • sennacherib — died 681 b.c, king of Assyria 705–681.
  • serbo-croat — Serbo-Croat is one of the languages spoken in the former Yugoslavia.
  • serviceable — capable of or being of service; useful.
  • shacklebone — the wrist
  • shaftesburyAnthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of, 1621–83, English statesman.
  • sharpbender — an organization that has been underperforming its competitors but suddenly becomes more successful, often as a result of new management or changes in its business strategy
  • shcherbakov — a former name (1946–57) of Andropov.
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