
14-letter words containing e, a, t, u

  • jump the track — to go suddenly off the rails
  • junior partner — a partner in a law firm or financial organisation who has less responsibility than a senior partner
  • just like that — suddenly
  • justinian code — the body of Roman law that was codified and promulgated under Justinian I.
  • juvenilization — The act or process of juvenilizing.
  • juxtamedullary — (anatomy) next to the edge of the medulla (of the kidney).
  • kaieteur falls — a river in central Guyana: (Kaieteur Falls) one of highest waterfalls in the world at 741 feet (226 meters). 100 miles (161 km) long.
  • kaieteur-falls — a river in central Guyana: (Kaieteur Falls) one of highest waterfalls in the world at 741 feet (226 meters). 100 miles (161 km) long.
  • kaiserslautern — a city in S Rhineland-Palatinate, in SW Germany.
  • karitane nurse — a nurse trained in the care of young babies and their mothers according to the principles of the Plunket Society
  • kastrop-rauxel — Castrop-Rauxel.
  • keep a lookout — If someone keeps a lookout, especially on a boat, they look around all the time in order to make sure there is no danger.
  • khirbet qumran — an archaeological site in W Jordan, near the NW coast of the Dead Sea: Dead Sea Scrolls found here 1947.
  • krolewska huta — former name of Chorzów.
  • kuznetsk basin — an industrial region in the S Russian Federation in Asia: coal fields.
  • laetare sunday — the fourth Sunday of Lent when the introit begins with “ Laetare Jerusalem ” (Rejoice ye, Jerusalem).
  • lake neuchâtel — a lake in W Switzerland: the largest lake wholly in Switzerland. Area: 216 sq km (83 sq miles)
  • lamb's lettuce — corn salad.
  • language death — the complete displacement of one language by another in a population of speakers.
  • langue de chat — a flat sweet finger-shaped biscuit
  • lanterne rouge — a notional award given to the competitor who finishes last in a cycle race
  • last judgement — In the Christian religion, the Last Judgement is the last day of the world when God will judge everyone who has died and decide whether they will go to Heaven or Hell.
  • late check-out — A late check-out at a hotel is an arrangement which allows a guest to check out later than the normal time.
  • laughter lines — Laughter lines are the same as laugh lines.
  • laundry basket — container for clothes and linen
  • laurent series — a power series in which the negative as well as the positive powers appear.
  • leaf butterfly — any of various butterflies of the genus Kallima, of southern Asia, the East Indies, and Australia, having wings that resemble dead leaves.
  • leafcutter ant — any of various South American ants of the genus Atta that cut pieces of leaves and use them as fertilizer for the fungus on which they feed
  • leafcutter bee — any of various solitary bees of the genus Megachile that nest in soil or rotten wood, constructing the cells in which they lay their eggs from pieces of leaf
  • leather-lunged — speaking or capable of speaking in a loud, resonant voice, especially for prolonged periods: The leather-lunged senator carried on the filibuster for 18 hours.
  • lecythidaceous — relating to the Lecythidaceae family of large trees, native to tropical South America and Madagascar
  • left-hand buoy — a distinctive buoy marking the side of a channel regarded as the left or port side.
  • legal document — a document concerning a legal matter; a document drawn up by a lawyer
  • leisure retail — Leisure retail is used to refer to retail outlets that attract shoppers to spend some of their free time browsing and shopping.
  • leptodactylous — having slender toes or fingers.
  • letter quality — of or producing printed characters similar in quality and clarity to typewritten characters
  • letter-quality — (of computer printers and their output) pertaining to an appearance equal in legibility and resolution to copy typed on an electric typewriter: A letter-quality printer produces sharper copy than a dot-matrix model.
  • leucocythaemia — leukaemia
  • leucocytopenia — leucopenia
  • leukocytoblast — the precursor cell to a mature leukocyte
  • leukocytopenia — a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood.
  • lieutenantship — the office of a lieutenant
  • lignosulfonate — a brown powder consisting of a sulfonate salt made from waste liquor of the sulfate pulping process of soft wood: used in concrete, leather tanning, as an additive in oil-well drilling mud, and as a source of vanillin.
  • little russian — former name for one of the Ruthenian people or their dialect of Ukrainian.
  • loan guarantee — an undertaking by a government to pay a debt if the borrower defaults
  • logic emulator — A system of FPGAs, programmable interconnect and software which automatically configures itself into an operating prototype of a large-scale logic design, such as a microprocessor. An emulated design can be connected into the target system and really operated and tested before the design is made into an integrated circuit.
  • longleat house — an Elizabethan mansion near Warminster in Wiltshire, built (from 1568) by Robert Smythson for Sir John Thynne; the grounds, landscaped by Capability Brown, now contain a famous safari park
  • louis quatorze — noting or pertaining to the style of architecture, furnishings, and decoration prevailing in France in the late 17th century, characterized by increasingly classicizing tendencies, and by an emphasis on dignity rather than comfort.
  • lower tunguska — one of three rivers in Russia, in central Siberia, that is a tributary of the Yenisei and is 2690 km (1670 miles) long
  • lugger topsail — a fore-and-aft topsail used above a lugsail.
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